orrT esooi OUT COOOB. OUT GOOD. Commercial Gazette. PUBUSHCO CVERTOIT IITHETE1R. imam mlnf.
it la dollar. Im ira Wjnk i'i mm mm. Nt it Bwf li. Iff rommiUr th iff Ut.rt.ita Ik oo, Tn aaa aa I lliJU kilU -m dabatad bf aaa. Vhat afttM bM imtmmwi-i xaiity of 2.
Had defaedaeta ngot to attempt ta arrest the A. I'M tbwy go amat it ta the proper way 1 Aiatmnrt ajcaatina as ttuaat wa mile prwee that Hryeuti wm tweeting srith Mr. Baeder, bet vvleno to bar rtttn wm eatatv heaed, and thaeef ire it is aot to be preaemed that ixirjl IfABtttl-b' tariff rurd, cilina 1. tl.Ml Uirla of hi aul. ia taTOro that it rsiU ouua ail trw-traiier to r.
a I Haai that th Sw Vurk H'trU, akirb ia ia mmm to i nb aaihoritatirolr tb. Mkjwt, itrlan. that a laavKntic KrauoXjt faror fiaa traaa. aod that all aditnta aad Maaaprabfi ia that partr, th. aacptioa of a few ia lara raanutao-mnatt irif.
ara ofaalr and oonaialantly ia of frra trad. BIBB, CX, Finimf, rm. h) mm aa. MM rinaaa Oaatt mm, aajaaia awcrrl.a Afaaa, Malta minium, tlftu Mlm mm- Tmmm mn In Mm, wiiilt coMMtaJUb Atwna. aaaa.
I Mai mm Amm, Mf ft tl.Ml yulT) taaataa, 111, tawalj Mf. Aa Mtr. mmf mm (tm a7 a. raM m4u a ataa al la. a a mmm mt vmmty.
I a mt JSS0. William Sem pie's, 165, 167 and 169 Federal St afajaXeHEMT crrr. isitav sad rmi; er rWk CAtr! and vwt-nt Is aad sue ige aad CWI- DGiresiic ar.d HaussksspingGaods, At ptMWs iba ll pve ailrartl. TaliliEEj, Sli-stiEts, Jlitiiiop. Ccmfuru, el our own sik, at verr me prtees.
weigh' ta WH'e eivd lulled jft. K4 13 BiUBkr. (-ea 'i nf aUAvaketn, '26 up Our Heavy at try jT31o.nls.ots, tit, $6 ftO sad Ml, sea. we thtetr th beat vale ever uSwnd ia i he i ol lUiati is Hpecisl bargains la Plata, TellW aad Barred FXANN3EXS. are snsrtrg extra ia White, Corsd sua m-iM UNDERWEAR, tieets, la all grades iek Ubm of Plain and Fancy Weal and Cash sere Hosiery, latdlss, Mlaaee, Children snd Cieuta, up fiasst grades mt low pruws OARPIT8.
Ttio styios- Brussels Carpets Extra Ingrain. THE BEST QUALITY That ta aaad. arartlaalar blad ar A It PET At Pricc the Motl wdera.tr. Lnta.0il ClolUc. H.
McCALLUr.l. 77 FIFTH AVENUE, II BOTTLED BCCe AO. ANNOUNCEMENT. Tbe Undersign ar now Enahleil aa Fummh To Hotel and fleet a ram keepers, and the puMie amtly.of unesoeptioiial quality, aud MricUy air ia Ingredient- rio deb-terioua olwtsnta ai s4viit ilif, aud strirtlv axtr in ted, aitace weooly us BOKt and MALT. OME TklAL WILL OONVTSCK ALL.
SPENCER, McKAY meet Ate awsl wrter Brewers, S4TH ASDNMAIXNAKNTIHaETI, PITTliBUhV.H, rA-sTATI Order left wltb Hord. LtddalL, Em) at th ayors omc. will premplly attended as by lw poo oa. Tber LEON CITY IH, PBOPBIETOHS. Bmarr-Ubwtr a.a aa Hlk BOTTLED BEER I auMMEa eeaoeTa.
KEW BRIGHTON, PjL, WATER I I HE. ut MtBIO(Kllirai HmIII Ifufltarloa. aM the tn.r, vi Lb. ite.ar rtvr, ilori Im fu r.ii.. H.mi ia Dr.
rrAsK lutii ana fnn.il rtmk. arfKMT PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF D. J. EVA Kb, MO.
41 KfcVKNTH avanu. Bealed pmposala furnlabod tor rouona any ouuaing witn aiate or raven; reiia'iie work" beat njAlerlaJ; lowest pntes; sol atent for ealrmnted raw Bill hisis. Car load lot al aiuury prfces. J. EVAW8.
s14-weAwrvw 41 fWvanth avenue. Dr. Williams, tM Pamai KrereA, r. Spaadllr mam afl PrlvsAa, Merveua and Chrecm dlsaam, af beta ssaam and awuslas wltbout amury ar aindrano from bnwntwa. AJae, Catarrh and ai a Pe Beajire tlmtll from aVespoosiWe partlsa.
Ail dtiawss af tbe KleV aaewa avttd astavdder, and eld awaes mt ielnaam, Kypbllltle sod atlssa ef ta arsue4 faae- Ufa. Yon, Mle-AEeJ aiS Oil anawetng trues tna tarriMa alam ef eawiaasas aim earn and aLvm wf aaanwavl Pewer a taa wault ef eiraaiaa is youta, avsKctwi em in matures yaara, ar etamr eausa. areda Esmlsaumsia. Mwrewweaieaa. riamwIaweNa ha ferae, teacta, IwellajmaiMt, laossa erf eawretrw.
mxlerioe caarriaar luiiewa. a a. bsppy, are pennarjeoily inured in balf tb usual tim ju tiinuanaarniBiaFra Uf llftl lHI.I Tba lrr ta retacnlwr ar rmaS aaai. a Of Lb oldest Maioal rariMuss la lihlo. Ae with ea peneuoe can ua reiiaa upon, rlls kpearlslrw1' were nver known to fail In Ourioar araa worse reire.
Patleou tria4 by mail and es rem everywhere, bat vImi pnaslbl, parson al ooo jltatJon Is Dreferred. a iuth ta fraa. ami au-rarii. ddenttsL Writs for 1 let of ausaaaftoa. saaaab lite-s-srtare ptioltalea.
Vr. Ko. 3 1 a sore iwmady far HemJnal Wuknm Nlbtly KmwaJr.ria aod itwa uf Power, emuard oy seli-ebuae or uoemiv liAdulfefMBa, Prlea of In. W-'s gpeciftc, B'J per twJUs: Itijotuou aj Mrrd every where, by ex pi. Office Heum, 0 1 4 and 7 ta P.M.
Buodevs, it to 4 aorvd DR. WHITTIER, S03 PKNM A VEMUK, PTTHEUJl4iH PA, Onntlnum to afford rebabte apectal limnaiiiul prf. valaand vnuary Pltvaaj, I'eifect curs cusrantea. gjniiBiorriotm or Heuiiaai Wisikne, mstlitiiig from aelf-abus or seaual pOUICUbV i eetulity. Blent autlwnoo Umcy, dUsV nem, eimi aKtiL.
mniolaa au tka weak mi tid sod body, and iusl lmpe temTjkas ef sasual power, sterility, tx, sofHuu; a ian aor maui ia an aiwuiaB mvaa renna ill in Im trabla, sre permaoentl cured tn sboneat pnf tile tiui loiwrrboea. Onat. rtrtetore, all Urinary diaessm and rfr (its ilia aii fcnuj, Ootaaistlos; of Mats fcuptiooa. iters is lii uiouin, inrum as so asasr Bavrm ef tb bodv. ar pertevtly tsornd.
sod tbe blood sotaoo tborotiehiy arsdlcaUed from ta system. It. WHITI fKit Is a iwilar grsdnssa ueucm, a irwrui wm av.a; am iilaw isna; apex isJ penet la ail prl'ale diweasa, vrlth purmt nietliciba prepared by blwseir, ensOaas Aim te cur difficult sruir otbers fail It is self evldetm tbata pbyaUiaa Ueatioli.iaiida of caam wmr essw aiMulrmirealakill. Tn ssmijlashBisart is oantral aad mired, and mt ar-an! tBat pauants aa It aVatajj oriiy. oousuiuuion axia wo rrwspon immm Bnvat end tVea.
Painphlets sent aeala tor stain a. ktaalirMnaat at.nl every tiers. Hour. 8 a. to e.
aud B. to a r. K. nunosy, irum I a. a.
I 1 r. BT. 144 patres, llltrsilowa; prVae aft awat. Ibwk ol wcaadera ntl auirrtsd fyatem, reprralarSiou. sutrrtaa lmattiioeija Aa oauses, eotisaqueDos and aura.
Bom at br by er Boauaa atamps. A-Wrwrn LbV HI XT 11 VA Peon Strswk PlttaUirgb, Pa, Tn all eat are soSem fr eretlOD Of yeutb. BervUS weaknaaaa. atria of msabwrd, I will send a receipt Uiat will wa you, raaa or Haaua. Tllia rraau rvsnedy waa da-ordered by salaaiooary in bsuUi AtoyirW fiend a mir-addieaaad envelop te tbe RiV.
JOUKFU T. IMAN btstion li, Mw Tarfc ttt. no r-n as ua v. William Sem pies, iC5. 167 and 169 Federal St, ALX.EGBC2VT CITT.
WA Gimps anil Omisl, very haDdaotoe line, raneiBj froui XOe to jaid. Chenille and Beaded Fringes, a veer tat ae aeiet'tf on ef rich ad handaae aee from ttteajaudtoMiayerd. aa wer-pecil valumla Fricgm, at 7ac, il and AO. Feadid Cloak Bit, ton. I I StllW 1 tmmmjm BeHddClesk Oraameata, end Bt-edOHs riata anu a -sri i in f-iajn aves1 ri'k Cord and Tassela.
in all the leading "bade, r-ibaas bilk at, ec all at the very fct-weat prrs PUiLinga, is aU ahaoea. for rrea Triaimixra. Mw Pisia and Corded DTPluiislios, lo all tk leading colora. Very Urge and cbotos arJectian of fin Millinery FH. Caehmere, Plush and Baseer Hat a and Boa nets, lips, Kaaibcra, Uiwera, Orasiaeats.
av. Hand Knit Woolen Hoods, Ulster. Baccues. Huoas, kca Ac. for Ltviies, Miiwea and hilaren- A FLOUR! New Crop White Clover Honey Canned Fresh Lobster, Canned Freeh mackerel, Cannod Fresh Salmon, Canned Fresh Swells, Canned Hpiced lsa.1 rutin.
