The Ludington Daily News from Ludington, Michigan (2024)

PAGE TWO THE LUDINGTON DAILY NEWS, LUDINGTON, MICHIGAN In the Local News Mr. and Mrs. Derler Entertain Artists Following Ludington concert given Wednesday cvening by Elizabeth Humphrey soprano, Bernard Izzo, baritone, and their accompanist Ralph Dodds, pianistcomposer, the artists were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.

Derler, 105 South Washington avenue. A social hour was enjoyed and Mrs. Derler served refreshments from a table centered an rangement of red geraniums. Invited guests included Miss Humphrey, Mr. Izzo, Mr.

Dodds, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Green, Mr.

and Mrs. Irving Prescott, Mrs. Anna Palm. Mr. and Mrs.

C. G. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Knose, Mrs.

Robert. A. Ostrander, Mrs. Tom Alway, Miss Elizabeth Dickey and 1 Joseph Werner. Miss Humphrey, Mr.

Izzo and Mr. Dodds were guests of the board of directors of Ludington Community concert association at dinner preceding the concert, with Mr. Prescott, concert master, host. "The artists Jeft Ludington Wednesday cvening, Miss Humphrey to keep a business appointment in Detroit and Mr. T77.0 and Mr.

Dodds to go to Chicago. Senior Girls of County to Be Guests of AAUW Senior girls of Ludinglon, St. mon's, Scottville, Custer and Freesoil high schools and their mothers will be guests of Ludington branch, American Association of University Women, at the annual student reception to be held at 8 p. m. Monday, Oct.

17, at Guild hall of Grace Episcopal church, 204 North Harrison street. Speaker for the evening will be Miss Audrey K. Wilder, dean of women at Albion college and a member of American Association of University Women who has served that organization as. state historian and chairman the committee on status of women, and is now a member of the committee on status of women. Her experiences with girls and college problems as dean of women of both Albion and Bowling Green State university in Ohio and as a former president of the Ohio association of college deans, promises a worthwhile discussion.

Miss Katherine Newberg and Miss Veronica Ignasiak will be general co-chairmen of the event sponsored every fall to acquaint girls of Mason county with the advantages, expenses and problems of a college education. Mrs. W. S. Butler will be in charge of serving refreshments, assisted by Mesdames John Maskal, L.

N. Carmouche, Eugene Holsworth, B. F. Gregory, Palmer A. Nestander, Lester VandenBerg, Carrie Corbett and Miss Ellen Palm.

Hostess committee for the evening includes Mrs. A. Allison Amstutz, chairman, assisted by Mesdames T. H. Caldwell, R.

G. Chadwick, Don J. Curzon, James Morgan, Clay F. Olmstead Stedman C. Rohn, A.

Schoenberger and Dorothy Fox. Miss Kathryn Stanford and Mrs. Kenneth Stephens of Scottville will greet the guests as they arrive at Drama Department Opens Fall Season Drama department of Woman's Literary club had its first meeting of the year Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. Warren Ray Cartier, 509 East Court street, with Mrs. T.

H. Caldwell co-hostess. Mrs. Cartier opened the meeting, outlining plans and making sug. gestions for future programs.

Mrs. Caldwell, co-chairman for the year, discussed hostesses and programs for the coming months. After the business session a program delighting members and guests was given by Mrs. Walter H. Pleiss in a travelogue of a recent trip which she and Mr.

Pleiss made to the Hawaiian islands. Mrs. Pleiss not only sparked her account with anecdotes and humor, but showed many pictures and mementos of the islands, Refreshments were served from a table centered with a bowl of salmon colored dahlias on a lace cloth. Mrs. Homer C.

Hansen and Mrs. S. B. Reynolds poured. Guests were Mrs.

Willard P. Carr, Mrs. Corwill Jackson, Mrs. Raymond Hermann. Mrs.

Harold R. Gwinn, Mrs. Edwin Shelby and Miss E. K. Longley and Miss Vera Starke.

Members present were Mesdames Pleiss, Reynolds, Hansen, A. E. Rasmussen, A. R. Vestling.