Canned Heviled Cannod Fresh Slinnips, Canned Baked fieana. Caancd Boned Chlrkea, Canned Boned Turkey, rajrnad Lunch Tungua, Canr.ed Luncb Ham. fC-auned Cornel Beef. iCanncd naudarKh Mm, Cauned Curried Fowl, Canned Chicken Id vera. Promptly Attended to.
SHAW fe IIjV onocEna, AHa HIKTH BTBEKTa. OPENINGS AT EE, FIFTH AVENUE and Worsted Knit Goods, at tbe very lowest cash prices. Frtnfcalnall grade and patterns. Alas, Gimps and Depart aent complete. Fancy Ribbon of every Tired to oar reliable makes la Black Jtlbboa tn Satin Gioa Grain, Ladies' Week wear of every description.
value. Our Millinery Department bt now in full one Raedy to execute order promptly. Gents', Ladles', and Gloss of every deseriptioa. Infants' Wear a ape- Shirt very low. Cardigan Jacket and Blue Flannel 171.
to a pure Silk at 96- Oar Notion Department Cotton. Tidies, Rubber Diapers, Aprons and Bibs, till adhere to our original principle ef striving ta E'S STORE, mil ASON FOR VIN'S FLOU hatter and bake on a hot griddle. nothing so handy. Ever body eat this. ALL GROCERS! WV Of-' LECAL.
THE IHHTRKT COCRT OF THK rNTTED KIATHS I OR THE WEhTEKJf DLST1UCT OF KNNYLVANJA. trrJlK'rr: EKl r.ILor Allesrhenv ooonte, a hanferupt nrKli ttae vt uf I oiia-rerw of Mart '2. 1H417. and tb sjot-ridioeuta supplemeutB thereto, livtnii applied for uiw nar(fe irom ail uie aeow. aim inuer laiitu undt-r aaid act, by order of tbe court, n.rtice ber- 7 eien to ull crvlHor who have proven tneir afwi, iinf otber pereoiin iuterextoil, to apptw on the lRlh ofixtooer.
lHW.tttV.o'(:krk a Irefore W. liAFl.K, rjq in Bank ruplijy, at bis omt-e, 93 i'iamoiid MreH, Pitt.t.urun, I'ennsylvaniji, to biw taunt-, if any tm-y bate, wtiy a discharge sbould not tie irraated Ut tne tavtu trsakrupt. a. v. Mi AJ I'ljrTW.
ierK. RAA JAB. RALPH, -XT-trTl'-E IK BKKKBY tilVKW THAT AS APPU-etili'tw aiU le matte to the Court of i ia in 1-fa No. on bA lt.KliAX, uciotter at iv flock a. M.
rcr a of incur poral ton Uit Uie sv eDtttiet. tne "tsupretne ui-ismo oi tue MuUial Aid Aaaot iaUor. of tbe Totted rHale." 1 be trivet sne t-nsra. tor of aaid asaociatmn la rod er moral and maerial aid te 11 naemtrer. their taoti-he and deoendeoL: and to rsie ftiud froic uiOiiST oontiiriuteij i-y its rnetiibera at trie lime of tbe death of tneiiitaer, to be und in tbe aid and amurtsrios of the fatr.ilies or dependents of aaid deveaeeil utomoar, a he msyAUieCk n.a jao.
daw n. bTor--St urtb aventie. STEAMSHIPS. ITaTIH-A-TV XsXJNTl bUUL il AIL -TE t.f 1EW YOKK AMD LIVKAPtMiL. WiTliI-The Hieamera of tbla Line tare Lieut.
Maury 'a Lane Bootes of all aesson of tbe year. itt ur aU Hriiu, saturoay, mi vt si. Citt or i untTtt, nsLurday, Itt. at at r. a CtTT or ft (Mir Bat Lb, ThuratiaV, Oct '21, St 7 a- sL Citt or Bits lis.
Hatureav. Oet. J0, at 2 t. Crrror W'j. 4.
m. From Pier Mo. 87. Wort hirer. fott of f.lisrlPn atrwst.
tajrtn raaae, au sua itu. neturn uKaw na is oraM teiui Htneraiie. a'JH. Yrr tua. 53tl nuwai Btsterooms, and Betb rooms au'iinblp.
No 31 and 83 Hrraidw.v. New York. J. Mrt)kMICsL tourtb avnu and HTnirnbeid street, fuiatrtirgii wui.ii iTJtANCHOR LINE BjLLJij2.1it;i SIATfcft MAIL KAlUatA. awaaaassw-aiBBBa ttvery aMi rday.
MEW TORE TO (iLA.OW. CABIUM.trfiO to 8U. eiTEKBAt.E. 2 Tbeat bteauasrs do not carry caule, aAsp or pi. CABT1CK.
Afva to IWA. F.zcursioB at laajJiansd Bataa. atxnumodatiun are uaaurpiiasrw. All 4u ILauna nn Ualo iat. PaUaWoavr bouked al toweet rates or front any Rail road -Station In kxirope or America.
Drafts at lowest rates, payable (free of cbarawl tarmtilv out Eiig nvotlaud snd Iralaad. Foxl I of Inform axln. Plans Apply to HKNUEhXiC BROTHER. i.rara New Tork.erta Ml MrfTORMirsT. F-r-rtb a ecu ssd HraahflaWa Street, or MAA SUISaUIUU, 11 manwa s-ws ntle'-urMh.
fo HOLLOWAY'S PILLS 1 fir rn'irnaiia-n Ut ale I ay the public, steadily lotn a thtAi aVsmand. Tbey fenovatine tbe anrlrjas of life. tt-urifftDaT tbe blood Urtaiiy eradtr-ating bTer eocn plain ta. lodl feast toa pat It TMPi i ETA ST Nooe are (eoulae usjeaa tiseaifnstareof Haroocat, f-ir Ccll Ptsxes, airisusliMirh r-ox ef Puis and (Hatmid I at Ui Okavts, 63 eenta aim tl mUk. 9Tlsr tmosids HOLLO HAY HFrV T'iEJt LAING McKALLIP rvao.facwrws' Acnsm for tfr vst afc i Portland and Hydraalle Cement, Portoe' Baa-dsle and tba Cebrsui Laua )a meat White Liiarj, WritB uaai; liar-b Ist.
Lcd K.set-r Wslker's Vhrrftt --Jf pips st-d ivufMts, lra.D Tile rkrtt i Brick, Vltvrvc. rV-aoearifce 'nimmw -f Krs r-l-cr, iiu sml. Hwi uvi m-e and AbtiuaVTito roaL rrn- and Tsrds cmiurRR rrans er it-Tff AH At Wt For tt tfT THE ACXEW ATROCITY iVD jtrra white chaaqk. What tha Dafenaa Attoraptad to Pro) Law Pointa Submittad by Defend acta' Counael- Wait- leg for tha VardioC Teateraay aiarkad tke eaeoad aa4 Wat daj af trial af Inria Letr, hargl with tba mar. af Babart Brraaa, la tba Oyer mm Taraiiaer Ceart.
AU tkiwaga the trial tka priiaaar ha 14 a ataUa Ulfaraaaa, aaespyiBg bw ia eeewiag aad Birialy taariag ep with lB 'anuraaaerable tAhpikj aadtngar lighter. Be aever ipc-ha a ward to hi aoaaaal dariag day, and BpfiareaUj took bttl wtaraet ia tb rtgrH ef tka trial. Johaay Later, who war ea Btaad for tba aefeaM wbaa aoart adjonraa ea Thursday aigbt wm ra- eUad yeaterday wutraiag. Ia aswer aiMatfaa by Piatxiet AUaraey Kobh hemte that wbaa Mr. Haader eallad to hlai ba with tha railroad man, aear the tool bona.
baa ha lrt taw Mr. Header aha wm heldtag by tha eluthiBg. Ha brake away fna aad ran. Whan tba autuaa aaJiad, th aiea cm aatiag their diaaar. Laater, Marua, lialu liuaU.
paaaad the eitaaa ia pareait of tba mm, wha had ttarted wa tba river bank. ae ha maa fata the wit at aot to aay tbat r. Eavadar aatl throwa ttonaa. BateM he waa Mked, ba tmhiU aot earne tbe maa. Tb tathar of witae wm aa ol the eetiua maa aad witaaai that hi father alwaj claimed that ao Moo a beea throwa.
liaorga PiBTta. of AgBw MaUoa, aaboiittad a plaa at tbe aurrut.diiLgt prvpar4 by himaalt. aw Bryaoa druaa juat aa iLeakilT reached him. WttaaM mw ae at on at thrown. Mania avada aa atteBapt ta gat ever tbe bank, to rescue tbe drown-iag ataa, but witaeM cautioned him agaiaat the eauger.Bad MarllB did hot go.
rwiriTi tab KEirr wtutv vbb bbviob. Mu Marv Kaleb, who A ara at laat Urad Bear A gnaw tatioa, trntincd that aba heard a ery tba nver, '(ave me, 1 arowwiag. noa aut ef the ho ata, and mw th ratlroad mee running toward tbe river. Mm aaw tba boat pat fro at AevuJe lalaao, aad theugat the man ib river wm bar brother. The man ia tbe boat ware pulliag op atraam, aad tk boat pa right vr tha aiaa'a body, bbe tkea eiclaiiaea, Jh, horrible wratehM, yoa are rowing ever my other." From where aba wm Handing be Id aee tb whole eeeaeia the nver.
r. Pattaraoa wm reeallad aad for th 4iiw offered prove that the mea, after th drowning and oa ineir return to tne raiiroaa, aa- 1 pttrtaed regret that tbay had been aaable to me bun, a atouat ol tbe ahaaaoe at aoau. in Eur wm objaetad lo ana solBd4, on tn gnwaa ir.ait lL raaralira occurred altar the oomraia- ri.B of tb erime and wba the man had reeaea te tear far their peraonal aalaty. Jao. marnmaa, who wm at taa tool aoam waan the woman called for aaWiatanee, aaid be aw tba whole aftair, aatl did aot aae any one throw na, except Mr.
Header and bar aoa. TboaiM Marriavaa gave aimtUr testimony. tlwugkt tbe aua, had he aot beaa tngbiened. would have reached um other aide, aad that hi fright wm eeeaaioaed much by the aoiae oa eotHh an taa aorto a nor, viu uaoM aad the were members of beaectioe ol tbe gang, llrnwa aiarnmaa tea-ilied that one af haatar a arma wa difabie-l. Ha id But kaow which, butbalierwi wm tba rigbt arm.
He had aoticed it while working oath rai'road. Andrew Kiner a teatimony waa similar to that ibe other iumhm far tbe dalenaa. Ha aaw the drowning man. but aaw aobody throw atnnaa. Ia tbe eltaraMMMa, attar reeeaa, W.