John B. Parsly, Edgar Schwaibold, B. F. Gregory, J. L.

Boone, P. C. Hansen, K. B. Matthews, H.

B. Hoffman, Frank R. Ashbacker, H. M. Hallett, C.

C. Caswell, Bernard Robertson, Anna Palm, and Caldwell and Cartier, hostesses. Next meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 8, at the home of Mrs. Frank R.

Ashbacker with Mrs. H. B. Hoffman co-hostess. Guild hall.

Miss Dorothy Fitch will assist in introducing the girls. Twenty Attend Club Meeting Twenty members were present at a mecting of Lake Shore Study club at the home of Mrs. Fred S. Larson, 315 North Gaylord avenue Tuesday evening. Three guests of the evening were Mrs.

Theodore Newhoff, Miss Carole Lagesen and Miss Frances Miller. Following a business session conducted by Mrs. Earl Gillis, president, Mrs. Jack Abrahamson Mrs. Irvin Clark, lesson leaders, presented Miss Lagesen, technician at Paulina Stearns hospital, who explained the work of a technician, using original and comprehensive charts to explain her work.

Mrs. Larson served two-course refreshments. Next meeting will be Oct. 25 at the home of Mrs. L.

M. Baldwin, 108 South Washington avenue. Mrs. J. L.

Davis will be lesson leader. Democratic Women Meet at Ziegler Home Mason County Democratic Woman's club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Donald Ziegler at Crystal lake. A business session was conducted by Mrs. Ziegler chairman.

At close of the business session Mrs. Ziegler introduced Mrs. Arthur Hansen, Democratic chairman of Ninth Congressional district committee, who installed newly elected officers of the club. Officers installed were Mrs. Raymond Gunberg vice chairman, Mrs.

William G. Anderson recording secretary, Mrs. Robert Jr. corresponding secretary and Mrs. Lida treasurer.

Following the installation ceremony, Mrs. Hansen congratulated retiring officers on their accomplishments, emphasizing portance of elections and importance of women participating in politics. Announcement was made of the Ninth Congressional district Demnocratic dinner to be held in kegon, Oct. 29, with Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee as guest of honor. Imported china and silver from England graced the table from which buffet refreshments were served by the hostess.

November meeting of the club will be at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the home of Mrs. Hansen.

Mrs. Lorenzo Nelson of Baldwin will be speaker. Pinochle Party Sponsored by Club Four tables of pinochle were played at a recent card party sponsored by Ludington Townsend club. Mrs. Gladys Fisher and George Wright received high and Mrs.

Anna White and Arthur Peterson second. RUMMAGE SALE Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority ACTIVITIES ROOM ST. SIMON'S SCHOOL 9 a.m. SATURDAY, OCT. 15 LADIES! Are you having difficulties with runs in your nyIon hosiery? If so, why not try the GUARANTEED WILKNIT Hosiery? See these at ELY'S HOME MART 2 miles east of Ludington Tel.

7077-J THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1955 Officers Chosen by Mission Group Women's Missionary society of Emanuel Lutheran church met Wednesday afternoon at. Luther hall. Election of officers was held with Mrs. Ernest Johnson re-elected president for the coming year. Her staff of officers includes Mrs.

Palmer A. Nestander vice president, Mrs. Eleanor Wisen secretary, Mrs. C. A.

Peterson treasurer, Mrs. Fred Lindquist dime book secretary, Mrs. Esther Hall boxes of blessing secretary. Anton Johnson Mission Tidings retary and Mrs. Herbert Carlson my missionary for a day secretary.

The mecting opened with a call to worship by Mrs. Ernest. Johnson president, followed by singing of "A Charge to Keep I Have." Mrs. Nestander, program chairman, announced the theme "A Chosen Instrument." The objective was to learn more about the board of American missions, this being in four parts, the ministry of Augustant Lutheran church in establishing new missions, Negro missions, Mexican missions and Jewish missions. Taking part were Mesdames Pcterson, Gerald Heslipen, Albert Vogel and Oliver Olson.

Mrs. Arthur Johnson gave 81 reading on evangelism. Mrs. Theodore Jacobson and Mrs. Oliver Olson were appointed to audit the books.