Kaso. or Bitot aad Meambuat eaptaia. wa examined. aad aiplaiaad lb nature of the ewrrent ia tba river at Agnaw atvtia. At tba a lara Urrsna wm erowned, tb trraat wm rwaning about fie Andrew Kivtrr.
a by abont ten years old, eaa Laater, oe.d. Martia aal BHa ma dowa the railroad toward Bryaon. M- Hrwad them, but did aot aee any penoa throw etoBM eept Mrs. Header aad bar aoa. Mia Maggie Maguire wm ealled and noanael proeaeded uk her what Laater aaii te bar alter ha had left tbe betvb, with a view of bwic.g beea dewn te the baafh ia order to ta.
Tba Court eicladed the offer. hb might testify I aaythiag th prisoner Mid before bo weat dowa to tha beach, bat nothing after he bad acme ap. CouaaaJ thea proposed to afe witneM wkat. if anything, wm aaid ta the preaeno of eaiendaat by Italea. jointly tnaietad with him, a te tbe purpose they had ia view ia gotog dowa to the track rapidly, with a view of abowtng that they bad meaat to save tbe aa.
Tbe ofier wm admitted the eoeversa- ttoa wm before Ik maa weat fa th Tb witness Mettled that MarUa Mi tkey were rniag dowa to rescue tbe maa, bat it I sne late, neiu saia uh umj miga omw ad him if there bad baea a akiff abouU Smb- aet Ldaetar, father of tbe defealaat, trntiiad that Ibe aelendaat's right hand waa, in a measure. a. He had hurt it when ha waa aix year On eram-examination witae said that hit aoa aaad hi kit hand moMly. The defeaae here rested, and the tommon- wea'ith aallad Mr. Hbank.
who Mid ba wm row ing down atraam at the Ume the bat aw picked ea hy Mr. Kerr, wno We IB tne aaia wiiu aita. Mr. kerr aad William H. Hamiitoa were re as aad Mid tha aa thing.
Job and rge Kiuper aorroboratad tbeu, aad LkaetM Mfaral ataer witrtaaa. foist or law Bt iwifren. This cVseed the teat i many, aad W. I. Moera, lor tha defeaee, aubu.ittd the ful lowing points, apoa wfach ha Mked taa Court to eharg Urn That i m-ymown wa mw ratlth to proee evarv element Bavoiaary to atiiaie tha offeese ebargad lo have beea cemmtu bevoad a twawnabte doubt.
Porjoad That if tbe jury biivtbt a felony bswa emnmitted, followed a a at ica of tbem had been sots the defendant ami his eoiapeaions, it wm fats hi aad dutv to prevent bih, be wereews. if Bot, ie arrest the offender, and if. ia at- tempting without BeedleM vWlenes, tne aMse te hi deexn, iteieaaaat is anuueu so- luiirai. Third That if tbe jury believe tbat defendant tbiew ao ftoaa aad nmply by words endeavored is tb return of th dtiMiM, ta order to i.iar hiaa to tbe nrooer aethntis, he aot cbargtmbte WltB the Mil Of UM veewsewu mu i lit te be aniuiuetj. fourth I hat il ta jury aeiieve inas amy purpose of tka defeadant wm to secure the persoB tbe deoeaaed to hand over to tbe proper author- ities for puaiahmaal, aad ned ae nnaeoMi.ry i lolttM, tM ua Jarewei, ia irwavsow oi eeakneaa of mmd and under the influeBc of fer.
eotuntarilv entered tbe river, la id ma to ewim to the opftoaite bank or bar, and in tba attempt was drowned, defendant is aot bargeable wita Bif eeaxu ana ongut 10 ne aciuit- wd. rifth -Thst if tbe jury aeiieve that at tha time ban daweaaed catered tbe river a wm bm aov danger of rrt bodily harm, or of bis life at tna hands of tbe defendant, and that a asa ot or dinarv isaaiin and Murage would not have had uch fear, but throoeb his WMknaa of under ing, did have au-h apprebenrlon, and ia in nt to swim to th Mr for safety, wm a ed. deiendaat is But cltargsabla and eagbl to be aeu uitted. ut ai.aa in run sw okd diukii n.iin, ljotnct Attorne Kobb. at the awlK-ttatton of Mr.
Moor, said tbat be would not claim oB be half tb Cocumoawaaltb that the rime eatm thaa murder in tbe second dorre W. Li. Moore, then began hu address to Via tort on behalf of the prvoner at tb bar. Ila raid thst at hrst aigbl ia enme rrrnna ma pul'lic and bore uiob iu lace tbe detain ot a nor iiii atreett. to aia budv, wrmwvwt.
dence wuald aot bear oat th first impression of the tiaaredv. Tber wm Wo dMiga or premedita. lien the part tbe detendaata to take the life of ibe man who to lamentably met his death, soma ten art Mr. Muore dwelt on the odium arrow tbe eommuaitv bv this awful affair, which had been aueorded aBouinamv annoev. unprwwvD.
ia airocioua murlrs. lt tha tary should conclude tbat fa dsfandaaU were engaged lawful act tb capture of a tramp who bad stolen something and the maa through hta own folly bad ran to hi dMlh, then the defendant hould be acquitted. Ob the ether band, tl tae detead- nu up leal tally acted and drove the man death, tbev 'utd be gaiily of murder in th eec oftd 4rree. Mr. Moor apok lor over aa laciting th vilnee ane mjidb; atreaa on th fact tbat brt Urysoa at tbe time re aver evidence ol being a gone ins tnuiii and re-poBMbl olly to biinastf tar hia traeic abd unlimslv death.
Piatnct Attornev Kolt, in arguing on oenau or tba on eeaitb. staled that be underat tt.sduiiMof a Lititrict Attoruev, he wm to fairly and imartilly try all a-igned to bits, and guard aliae tbe intereaUof th prinmer tka bar aa wall ID eoejmBWaiir. in iis nraaant ce hi svtupathies went out to the pi nar oa trial. Mr. Itobb argued tbat wttl there atiffc inteet oa tbe part oi in aeieo-i- ants to commit murder, sufficient malice and wm prevent to warrant their being found murdar in tbe second derc.
He eon kt. araraiiBaBa.t it I II clock. ml While aanauaced that he would deliver his cbarge ia tha evening, aad a recess wm until c.rv r. u. jcpoB water' cat aoa.
Court reasmmbled at -ie, and Judge Whit hm- kta rkarew to tb iurv. After brisflv review. mg tbe ease and following Bryaan from the Hot nan la A anew, ebaracteruiog mm a an invol untary pauper dependent up tb ebartty of tbws lor bi daily food, but vidntly a aa avad of repctsb. family, fair ahilitv and seme vulture. Judge White staled tbat the identity of tbe victim bad beea saishUabad beyond doubt or dioput.
It Is aUu aatAbli.hed be vend doubt or dispute Chat Robert bryaon suirsiei, and he believed the aatitlv tbe jury tbat if bad aot been lor ll.e tl I end at and others Wuald not bar met his death oa tbe day of August 1 6th. Tt iiutaiiAB be dcidd, waa what oOensa. if ane. tbe defend aot guilt of. In order to get at the mam fat of tba be tailed ibe of the jury to tbe to.
eali.v, scooriing to tb plel put in riin'bv Una. At lb point her tne oo urrei tb river i to id. with a bar about tbe mi 1 IV, a.aia r-hiiiBM il 'a the Azieu ail. Tbe 'In. where Briton to to tfca river akBt 1,1 to I.
ImI ht th at where he sack Ur the t.ara Taac.irrent 'iier war sbtut Ave mii an hour and the holy w. uld fiiwl 44 feet a miBut. lieac Kryroa wm not i list i. -t 'wiramiDg th. lb fare Winute i-eri' di-aneL luc Jii.1 L-iird tn.rn evilevi- an, by ti r.
-h-w ll.at brm plucm biinch ot graif Iroan the r.eler pr-rfterty wii'le wta.kira ati'i'g 'I rait. that tte If knei -am aloig ia a ri and thrsateooig u.anr.er sod in of k.aala fcuMin fed 'f ri wr an 1 ul trier an.plr evi leu I. ted Li i lt I radrd off bv titer -t men and driven mi licr oi -e oilersJ to tnt in th set fwiiamiag or ti.e titrm. Tae uiwrtuu ue waa wh-iber tbe defemlant did an I tare Ibe jurUted IB UkiUg what tei4 th di i ia-ter tke ir-ti 4ji nB thb jeer. Tb auouon to he.
a-iderol by the jury ar 1. 'be maa fa aa ef a a that oatk If it of a ao if ef aad jury that is a to kill the bad hi and in If. or go FRl William Semple 165, 167 and 169 Federal St, AIXEGHEIVT CITT. PA Special Bargains ia Ladies' JACKETS.GLOAKS.DOLSLANS Surtout. nter, rirculsr, c.
from 92 SO up to aaii watrthy ire aUeatlue, ot oauee and etnouiicau ouers. Ladiea Jacketa In all the new hsaea. plain, nluab, veJtL siad lur uuuuied. uom SO ueI4. Ladies' Cloth lKla.an laieai stiape.
msmd in every StJ ie, trots to Boo, Ladies' Cloth Sacques, $2 to $30. lire of Miseea' fend rhltdren' Jsxket and bai-uea, bandaome stjle mini tl 7- toglo mJ. Opened to-day, laaudaotne line ef new uitt.pi? iTn i.nwn smwi.5 MjVliV JJUilU UU4 1 1 U-J All tbe latest style ia Ladies' Suits and Costumes, From 96 SO up ta tltf SO. have just opened a Urge snd verr noUby Uue of iN'ew Suits and Overcoats, Merino and All-wool Underwear, white, colored and war let, for LedicR. Mimas and grades, at loaeMpnoav Ledier Pkirta of all kinda at r-'ciil low pHoee.
MAGNOLl 'OESt nSOrders by Telephone JOHN A. REN GRAND DAILY THE PEOPLE'S STO Elegax I IHplsy of Motions, Trimmings, Millinery arc making a specialty of Black snd Colored Silks. Clovk Ornament, a beautiful nmnrtniont Our Ribbon width, styleaiad quality. Particular attention is tn and tiros Orain, Satin snd Serge, Brocade and PUin bee our new Unea of Lbcm and Embrotderiai, apieadid ration, turning out aotus lovely 8aU and Bonnet. Bay', Girls, Children' and Infante" Underwear, Host dally.
Gents' CiiUutvdricd, Fancy and White Dress value. UmbreliM from a para Mttoa at coiiiplet; Pins, Needle, Spools, Yarn, Knitting Braids, Buttons, BsavUcs, Tassela, Ac Call snd ur, give the best value possible for the money, at the peopi. 83. 85 ail 89 Ml CAMPBELL, WILLI IS THE SE MAR PAN CAKE With a little fold water make Nothing so nice, nothing so quick, it, even the dyspeptic No alum in SOLD BY NEARLY JQMLIOORHODSE, 35 Fifth Avenue. Annual Opening OF AUTUMN WINTER Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, October 5, 6 and 7, Compribltig everyt Ulcf tbat is Rich, Beautiful, Elegant, IS.