The meeting closed with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Nestander, pastor. Refreshments were served from two long tables decorated with fali flowers. Committee included Mesdames Anton Johnson, Arthur Johnson, Roy Johnson and Ernest Johnson.

Next meeting will be held Sunday evening, Nov. 27, when annual missionary prayer day will be ohserved. Program committee for the observance will be Mesdames Peterson, chairman, Frank Carlson and Elmer J. Nelson. MIZPAH CLASS HOLDS PARTY Mizpah Bible class of Church of the Nazarene held al Hallowe'en party Tuesday evening at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Bigsby in Riverton township. The house was decorated elaborately in the Hallowe'en theme. Devotions were presented by Maurice H. Malliett, followed by prayer by the Rev.

Mr. John R. Hieftje. A business session was ducted by Mrs. O.

Grant. Schafer. A favorable report was given on work of caravans. Plans were made for giving a Thanksgiving basket and Mrs. Gibson, Mrs.

Joseph Shue and the Rev. Mr. Hieftje were named 011 a committee to complete the project. Mrs. Gibson was in charge of games.

Refreshments in Halloween motif were served from a Jack-0'Lantern lighted table. Mother Receives Word of Promotion Mrs. Ida Murawski of 302 First street has received word of the promotion of her son Edward Murawski to the rank of private first class from the rank of private. His address is Pfc. Edward Murawski, 6162 Meandering road.

Ft. Worth 14, Texas. RUMMAGE SALE at the COMMUNITY CHEST Saturday, Oct. 15 at 9 a.m. GOOD BARGAINS! Miss Faith Elise Kraft Weds John M.

Roehrig Miss Faith Elise Kraft. daugh-: ter of Mrs. Gordon M. Kraft of 302 North Lake Shore drive. hecame the bride of John Rochrig, son of P.

Rochrig of! 303. North Gaylord, avenue Satur-; day afternoon St. Simon's rectory with the Rev. Fr. Joseph Malewitz solemnizing the marriage in a double ring service.

Miss Lois Jean Switzer of Bay City. cousin of the bride, was maid and Philip J. Rochrig of Rockford. WaS his brother's best man. The bride was attired in navy crystalene afternoon frock with a square neckline with white ruffled trim and having a fitted hipling yoke from which her skirt flared in soft shirring.

She wore A navy velvet hat with 3 1iny veil and other accessories in navy. Her! only jewelry was 8 single strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. tier bridal flowers were pink and white carnations in a colonial: bouquet. Miss Lois Jean Switzer, maid of honor, wore a blue faille afternoon dress fashioned with a flared skirt. and bolero jacket.

Her hat and accessories were grey. She i Miss Norma Genter Honored at Shower Miss Norma Jean Genter. whose marriage to flarold Sherman will take place Oct. 29, was honored recently at a bridal shower. Mrs.

Donald Johnson and Mrs. Fred Petersen, hostesses, were assisted by Mrs. Donald Peterson. The party was given at the Johnson home a1 705 East Ludington avenue. Flea WitS played with prizes awarded to Miss Genter and Mrs.

Arthur Sherman. Gifts were presented to the honored guest. and refreshments were served by the hostesses. Invited guests included Mesdames Aage Jensen and Charles Jensen of Muskegon. Mrs.

Raynard Anderson of Freesoil. Mesdames Sherman, Raymond Genter, Richard Genter. Edwin Soneral, Carl Soneral, Carl Soneral Robert Soneral. Jack Petersen, Donald Petersen, Harold Beale, Peter Wirksus. Amelia Beyer.

Albert Christoffersen, George Skowronski and Misses Lois Soneral, Elizabeth Jensen and Joanne Jorgenson and Miss Genter, honoree. LADIES WANTED to earn money in spare time2 to 3 hours in the evening.demonstrating plastics, toys and gift items on party plan. Write Box 315, route 1 Ludington-or phone 7111-M. carried a colonial bouquet of blue and white carnations. A wedding supper was served at Hansen's diningroom.