DRESS FABRICS. SATINS, SILKS, VELVETS, PLUSHES, IMPORTED CLOAKS 1ACKETS, DOLMANS, SEAL CLOAKS, DOLMANS AND FUR LINED WRAPS All are Invited to Call CANDIDATES. L. EOSE, TWFNTY-TBIED IISTR1CT, FronibiUoa Somioea sa-M-rrti YOU CAN Treste SB Exileiueot and -tav aa EXCELLKST TBADt- thrwgii tbe usually PI7LL months of JtlLT and AU'rLT by niuaiDf a iutr wvitiM yonj store. Bead for our Pnee lrt and l.Ts TO MErM HiSTS.
Bitter Bros. HI' Rroaviarae NEW TUtUt. CHICAGO. 36 and 29 Cnaur.cey, BieiliJa anlO-wa liuy the ltest Uilliard aV' fool laltle saw1-''' L(rr r-K 75 and l.un..tl. TM.talr, Pitl t.EO.O' TTK Alt' a A-resUav.
VI? TTns Lswiroroa a llwmSMwtit*k Ciw aassfl mam w)ver. o. WT. 'J'R. fflTEIfTB SVFfbl; ilHk.t.UJ fcKtT.
PUtslrurxb. rxis3SSi nor rV. i II. Plain In October Silt. AT I VilliamSemple's, 165,167 and 169 Federal St, AU.EOBSNT CITT.
Elegant Striped SILK VELVETS, viriooa widtbs of stripes, al very low pries. Eiai Brocade Silk Telv and Plain TelveUv Ui au ue uue uaniOaaaoie boawi. A particulaulr handaome ajtortracnt of MM ui Satin BrocaSss, Id Black and chore leading colors. Fine rem Fabrics. Plaids, precede and Dot Cawbaiert-a.
a variety ubeEc-tUed anvwnore. and jbrices lil'ie lower tsan cuawiaary en llu else of goods. At COLORED CASHMERES A BperiaJ bargsin. 30V, 42-inch Col'-red Broeadc worth 50c a yard. 18c, new, stylish Figured Brocadea, worth '25c.
At 10t Jnew Fmhionsble Brocades, extra value. S7a a tad 45c, special r.arralna in Ail-wool Colored LADIES'LIGHT SACQUIN6 CLOTHS Choke line of fthsdes. Elegant Plaid Circular Cloths, At Rpectsi tow prtrea. More to tig Exposition Jas. Caldwell nnenad hia new stock of PRY GOO PS.
snlt- hull and Wimer Trad, to which he invites I special atlenUon, conslaung oi SILKS, Black Ores Grain and Batln De Lyon, with Novelties, stripes snd Bpots lor iromtuiUaUoos. VELVETS. Plafk and Colored YelTets. all shade. Brocade and folsa lKt eivta in variety, juaca sua ioioawa.
CASHMERES. This denertnent hi fullv Stocked with ail (he new- guoda inibeessteni ms-kels Imperial Jjergea, Ui'iutes, S-boodabn. D'p de Alma, Armure Conla, aine I Hair, Crepe Cloths, Bajeiacaa and Berlin lorus. tOLORED DRESS GOODS. This departwent Is replete with everything new ir ha enimiriBinir Plftld and Bi.liinutr.r nfrv liavrinlion in Plain Pretw aierial, with KovelUm lo match in every ds ail-anaB (Biaue.
BLASKETS ASD FLANNELS. Rest stork of Country Blanket snd Flan ell in all popular msaes 1 nave aver onereo. Tjidtea' and (rrnU' Unierwesr ef all descriptions. New Kail im keie.t aoaka. Doltnana atid nliawis.
tiitlia. rautaiiuerea and 'loaUina-n. A large stock of tiinghauia, Pnata, iiualia. Trim- uiitigs, etc. Ttnntwwaii rlnrine th Ezacaivfnn to offer such bsr- miii in above named uepsrt u.eut aa will Lie well nut a tnesuentin of parties wishing to bav UM beat arucle at Uw lowest pno.
Call and aamine. JAS. CALDWELL, 115 and 117 Federal Street, ILLFfiHtlT CITT. C. WATTLEY I OFFER COM FLKTE ASSORTM ESTS Wool and Merino Underwear.
All Sims and tonalities for Miss, Kta, Men Yontlis. HOSIERY. NEW GOODS Throughout Every Department, POPULAR PRICES. C. WATTLEY 109 Federal SL 109 Oniiosite First National Bank.
ecfr.i MM i Cloiig! A SPECIALTY. Boys' Suits In lilue Cheek. ZjiCbt Overcoata. IUits' Suits In Fine Plaid. UojV Suits In Urown Chei-k.
Xaltsla- Overooata. Kos' Suits In FineTrieot. Hoys' Suits In Scotch tioouV. Xaisx Overooata. ISojV Suits In French Osimere.
HII (IU PFTFRWU UAllAJVAL la 1U1 uuuun, i 5S sixth street. ELEGANT AND USEFUL Eufc or Holly Prssants BHODLD RE SELECTED IMOW From tbe bupetii Isioifc Exhibited ai the ExpodUoa J. P. Smith, Son dCo. KO.
1S LIBERTY STREET. AwThvary Artul kii" SiL. Moore, S3S Pea a iir.aa, Walking Suits, Cloaks. The lateat 'a. Fall m.
Gaa.aaTrlnaiiaa, Wedding Traaaaraai a Specialty. HAY FEVER Kimball's Catarrh Cigarettes, Tj rifinal and senuine article. Take no haldatDriRHa iKr Ntre bontiWflIgs" kdslin flags, LANTERNS, Just Received. C. YEAGER tt UO Market Street NORMAN M.
SMITH, tounty Sealerof Hetehtsa Mwtsurt) sixth ATExrc mnr6. I Full We In wm attempting enme. all wm B'tv-kiae a awBak or two ef bet nar tbearlawdanu Bad a right te arrest ry-aoa, tka Jadge held that it wm mall etabihed pnartple of law no citiiea ai be arrasted a a iaa aader a warrant bared upon an informaUoa made aoder i ft (era eaa arrast a maa ia tbe net ef ooa-ntitung a eriasa, aad aprtgbt eiuieaa eaa ta-ierfera ta prevent a braax-h of the public peaea. a ciuxen a crun shout to be eeta-atitted it ie right and proper, ia fact ia bt duty to Interfere. But it a4 the duty atitena, oa a aere akarf or rum sr.
to pura maa and arrest ba. A eoaimua eitiien ba right rraw to arrest a maa charged with a felony. It is only ia of a great crime, where tne felB might eactvpe not I arrmted, that a euitee can interfere. If a maa aiack buneh ar two grapep hanging over a wall, it i But such an ofiense to warrant any mUsea to pttrtoa him arrt him area afar a warrant baa been warn aut, Aa officer or a eitlisa must, too, mk- a arrest ia a proper meaner must s-t ene imprnpdr violeoee. ar laMtioa for tb in bi ease.
sameon)! bli ron tbb oxqv If tba dtf endant bad no rigbt to make th ar-rert, tb)y are reeptnible for the eonaof uenM followed their unlawful action. An arrest ordinarily made by toni-hing a person aad telling bin that be i umler arrest, and atao penfy-lag tbeeharga. Without that being dona ha bM rigbt to reaist. Kven aa afteer armed with a warrant wosld have a right to mv Bryaow, Tom ap here, er I it von." Violence ob tba part of ofRcer is be twed only aa a last resort. If del sudan ta were frailty if they area had a ngbt to ar rest this uu of wrongful hen aad needlcM violence, they are respoBaible.
If they ao right to errcit him they ara elo reaponai aad guilty of a felony. 11 four person act ia eueeert ia acts of this kind they are jointly ra-ponaible far the acu of on of their number. If tbe defendant are guilty of any offBa, what is tf They eauaed the death of a human. being, and ara guilty ef homicide, even though tbev did not oontcmplste thtt man's death at tbe time. Hi Honor nest denned murder, homicide legal malice, and contended that tbe verdict tbi obm should ba murder ia the second dee-re or meaalaurfater.
If these defendants pur- lroeelv eemiled that maa with tba intention of drivine him into ibe river aad drowning him they would be guilty ef murder ia tbe brat degree. on the other hand, thev recklessly easel led him with atones and did not care whether he drowned not, thea they are guilty of murder in tbe Mrood degree. If they were trilling with th man's teineritv and amusing theauelM just tor fua, with bo evil intent, and in connaenaa tbe man fled to tbe nver Bl wm drowaau iur ba euiltv of manitliarhter, His Honor hrieflv dwelt oa to fluty oi jurors. areaiae thM thev should aot let their sympathy out toward me priaoner, who eione auouia ua-c he henentoi a reawmaoie odudi ariams; in iw svidenc. 11 thought that in this age there wm acb sytvpatby mamfeated by tbe public tor rrintiBAvls.
ihey apjareutiy tiuna oniy oi living and forget tbe dead. hiiiri ur Liv asftwEean. Ia nweniig tbe point ot law submitted by Mr. Moera, of roundel for the defense. His lienor remarked thet it wm wine and proper uion that enabled tbe prisoner to take out a writ of error end carry hi ease tba finnreme Court.
He wm glad that ohakitraa a aa triTon the prisoner. tbe firat point It wm athrmed. The aeeoaJ noint is also atErmed. ailh tbe qualinea- tiun that wnea a priTata pern- undertakM to make an arreet without a warrant it must ba ati-lactorily shown tbat a felony mutt baea committed oy girnaieo. no violen-e wm used etlect bi arrest.
If deceased merely plucked bunch of gtaM a aot such aa orient uld iusuf bi pursuit by a dog aai a crou and if, in ctmeetfueaM thereof, be tied to tbe river and was drowned, bi puraert are guilty of felonieu homicide. Tha t'tnt amrmea wita tni aualincation- If this prisoner wm one party puiTU-ar deceased and aiding and asaiating tbem. he would be e-mail guilty. alLbough he di' not tLr a ton. Tbe fourth point ta amnued th tka oualint-atioB tbat neither toe defendant nor any of tha other awed uDeeeasery violence.
Tbe fifth amrmed with ti.m ume ouaiittreUuna. After tbe lunr retired Mr. Moore, of deteoi- iMt'a (soneaal. tiled a I tit exceiitloa to the charge. cbief.of wbirh era Tbat tha identity of dectfkmaed bM not been sataiitubed beyond louM or puts: thst it it had not beea for the act ot tha men he would aot have met hu death: tbat only ia great en me that a private persoa Oan arrest: UM anming mmm ay tbe Court relative to the Larceny of the grapM being a felony that four men eaa be held re-ponaibJe for th acts of one of their aura her, and tbat there is too mack sympathy for criminal.
The court took tha beoers and waited eatti nine clock for a verdict. At that hour the jry fail ed te put ib aa appaaraac aad court adjoaraed until tbi morning. POVJDER Absolutely Pure. Maria rvaaa ttwrnwrn rveam Tartar. 10 otner BTMarf no-i mala aura liubX.
iakv hot breeds er luxurum Uirt. 'an be est en by dyapeptlra itnoot tees i tat ill rwuit'n from ueavT. Indmub looa. aur can it ui nnm-n. aofax Baiiiwi pownra 41 FI1TH AVKXl'E.
A prsr-tlcsJ nuainem educatloB bt valushle to tha arnt(, uie tuai vi it wjTr, a lien hint and lUnktr In tbeae ifo-aliead tim araiin ian afford to do wiihoitt U. Our insthullou ogrrsta beat advaatagca lur oirlUiug aucit a Lrur- r'tt a Sntlaai In iu snnoiatiTieiit. and la arknowV l-ed IrV hualireas men l'i Ire 1 OluUei tOilcaeol Ut in-i L-aii or aaaeaa PPFPl mSS Bookkeriit. faibll-hM l.T Hsiptir i.miirll ir. i4.ii.
4ih i.u. The I unreal wrk on aa DuUifli-d A sort f.rr Bjoktrs, bUki MaSila, BubUmm Wto aud rrscucai Acc-oumauia Eaeal-ucaewalwrn iibiibi in tver I mnAfiirm PennsyWania State Collsgs Admits both ansa. Kndowment half a aullfoa. Tul- ttoa free. Coursm of Study, aaaaU-ai, Scientific and AgrtculturaL Prepare tery lepartment taovwigh.
Faoenaes, gg to per week. Call on Prof. J. T. Mc- KKJulwvMtk Itmm HulM, dm lu.Bk te 14th eea the boom of 1 and 2.
audrem tha arawj ent. HH ETtfIIHH, Stale Collage, P. suA-w- OHIO WESLEY AN UNIVERSITY. Delaware. Anioug the large heat I oliege Last or AlieudaiKe.
(II 1 in College laa Own to Unh aeto, UUS- logueair. H. PAikk, LL. Preai.leni. 1 Htl HI) I.KhlTV Of OO SIX I Ul.t.
an.l PrenamO-rT I etisrtait. Clamleal, U.U.ii A full ion "1 i-rieiii "I irs k.n-ln.w BM nrJ- lllWti lleallUT. i.rv on apiiiJf-aiiou. A- A. iv I At 1 'K, t'n t4 i.i-a W.
mater NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Best Music Books It WKlTiME rili.Kl t. fl Bv Bih M-hrani. I'it out iMi HKLI-- li li.in..n. will: f'ir TiMeu, iVfc-.
huoli HlTfc. atul.ti, 3th; tor euoday w.bn-;. PAR! 'R HGaN IN-TUi rTI' Ml.M. bj A- Jf i out anead any uil.ers leaaltiLc Irretntera onfiie-l Ornii. Wfj and ascrr anualc.
bunday raclurot, Teiuperance.tio.pcl aj.d ion muau. Mil waoaers iae CHOIE-t ASP iS'Ki IHarMlSUfH will not ft Vtl 1 (-I WoK-Hl jet our tbie uirrtoi II.m i.u rmtr! i aLd tl. 't W.o Perkit UAfS-ile, 4X, uy A will fled nolretutr Actbem B-nkth our new AroetKsu Anthem rk. fl tS. ov Jnbni 1 ar.rl A 1,1.
ur tji A llltaelu Krj. 1 lb bv L- O. Liuriwu, or am Usui Harp, 1 25, by W.O rcfkins. TFMPFRANrr PWiPl.K will l-v to n- llfrnt- l.v Irene A H'-Smai Teu i-eraMc lajbi l'ar. t-y Uuag Beivoaa Hull Itluit rUe Olee 4tt- ptniitro ocpte ef any Ooos maiua tor au priuwa.
0LI VI DITS0X CO, Boston. r. ii. nif.a b4J j. miMva a i' RED FIRE! Cenipairo rotiimtt" piefartd fiUIiUh RED FIRE! nifjae tike n.itic: We iiif -ior aritt if ol hd rcatu, anltormi kiud 'ua'e.
ea be uewt iMraiuitiA. a it aaprefkarud (rota pr iiii.tiMi ouera ea g.iauaic!. Mud liiorlei WM. in EES lrwKElsta. wireel, id AtjttT.
frctti Pma I aaf-vHwa AU linjifl.flu SfftlNi AhO TfrtONE PAPtH MILLS. H0BR2SCN, BARE CASS, laaUl'lfBiHU nf evel va-let ttt X- -A. uf mi anli Vt7 im- HA W.KlDrRllET. PrMan-trja gm tin i-tv im im IMI'KUVFU lUK'T cult Pi IMeliiioli 1 Whiaaad brreraare SU- mJ tiniperni bv f-ft V. aiai Paiis4SAla, 1-a.
a. A rrali IffjfM of RfprfWUtirf." A avr. ft'. will fJf'W mm? omm thml ik. Vr aaa aab.Ulad awr titaa i mm raraUna Ik.
trtilk, f.rW tk. IM t.o -i in i. TW Tim lira aa I abli.iji kilit wot cm laial a.4 "rfrM.il my iMotnlic lluaaa Vmymmmmuwim," fur Ik. rmry umpU mm lha. laj an Mill aaaalia ia la Imuatit HooM.
Thir at tit laM m. a rala ual. hy Ihm laa iaa audi im U.iii.g th. IIihm. vutuiul a uwuat.
yiw, 11 m. Im. aturk tin lMtar7 hmi to with Dm itrfeal a Woun kill Th iMaanu that Wl BMiliTakwlM a.lkiw. 114 th kill and IV afaiiHt it, Th Hfiublkaa Tat ww. 14 avaiftM tfo kill aad 7 (ir II.
ri-Mlth. ut tji. ItoaMM-ralir vut A.llud ik M.lff Mr. W.UD, ko krUffJ Id th. im- la liv Mlf I kail th ptiwmT Ut I Mol l.
THK lL'TlrM MrTY KK tKNT. ia- Mfawl of Um titmm ar eaat. ttfioa aa a. ai. prfipufiMi.1 Kiftara-MStMatb.
tfc Kfublla. a.Ufnraa lb taad liM. fiaankLrf. ko ckjfwd th dbata again! lit kill im Ik 4tk of Jua, aal u- Htra li aautitia ta atrika Mit th aartiag by whuk, oa th tulUwinf Amy, th mm Urau4. Th tat kM alMflilj aatiMvoml to barluud tarttf i.
in by fjtaiMol ait.rii..iita. ioaa. It la aartluaakl. anlag ao, aa ao otlfaff avraM ar oia to it of braaking th lana of th that it nprona a bmw UmAm MrtVf ttaauio ea a fraaHrafl IflatliirBf. aud ifif3iiBf a raodiaat who tor Ik.
UM fciur 7art baa baa th kia.ipHi of Aafarkaa iaduatriia acaitwt Ik. aaalta iff taiawjuau frwtrxir. ia th. Ilirta. oa fff it arti.jM it eoB.
irtjd aitA th tacu will iouad rvufcieai truth th two vL. ar aaaiinad abn, aal aoa of thata na nfaaaal th fact that ia proMal alvrtfoa a mtum th iMtucratk tii-brt a vifla Ant "a Una kr fau mm. ftwiTT it rri k. t9tmcrimic pacn sra Biakitif tniick ovar ika Wtiar aikiraaiil by ika lloa. Abh4M M.
of Nw York, to tuactinx of buai-mm aa ia 1'ttMiitaaU, batwata Mr. Hewitt to ba Lavrgclv wiarMUii ia ima awaMfat-turiaff. It la stranga last mm like Mr. Iltiwrrr ian ba atHktl ia atliva ynuiiy with tka party of fiw-traUa, but Uim ao H.t.htNl far um tka arim-ipla Ikal ka liiwilu Baaura of tka IkniMjcratic partr lima (b of tk tariff. Ila plat-M l-ta'iarrftti: HMtwa Bhov mrvry mhmr tiWiWatMf, ami would gUilly let tk UnH atvl uka tk rtk a t-kaair ia tk boamx1 ntliar tha a IUbo.
Wfalail. Murat'Vvr, lb utiatiaof a Ukfa Biutttr of auuiifacturris affftarially la Ika aa4, owrtb) lha tarilT, silainalia fttr tka wann Ikal tby kav ivMira inlmM, ao4 wkat tkay Ium bv IVvo-tratl ia ua tlirai tua ibay gala by it aatkw. W-tfe But know that Mr. Hewitt iatatkta raUfory, but ataay wealthy Nw tirbat arv, bimI Uy 4u But otra ry whrtkwtka larifl ta tip ar towa. Mr.
Ilk.wiTT'at k-tiar in ratkar a rMuarkahlc ani aiut of ia aiaaainf i to ba raa4 bal WMW. ika liaaa. 1-wMjHicratic M)aa la atrotectkai aiaaatru-trt, wka Ami ta thi lrUr BMapla poti ikal Ui BAAOMfAa-luiaff; iaUrU will prt-tly mJ ia llticw'K'i kjukt, Biuai attkar ba tvry alupitl or wilfully bliad if tky aaaot a tit tbkgtaa rua-aiag tkrutigh it. I llaata pti oa tkair laMa aatl raad tka Blowiag: MMwrwar, lia rtir party ia -ry- Wktrra rttmrlni mm tar mmmwrwrnuwrn imu aur pAUtartsavl ttfau It km it mi primiiila ami pulu-y. Tka pfiaruilM ami tki pitlia MIIUM'taTdaWl JcnvrTAVQ ttatT laOTB IM aura of our growia aau our graauiaat.
i nay ara brd uu am-arina; fnabMi to UaaiirMlitel M'tius. 1 htry do Btt raly uptiB aM'T0Mnt far artitat-Uaa. tu4 aua Uia iwoti Uu giM if tka ciumb Bat tka BraniatiUB of th gftMrai prtBSiaaril. TkM uuuiavavUiua pra mM llta Irua tmm im Ika twaMat an Th HrpuUinaa iia it a atnaitf. emoiTmhmvd liifinatnt, btaitwi upua utvfMrty, witk a vrful araij Um tta t4arru'm.