Mrs. Lars W. Switzer of Bay City. aunt of the bride, assisted in cutting and serving the tiered wedding cake after the first piece had been cut by the bridal couple. Present at the ceremony and wedding supper were Philip J.

Roehrig of Rockford, Dr. and Mrs. Lars W. Switzer, Miss Lois Jean Switzer and Robert Switzer of Bay City. Mr.

Roehrig, father of the bridegroom. Mrs. A. Snyder, Mrs. G.

0. Switzer, Miss Honore Kraft, Mrs. Kraft, mother of the bride, and the bridal couple. The bride, who attended Lakeview school. was graduated from Ludington high school in 1953.

The bridegroom, who is a graduate of St. Simon's high school, attended Western Michigan College of Education in Kalamazoo. He is an auto mechanic. for a wedding trip to the Upper Peninsula the bride wore her wedding dress with a white shortie coat and a corsage of pink and white carnations. Upon their return the bridal couple will reside at 205 North William street.

STOP IN AT TOWER WHEN YOU NEED MONEY $25 to $500 on your signature, car, furniture, equipment or livestock. TOWER FINANCE CORPORATION Second Floor--Hall Bldg. Corner Loomis and James next to Lyric Theater Frank Antonucci, manager Phone 921 RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, Oct. 15 TOWNSEND HALL South James Street Sponsored by Women of the Moose DO YOU LIKE CROWDS? Well, our dresses don't! and they are too crowded for comfort on our racks. So all our Fall dresses will be on sale this Friday and Saturday 2 days only! OFF Regularly $7.98 to $29.98 Shop early they'll go fast! THE CHARM SHOP 213 S.

James Phone 45 IT'S OUR FIRST ANNIVERSARY! Saturday. October 22. marks the end of our first wonderful year in business. In appreciation to all our friends and customers, we will give merchandise awards of $5, $3 and $2 value. Our drawing will take place at 4 p.m.

Saturday, Octoher 22 and you do not have to be present 10 win! So drop in and put your name in our box any time between now and Saturday, the 22nd. Our warmest appreciation to all of you--it's been a grand year! Mildred Garlock's Maternity and Children's Wear Shop 307 E. Filer Rear Phone 1460-W Tri Super Market 923 S. WASHINGTON AVE. PHONE 200 2 Deliveries Daily to Any Part of City PLENTY of PARKING SPACE AT REAR of STORE IT'S HERE The Greatest SALE on Earth! thru NOV.

26 FREE! for Come Details in Cha 1 4-Door CHEVROLET SEDAN 2 Spacemaker ELECTRIC RANGE 3 Console Model TELEVISION 4 $225.00 "Tiger" TANDEM BICYCLE PLUS 100 Other Valuable Prizes Our Congratulations to ROBERT MORTENSEN, This Week's Winner of an Official Football at Our Store! Duncan Hines White CAKE MIXES Chocolate Yellow 2 Pkgs. 494 Musselman's APPLE SAUCE 2 303 cans 25 Broadcast Corned Beef HASH can 25 COFFEE Hills Bros. lb. 89 PEAS Polar Frozen 2 Pkgs. 294 STRAWBERRIES Polar 1-Lb.

Pkg. Frozen 394 Fresh Dressed, Yearling White Rock HENS For Roasting or Stewing lb. Swift's Select Spring LEG of LAMB lb. 69 Swift's Select Quality ROUND STEAK lb. 694 PICNICS Swift's lb.

294 We are making the following HOME- MADE products each week so you, our customers, can get something a little better and a little different at a little LOWER A trial will convince you! ALL BEEF BOLOGNA AND WIENERS BEEF BACON REAL TASTY BACON BACON SO'RS. BOLOGNA, PLAIN AND GARLIC WIENERS POLISH SAUSAGE FRESH AND SMOKED LIVER -FRESH LEAN MIDGET PORK LINKS DANISH AND POLISH SAUSAGE STEAKETTES VEAL PATTIES. SWIFTS MIRACLE OF FOODS Prem 12 oz. 39c Allsweet Oleo 2 lbs. for 57c Swiftning 3 lbs.


The Ludington Daily News from Ludington, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.