Tba laaa rratit, ia Ikal tka at.an aatl umwn- raita ta tka uliaWfi, ikal ka ia tka mwmx guaHiaa wb righla, ami tha Iwtat jojlait of hi. jurtrfaatai. tkat imlivuiiial Ubtirtv i tka funia awailal tvaaiiua ut tka Iru pnirilf ami Ui rival grialBwaB uf llu aUua thai aa akail pt.atr aaJ ju ia prirtija titm ml, mm taidBB fbf rtWtaiVWl IToM UaMM ami UM BTMi 4 Miftitttn lil Uharty 1 Natara I. aiVa. lalaasl taTUAWH.flll Ult ft btltt If, Bad ubtWr hrr fra grai-a laUr will got all iu tiara, aiitl i'ial will ba ta lha bmI uf lhmm au Bt a I'm runt ti.uUul.
At i-rrtta-nt iilitu Liutat avrt'tw th ta atml, anl all ta al Utm WMmyof tk I'trmmUry I l(aBf liabt-lal. th (kB10- t-ialM' i.li-T ia 4tbUkii Ik traaary will tHiVailcM In dlotributa tha tM-araia uf ia- liayt'r it kvarittw, but ual ami mwrnet tour ta 1 1 1 a asttl out to Ik uracil ilaM by th fr Uy of Batural WkaB Mr. JUwrrr aanaad tk akova, two plaoka ia tk platform wr im- aMaliaialy ia view. "Iltta rula" ami tariff far rvraniia only." Tb fint, mwmry ii.ikllirol aorthtara imi know, ia only bb- rfhor farm ui aiTMkinga canliual liuctriiw uf lb la.et.Ut- rrty trial au-arviguty, nr atat Mipremary. Jut vaaOil naoMal a lha Btftkor tlu UUem, whit ia tH-ravt.
MFraitai ta iwlir aa" againat atroag vtratraliAal guvtwauatt" xpfmaa wtka tr'ta Wua ut tkv prtMnl in Uejuig Btvatof Mr. Hewitt. Th "trmliuoori ami liixtriara 4 Ua laiocratic party, a Um Ciminnati pUtfaraa phi it. it. hla tk atM-tritM of atala mt isnlT.
but limw that tbtrma," carriad to it bigk-aJ CDWrluir la 1 ruin la mm mum and irvbvlliott, thr ba baea dtoauutiua mt to aiak it a at a tarty BMraaur. But it etuwMJl ba kept dtiwo. Tba KwrUirM, mrth ami touik. arc autar.kMr 1b mrur of tba ftDrfUaat-y of tha trtala ovar Ua aatboaal irrDB4-tit, and ar crying "haviktW t'll" to tha Ktxlaral aitkriUM Mratrtaily mm tliy dad in 11. Tk ItaaBu-tratir trracd that aUta ia omtpvtcnt to BAaaKiU arlair rntirvly iii4tttTmint of U- ftcdrral aulhorily, ami that whm tha taw uf lha I uitt-d Mi ouollii't with Umm of tat'.
th Utter Biual rrgariUd I)m paramount authority f-r th guulam-w of atala crffiawra. Tha Kxihli-caa tbrtU-imi at, that tka laaa tka I aitad Matm ar auprtw. aai ami rely uarroailc laic rftm-tmankt wkrrt tka latlar urtua la am-(tulwiik llMfariuar. Tb laK-raik ida ta ripraaatv! ia lha phraaa HajM nil. Th lU-puMiaVB td-a i Ivrarly (trmulAtad by t.rnrrall'AMtiKLD in tk Word: Tai i a Button.
tut Mr Hkwitt artfully luhodiM the ft sal b'guia in bis letter, well that of atat aovrrrivnlr. 11 My: ahstl pvi ef and gr-w in pr. rt io a tba mK-u-Urt rem.rJ f.vm liaV, ami lite '7 tu' rtuit is hLh 1). eimlly this -a with lh fresr-trmki Irian uf the rmmratit larty. whii liwaouni aa Ibe present tantl a Bissdrrpieo of laiiav ti, ine(iiBtity anl (aiw prtlenaa." Mr.
HkwiiT ei fiew tle aatue iUa in dirlereal Ul'f'wg. He tb-M Wd a-aak out plainly a did the intinnali onveution, but hi vole is lor fraa-trsila all the mum. The -aba. lew" be refer to ara tk of tka protective tarill, ami ikeaa ka whmiM rveawve hy striking d.wa Ika larifl arid ft Mling tha aavigutioa taw. urxh stMBufm-tarem, ami Mpmiaily llttobiirwh Workini--, "ul4 rwatesnher thai Mr.
Hewitt, on ui tke wcaJthie-d and Hwd ii.rt'M-Btial k-mlrra of tka lira -raiir party, is oa renrd having virtually dV tdaresl thai the ele.toa IrewaraJ Hl will te h.ll.we.1 bv the deatrU(-tia of tka aavoemtive yteiu. Ilren hea the 1 -uevalu te sadahl islied tha Trwaaury will ba BOTflOaa li, J.raAaile lKari IS-sWe eswr'kf o1 but and eart jtaatliw will be aueted wit to the pn-li. tite tia-m by sjkw frtf MiftA'tW la otlr worla, tBaWW ''I be Bo duties levied hy a Ihm rrslir alnm.ilrali"B to protest Aiiieruna in- alostiLea, kol all will be plaiwd iif-m Um mum Uriel a of titiiig dottt, thu giving play to aalural law." Me taa reaiilv uixlrrtaiut why Mr 1 1 1 I guarded ultei tntaa in refcrrtne frv lis-ie boiild te ha.lnd with plraeure anl approval all over tlie amth, and in tkwe '-u flhe rnulk where uisoofturmg iu dualt rs li tre IV yet Uw-U largely -l. Vel 1 I. In! ahy tbrv should br a( to the hi.
by Ih-aMiTBli- pawr iu atr mg mah i-fcialoriPg tsBlrea hkr thi-, wi.er th un-r- tm9 ia Biaulr that the term will oialv ta I hsiHl-. pajke ail cm- h.uaion. Il i iin.titestiotiabiy true. kw-1 1. at busji wpnarvata are jo ratly ki liml a Iheir Irmlsrv iuci.e, at.l are tw-rrliell list in inienii-ww i UJl -4tty iraliy are in reafsM Hie Unrl.
1 a id l-v ftarsMtesj, them, that tk lrM-vtalii nimitlw has pn U-4ed fa U. lib fifV.fr im1 in Mr. an lion Ikttra tut tbi ing of port tioa ftviB Um MB bM fol the ia it (iKKEKAL WiLin ha Vfltd tk twfmm rvtaraa ia crtaa diatHa-la ia South Carol in. ctrtM-liidea Ikal tk oanaua of 10 ia oor-rr1 tha aitraordintkry tBrraam being me-eiMMid far mm tka a-Nasaa. that tk amam-liua of 170 mm ianorract.
It waa Lmiauvted rvrtaiB (fuartrrm, frum Um tlul HiUiita) wot likaiy to admit that part of th vrk don tiBdar hva dirac rould frafcdiumt. Il ha, kowerar. farad to diatreiltt tka work don ia thai in 1170. Ho it broBM airuaraat that drpartBMat, lika all otkar kamaa mgtm-riea, ndliht. If tk enumTavUra of a wkola atala auy omWraiiniaia, atay tkey sot oiatimata? Tharaia a trong -noir rrturaiBg a larger populatioa than tba tm-8 warrant, bat what objo-t etmld thrre have bt-m far BBifWAliBiaUng is 1MTU Tha bind aatura of tba oath and thtMvertr penailica Um law kav keen rt-fefred to ia aup- of th ktatvtntnit Uiat tl oensua juat takes wm aa lnoa4 ratum.
Hal tka mm itk and tka bbbm penal tim were ia opera- ia h7m, and Umeral Walkbb eayii tk ranaua of that year waa arnmeoua. Soma rruiaun tkatraaMWumcxplavw Umtalri)t uaaatufactory. In the ttrat plaoa, aa attmrk apoa tka txoaua af 1470 amrily caat atupicum upoa that of 1MVU. and other pm-etlirMt it, bacauar pheBOBM-nal ttKnaMa of tka pawl tea ream ia that bum ia out of all uvpuruoa with tka preredtng Maw. Aifain, if tha cenaua of 1H0 ia com ared with that of laU, South Carolina abowa iacTeaM in tha laat twaaty yean juat (wire gnavt aa during ta praceding tuny yean iStiil further, Uia Auditor teneral report thowe aeeeral tiaouaand lata kouam ia the tau than there were tan eeani ago thua reecrkiBg what bappeu all other cirihied iiatomuDitiea, where people ara euptMMad to hva ta mHaea.
Ami, nually, uuce there barn ao inimigration, tkia axteaarxlinary crowtk ta tka ream I of natural lncreMa Who fan leliv UaaaaAi. Jim Mi-yt ana, a wall kaowa New Vk lUMtatrat, baa bara la ladiaaa for aoav imy fill, workiag far ll.aix"K. That ka iaaot attizaiaa k.ppaara from tka tolluwtag ttary, al kl ai.paaatag lUpaelicaa aiaaibernaf Nw Vark ttrk Kiefcaa; It ia aaid tka tka OeaeraJ hail aaeatloa a dj tea arrw tM ta friaif ibm riiv, vae to a lawvar ia ratrard ta baaiaatw 4ieaclr4 with hi Uit lu la-Iiaaa, and tka tKher a aottiMwi fnaaa. rv mib aoeiJaat tha at. aatfcr aaf axirbaugau, taa lawvar reareiviag the a lalaaat lor taa laoiiutrai iriaaa.
IM yrr ftaxilM avar tba maktakjra tat lav It aAUOe rar a Tut ara aieiaoacfMa. lr)ae tha dav ttva erB who rarvivaa tba aae- a llafaatcb lalltai tba atATr Rf, AVD-i haad- ire hita tha iaiairh raaarlal: thiak tait iaiaada-t tor fm." lha la-rar reat ttaarafoMy, it) thaa latrain to ata viaitor raf iMa: "laaa lhaaaa aaM bava baas ataaal for va; wa ara both aauaaea. The alhar than retvl tha l-ii' iaa aaaatra fraai kta fnaa ta ladiaaa: "Pre ara faff irat-aam fuaeraL" Tbb Cktcac ixiar.ahaaa ajLpAviai the 33 mmm- tha. Tha lafrMa party ia trviag ta pre that will rwa th guvaraavant a-wawmilly Mkf abas la aaa a faar-auUar lor three aad eaata. avoar to ia.prM tkia apua tba BaUioa I hay are tfWMtettag tb wall with the figure.
iiJ. rat-irita ia tmb ai a aaa. tUvelv Wark la Uwiat I nifTMttKAtleat wntea: Tha Kepublu-aB ramp tire ia lawrenre unty are burning briiiUr, aatl the aaaKinty ir uruciu ami um whole tukat at th Nnvetnber ele tim pn-m-taea to be kuirar tkaa at any lima lktMwfefara. A targe tuawting was kaid al ISmm liming Um oa Um 4th, tka lajeat politKi gatnev ina ever Bald ta tl lovautv. here uruiwaaioa at aijrht aiimhtrhng nearly hxtr huiaured luna-bcarer and i Iv alt Um rHJUMe in tka hnra were Ulunitnated.
Aiuonsrtke BKaat mitble diM.lava were thuae of Wm. M. ram-is Jr. K.bhat1er. l.tnirurer A ana Maraiiall.
ulir twev-ove nanur-u ipie raibered aa the lhaawmd, and attentively itatnMl to a nm ataaat irm nn. n. sbailenberver. froleraor Mehard. Preaident i lie t.aitMld and Artbur Club, tW niade aua aulwart rvmarka.
An atteiiiit aaAVti la tka evening to raiae a pula 10 faet high, but owing lo a miahap it broke. iitunkday. faiweeer, wm aifaaiauy lai-vd, and tha oeraattm were ajade be 1Y. Jertrra, rnil-at of VMminMer ndleaw. If on.
to. M. rauru, and W. A. Mehard.
Tuitn-lay sight the ink fftarmlMl and called on llu. Kramta, who mknowletged ike m.pliinent ta a nneiua lltMhLtcan a-em-U. Tb 1 mlrertiM a big blowout oa th lith. old ItiMirbooa think a "rtill hunt' the bct. tut ike vounger leiueat judea oiherwiw, and ii cMiviuue to Um tail that the more fin th'-v make the mora litu-ln-aa voiw there ill ba.
Th weather Iteauiihu and farui- Bre buav, but tby take time to attml the ItfpuLditaa BMwtutga. Uraaa Bepabllrtva Ball. Maitm Mill. htvwi-a 1 own hi p. ictoW There wa a v-rv inierealiiig meeung ht-Id here bv tka lpibliiana laat evening.
It wm (he brat Biceung held here bv the KrpuMir far manv rear. lie good ueooleof theneigli burhoud Btatle aiupla prefMratiom to attest thvir kryalty 1W th Ucpuhliran putj by ilieir rirt datvirationa and mnoir. Tne frvm which the iakrf addrwited the Bieetiitg wa built over a wajrun lie wagon wm otia which yean ttio t-tu-riad a dle4ntb'B of tk kA-tmblu-ua. from Hmwil-n biwuahip in fm- t-vaaioo through Hittetmrgh oa the occasion of tha vraud dtavMrthamu-a gives far AbrBhain l.inouin ibe hrat Ume ha for preaident uf tk I nitd Siaica. Tha muaic wm furnUh-1 by Um Tlaoairavm villa band, and the How-cm and dAraUaM war kindly mad hy the laalies of tba neighborhood.
tiiU-ert M. kapl-soed In ha prraent, WM fa theckair, and Mmr. W. Roach, TJ Kidd'rO. Jamea lliirhv.
Mm. WiUon, J. I.e Trinibla. Jua-i-h Phillip, John MnU and Alesaiadt-r w-rv alert-d fur vire preai'lenU; and J. V.
Kwmg anil Oco. AW iniaaaNI BaW" r-WAI lV The above gt-nllenien were ail prenent, and lhoe miuaint-d with hooWtlea fawn-hip know that Uey tvpnweat the letvling of the town-hut. 1 he uintafc. i N. S.
Co. l-j-i-, Janwa Kitz-aitn- n.i na h-i anil I l. nOL rwntj, luc k-it. wt-re lutriMMi to with a great deal or atiMtiUua and were tri-aiueauy ioirruii-u ai.iilaiMie. 1 here Were reent at least hva hundred voters, iotluding tk marching Hub of the fawiiahiu.
and it wm evident. fp-Bi the remark at the meeting, that tne uf lhi lownahip intend to vole lor the wine prim -i idea of Uie Kpul'lica -arly U.l year tkey iltd ia ivw. mia eat Bavwrelsata A arak. At Ilarrisoa 1 ity, Wmtmoreland comity, iaa Tuesday evi-iiuig, and at Adaniabiirg. in iL wBis oitiiilT.
on nhie-wlM. larrc Ke- pnhlican pieetmgs wera hrhl, and man buig i lnbe werr present Irom Irwin-i, I reruhurg. Mar.or. 1 primers. Matt-n, Painter ville Mid.Heloo and iH-lm-ol, lrg-ilier with haml cliiba.
ami the strewu ami BeUls were a living maeauf i-sople. Ther- were al least five bun! rl tewuia in the rrraiion prrvw eat meeting. Two ailver otrtiet lsnik from I lelmont were on haiid. "hn fee, prawded at Harrison ily, and Wm. II.
ai or row at Ailamaimrg. Jonn n. t-jmi-- delivered an atonnnit whir at eliciting tuibHUidwd apldaosa. Hid eliiwelad will give a good muotitit 4 harwtt in uveai ler. AsMdtsea riwrntaer.
Mr. J. M. I.rin. a t.naiinsMit rmidmt of Brow nvi lie.
who rvprcawaU several large saMe-rii bout aiiil hoe uianulsrf-torie, aays he will flop from HamtM bM tmld, oa a-miat uf bring air a hi id a hange ix pnitet'tivc tarill tu a "tariff fr revenue owl. ir. Orim bm an ulluw at No. Mi Kmb avenue. A Mrs fade.
A vote on I'reaiderittal aiuiidat, 1 'u i i nr and i leveiaad eiiintion train, from at l.tirri-e.l, ye-ter-lav, resalt- mmi i.arhetd IIstom 1 Jo all voters. IssMasaM Kellef Tasd. I have the pleasure aekoowmJanng the fl- ktwieg additloaal tssmnai 'a. -aaaoa for the be a ad ef the u-k sad d-utuie ta lar wrst i Wiitl I I 1 i lo oo I7 7ti Acgneey. eaat in c.
laf Tae ''itlilMfb gi beret -v ir-. 1 rri Keiiet Ant. b'B J' ar-I- 1 died T'lUradST St bi- aear swat aged Uk Lred ae teaia. ait a. Ua da.
He I 4.drt ataa ta I -vstte lbi, at.i a ago a- aa a gord t-aa-th tiv tct- at It i a ltni I- r. 1 bv Hed ever Wmorratic eaa 1i.a. i i sine. tha ear time hi tha tbe waa bar aad bet aid bad 11a ran ff the yo bi tb itf CERBiEDf. RHEUnflTISm, Heur-alg'a, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Bums and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth.
Bar and Headache, Frosted Feet and cars, and all ether raws and Aches. Ko on earth equal- Pt. Jcnn Ott as nurr, anWe nJul rhntp Kxtrrtia. K-IJ)1T. tr.ai uui uie tj ftO t'ente, and every one uitn pain have cirtap and oniuvr prooi ui cia.m.
lirecticas in Eleven ldugiisea. SOLD BT ALL DROGGIPTfl ASD DEALERS IH aDlcihb. A.VOGELER tfc a im bt ai iiks.t. aahir-h airMaliea a want men of enilnent sl.tutT devoted years of atudv atid expennieui to nod-itpv nvii ron biHurw ovth Kiiikyh, Blsduur, Ubi-aBV Onoan aud Nkkvi.cs and frooi the .1.. r.f iia liiaintrn lui isoidlv lurreaaed in favor.
tka innniTAl And toutidcDce of mci K'vl mCU aud liioae who hae used it: il has becotua a t'jvonte na jl eiataea and wherever introduced all other treerinvBla. In short, auch it ml riu-aic merit and superiority, that 1 now tbe onlj rec ognised Tflielil renit-dT. DIKE AM EN lr THE are the moat prevalent, dangerous snd fatal sBectlon IBM alHU-t man kind, and mo varied and iusidioua iu il-ir charm-ter, thai person often suffer for along i. v.t. BTiwiwine wiiat alls tbem.
Tbe moat cnar- af-teriat a-yuploiuf are gradual wasting away of the whole body, lain in the back, aide or loins; a weak. leel-le. exbauied fielirc ol appetlie aud dread of unit ami uaii.lul di. iiie ol rariouitT tlurrd urmr; maliilit to retail) or eipel the urine; onuui ah red or casta in the urine, and. wneu tne an eae ia ot long duration, there is muck and general itctvoua prfiktration.
THE OWI.T tf- We ary porltively.and wiihuatfear of eontradicttoa. that IAI KlUKi 1-AL ia te Brti anu only cur for ererr. form of Kidney disease. It is tbe I- rcutedv vet iliacovered tor tnia comol dot, and snore cflm uiai in ita operation ttiaa any other Bt uaiiia faiihtullT and peniraientiT will be loi.nd ao inxtaraie aa not to yield Us pue erlui reuiedial vlrtur. IM MTRwMCI.T ESnOENCD.
We have tbe snoat unrtfii vocal testimony to It car- stive posers lroui ttixa H-roua oi hib'u iua.ia.m, uMna. an.) ri.uMlniiir. Ihir book. "Hnv a as leaved." giving a history of this new dtv- erv. and lance itvord of moal reiuarttiMa cuxea, tmL.
uvii it IiAT'b KlUNt-Y FATwt are at-M by dniggists, or Will las M-t-l hv mail free ol po.trM on re iiriie. Kt-trular. a. fir oust mate Childrvo, BI IM Addre DAT EIDNET FaVJ Telada. Okie) a TTrnTrtH.T Owioe toihe manv wotthl Kid- LAU 1 lUAVi aey r'ada now sw king mm on rnuiAUl4.a.
aedn-ui it due the afHi(-tnl to warn .1. Ti a ti I ItN'b Pill Luiiai no alher ill net tie daceivsu. te. jti i The Only Remedy CM A ITU 11 THthllk' TiHi! Il vJ LITHE LIVER, THE BOvVELS, and the KIDNEYS. 7Vf com mutd aeUn ffre it tom- lerful jKtttxr to cure ail disease.
HWhy Are We ck? JJjJ JfrtMiitse to alUv Uurse oryi rm 19 OUC'iH Cxjijfd vr wry'. pnimn-nia h. tru-mart? th'rejtr yrreri mi rv (Hi! uct ae e- tv sissV, Ull lol I'll rS.41I.NsllpAilt)h, fciiM lusiativTs, nismtf slll'tkS "Uk fibAbiS, AMI MlilOU I 0 It Kits, Vr mur'r! frrt tir'ivn, of thfM iHyzr ind vesturing tlmtr ytuer Ut tiava dtsrttM. MefrVr IHIfew pern end sHie Wliy tsrmeated with i'lle. Count i pal ion HHyfrlshteaeduwrditaardered hiusrta! Why dire erv" er airk h' sdaUaeaJ by aleeplrss aiphUf KriiM WORT mnd t)okx ta ktaUX.
Itii rfry, rvyrtaMe compound ana Oaas pa age wttl rsaLeals nlaaT Ucathe. fimt il af tmir lPruaf h- trill mOtr ef ZLZZX A 3., rrrjtcrt, JMB1 deurThs FULL THURSDAY, FRIDAY AID SATURDAY, October 7, and il Fall antl Winter Styles Paris, Berlin New York Costumes, Dolmans, Sacques, Jackets, Seal Dolmans, Seal Sacques. Fur-Lined Circulars, Fur-Lined Dolmans. MISSES' JACKETS an! ULSTEBS. Aa I hi a ethibU will fee Haml dfalr ofelrgant novelties rrer stmtl vicinity tare cwrtttmlly Invited.
JOS. HORSE RETAIL STORES, 197, 199, 201 PENN AVENUE. mm H.7iir"J SeeO-TTbl JiillN S. KLLIOT, bi ilui b. Ko CH OEAJ.T bTREFT, PlITsBCRiH.
tA. of rhef.ilton ldiw Building. betweD Fotirtb se- I -e ar-H 1 ann: u-iaiasy aj Nu.tbJiaot tn. Jou-r au "OSWALD WERNER. Tb sw where Sue Woolen, bilk and Valval Itood dyed etcorlitat te tample.
lit PESI AVEXVB. GEORGE SORTH, Aro abtitewot, l.te wt Ct-ir4 prriWJL'mrrH- P. CjsT'jT Hi wii sm 'JlmmhtJkLttl OPENING mA kmmM ZmM TTrTaTLa. a At At At Raa aile eel II lli maa, m4 w-m tilnM AH I llllll( COMMKaCt 1 Commercial Gazette. BBA.
ATlOtAL. TICKET. la KB. a. MIIUA OM mmuitnmiMiMow i.U'lHLKlM AT TltlfT.
a aua.wa wa m. Luton, mi cocsTt Titirr. auanux aaaan, iwm fMt.MA B. AUaaf CM. av aaa.aa wmiwiM Hmm a.a B.
IIHIHI Ua a IU, a. AJ If L7. nili.ii rgh. mHM tUm. BtrB n.
ALT a. al.i iona raaitHiu, aidant? MMM MHIIfli iu.im ruaa. riM.fc.n. flHH KJUIWUAMU, i KHr Mm uvrn. a.
MAkkV tm Putmrnmntm, 'Smm tiri 4tMMi I AMK.K1X.-VI it.Ua mtmm, iMttwrn pmwW 4. 4dtJ IM. Im KHKT M. rM.Urll f.fiHH- Wnat i H. Kt nM (ml Um anll tff km, IfaWlaillMlUMV, aVtVil ill It ktH km, irf Uit rightful it, lkKftM mm iriHjrrtk fmwf wnUi wutm Ktw oil muttm.
I Um mm It rwuirl tpumi 4miot fiii4iui It rtijy I svkm nkto UuM lilit- mm nmly il.wt 4i4rt.L m4 rt hr akv lUw ui, That? Juai tUin ti Air Ui ftuiwrb 4. II. bi.nu, kvo H. Worklnff. lbUto ftir toimrmttj A 1,77.
iot.vfai mm HtmlaUf dtlfhl, glVlaaf VaVTaaH. HM HI vha Uk4 tMMt lital city v4 Ut ItaVfMtfativ Tub tMlMriiv ia (HtW mmJ 1Umm Im- ratlM1 rW MM. FlalW (VlMa. tall araM-tiaJtW Off 11 tVrtMlrf, tat aataaMlUful MitWaWtWIIary tWt UfttUuti tt. a ItMlJUWU laVtii.a'tm: "Th right ia hm Iwllt.
twrratiT ul all trtBl.tftv." A il-rT Anmi FalMtwtk, k--au kr, to li i liu-WtMli 4alil I tetuhm Mh, mtu ikm Atwiiw la tvM ka. Imm lvMt al itM llfPUUa 4f tM UMt khamt it ttaMMW I ho kl413tM mm9mmitmt mmd Wft ictwiBfl tur.og tk Bif hi, Mt tluw. tMtktl trallail Im li ttoal by ism a.w'ftatMiii tluHittt th lUrb htatwa. No IdTU pasif tfi, ttu Krpub-lnw flt-ttr. guilt' utf mm mm MUraf up tMltHft'l MB Uvotanal Hn-nUi ciAtMaia a wfciatit lu Mt rf lb rbtltltlhia butvaMta, wlikk mrruburmim Um ilitoiawM tuatla ia iIvsm ou4-tiua thai art lu ummlm im thu.
Il A frl il4aHi- la tkkeit- hat) toratftl Titila awwMt ti Mfiafaiwra in t-mtm ml, altha ytt H', ia ih iftli wmrA, aiwl at aMtarUttaf kMMa um ml Mrwt. A I rr-t ttiau? ara at-'tvtW arvMMMl th tlp. aiti tl i im Ikniittbt thavl tuliy n) mwm im lit iilv Ntvnii tti Kanipi kava bmn tyt4twi, ml tt MuaUn artit. ia hn ihr-r a Ukm. INva MrM-i tin, ul la KUli Uiuu-t, JV tl ikatl ka aatl aMwivavJ mt Ham HauvUII rnhmm ba aa ia CwluailMa.
Imi Hind- uUutg; kta. la auaaa oa with bi Ohiu aa4 Intiiaaa Kvattblicatta ha an hkMNtt trim kumm, althar a biitiaa or ltamr, skuaM aiaka a auo lu rlira la liiua la tula. Kimrj vuta will ba tMailwL Vtia 4 ia banva thai uaila of am-rMi-Wta mn bataa; laiu alaut mwv -olin lrMta--t im ika larga Ikaawcmtk cauatlai ia tittmm two lalaa, tW Ika par otf atsrrriai IImmm hy IVatMl mml wriur-, ti khaas rr bw- fln to ka Band, a4 only lu ca lii vwa r4w bul Ma liial tw-avatar) ani riaaatVn ara pivvantMl tViai fU ling ia thvtr work, tl fthmiltj tnitt is thai tha I byBxii miM-' jarty hUi mu mm thsa i Ht ftiLha.a atotM hy frwtat .) viola. nrb atiMl laliaua aav bam ft rrjJctMwllV airt4Ml tujr lha am MhaU, htti am mm (wHMMt anl k-rth lhtM UtM Hi(Htblu'aa. lttUtdtsa ia ttow La tfoiU, mimlf auiai ti giifaVHtia oUttrta a Whig- aiaJ ry ilia IbaatAfrate to wry it by uutl.tti atrtkotU.
II liia-a knaM caa ba lha ctaia a. II rUfmblu-a. thn, altittl huk tktrra ttui ba aatibl, ia tttantatvil la Ika MJaa way, aatl ika atoal aiifiiMts ffiiiwill auala to mlata our tbajuriiy la lil tria. Il will rur mvrw mmm lu ba mi iba lrt, aatl wa -ii4 all a'aantaM WhA lu tmu to ba at koata um almti Uy. tmm mmm Tamirr mill.
Ib ri ly-ag mt a aWfwmadeat th otlier day tbrft ao Anal ftdw wm ever ukea oa the VtiM.r, iuli amtl Ttt BEa bills, oir at-WatWn ihiefty dirertml lo Dm laat two avaMtrtM frwa-lrmla meaawraa hk ar alH pendlug ia Consjimaa. 4'artaieanl wm ragarita tka Wrnra tariaf bill, amd Bilk ll.e rurrettioa af tk rtur iaadvavteatly aada, a skort tateaaeil wm miaaa of iw-seieM t4aaMttw4 with it kt ia rder. Tha otc tariaf bill arig.aally epirMti, sru. aa.t Ui feasor tka tariaT oa pig irua from 'm lea uVoikare per oa: on sAewl mils from easily etgM tu tweaty dollars pwr t- oa ssnutrth or pMltshml akeel ihrea tw oaa eut pw -wsml. ajsj a ru Ina tnm doll are per ta anat BshI ei.NI liars pat tua tut wrMtghl Iv aa Millar pr b-a hit all km, wUiia the duty oa ira or aawmiagly ia arjer maha a bmww ianpw.da ft tba BBraraa iron maetafse-luies tmmat with tka tag liar) mm raietal from twsaiy paw read ad aSavrw, kea mnal lu thirty tewta, la d41af -wf Um, which wm twraroMaily am ia In.
Hfty eamas. Th Ull tmliadeal awwaviagj aa miain fasdursw evppew, tta nem alia, aua aa4 u.in gaasla. Tk ckararM tf tka bill was miab aavrw tka nalelly taf lk pes Bidlk im whb WM lwlaaM veenlaiy BoraiBg aa ftjlows; "Here ae ba iwo vdwe af I'arweM ial twt year, making priu imliUon ia the Jo I law if i -a e4 etewl. wal, 4li-n thea th Were pr- ptaml hv the MumI, Uie beV, or It- le tairf bill, about alu. It the bos whoh were drlwtvU-1 br a kaM- r.al il-- id Heprsanitii Tha r'lu-t.
ir i -wil hr t. Wve.y 1 it ifiai ia (ii ajludetl to lv ami 9mm f- itb.relrly Biu- Tl b.a J. 'mTl aL t' oiv. a.i. isi.H in the Wvil.e..t e.va.
nU b.i: -I Iv mnmmmu ItaXM Ml li'tAimi, wmt mi Wat, riUaiawriaa, nU -4. I t-l hum uf mi kill nf th ka PRESCRIPTION FREE Per tlapeedy Jr of rrtont WeDssa. Vital nf, FrTmiBfarr I-itftT. KereouaiMaB, Imprrtde, (onfosia-a trf lfieaa. IsHacH, Wmxrj aod diordrra fcrwriat on by trvrsurk and 4rtv 4mrelW has tie lostMiieais.
in r.ialU aesiel en.eliHaa. 1V9 Wast BUth Suoss, until, Obi. rwt, iwii STKAMiliiP AMt RAII.KOADTfFTH fM ALL d.jt- nro amd by tb undeni'xned at lowtwl rsie. lbtendlBs; trseira sad pan.es dwrtM ur brio fnenos from I-rUFope will tne ibetr ad'a-Ue lo oiiMiii Rie 1fy PHf-r or persjaal iy. Bim miairri-bed ia 1(VM4 MAX AHIOR-.
OBTAiaiK-. W.CISEKINGKBAWaa iaa ft. strweai. amudam rwsi Aawiaftv ta i DR. VHITTIER trts trtj ad twvwi VKOPrtTflTIej.
ard "il PorinaoT prifi'n U.j.araA-JlA, NI'HT UmSBB AMD iKPirm'T Csii or vi 1 lit the two U. uara while Mr p' lf ton..