(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦ · ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (1)


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MILPERSMAN 1300-1300







Phone: DSN



(901) 874-3201

MyNavy Career Center Phone: Toll Free


MyNavy Portal:

1-833-330-MNCC (6622)




Reference(s) (a) DODINST 6485.01

(b) SECNAVINST 5300.30E

(c) SECNAVINST 1850.4E

(d) SECNAVINST 5211.5E

(e) NAVMED P117, Manual of the Medical Department

(f) BUMED 1300.2A

1. Policy. Assignment policy for personnel infected with bloodborne

pathogens (BBP) is governed by references (a) and (b). The

procedures outlined herein ensure personnel infected with BBP have

the opportunity to fill valid billets.

a. Military personnel who demonstrate no evidence of unfitting

medical conditions associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

infection shall be retained in the service, unless some other reason

for separation exists.

b. HIV-infected service personnel, who may not be considered fit

for continued naval service due to a non-HIV condition which may

constitute a disability, shall be referred to the Integrated

Disability Evaluation System (IDES) under reference (c).

c. Assignment restrictions cannot be imposed on BBP-infected

Service Members, except as delineated by this article and by

reference (b). Any proposed changes in assignment policy which

affect BBP-infected Service Members must be coordinated with Navy

Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), Career Management Department (PERS-

454) per reference (b).


(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (2)


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2. Definitions

a. BBP: Pathogenic microorganisms, transmitted via human blood,

which cause disease in humans. They include, but are not limited to,

hepatitis B and C and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

b. HIV: Either of two retroviruses which infect and destroy

helper-T cells of the immune system causing the marked reduction in

their numbers that is diagnostic of acquired immunodeficiency

syndrome (AIDS).

3. Confidentiality. Maintaining the confidentiality of personnel

infected with BBP is absolutely essential. Correspondence, e-mails,

and verbal or telephonic discussions regarding BBP infected personnel

will be limited to: the BBP infected member, personnel within

NAVPERSCOM who have a demonstrated need to know in order to perform

their duties and assign these personnel, the commanding officer (CO)

of the proposed gaining command, the senior medical officer (SMO) or

senior medical department representative (SMDR) of the proposed

gaining command or that supports that command, and the medical

treatment facility personnel. Strict compliance with the provisions

of the Privacy Act is required per reference (d).

a. Electronic correspondence (e-mail) regarding BBP infected

personnel containing names, social security numbers, or other

personally identifying information (PII) shall be digitally signed

and public key infrastructure-encrypted. In the event encryption is

not possible, the only authorized means of electronically

transmitting PII is through use of Department of Defense (DoD) Safe

Access File Exchange (SAFE).

b. Hard-copy correspondence must be pre-coordinated before

mailing to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454). If used, all hard-copy

correspondence regarding BBP personnel which contains names, social

security numbers, or other PII shall:

(1) Be double wrapped with the inner layer labeled "FOR


disclosure may result in both civil and criminal penalties."

(2) Use DD 2923 “Privacy Act Data Cover Sheet” as


(3) Be mailed to only those with an official need to


(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (3)


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(4) Be sent via a mailing service that can provide

tracking information.

(5) Be handled and destroyed per Department of Defense

(DoD) privacy directives.

4. Assignment Procedures. The Assistant Commander, Navy

Personnel Command (ACNPC) for Career Management (PERS-4), will

coordinate policy and assignment for all Navy personnel infected

with BBP. Service Members with BBP may not be assigned or

reassigned without NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4) approval.

a. When a Service Member is initially identified as having

HIV or other BBP upon overseas screening, operational screening,

or in the normal course of healthcare services, the Navy

Bloodborne Infection Management Center (NBIMC) will notify

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) and the Service Member’s CO.

(1) For a new diagnosis of an HIV positive member, the

CO will arrange for the timely notification of the Service

Member and transfer to a HIV Evaluation Unit (HETU).

(2) A newly diagnosed HIV positive Service Member may

require immediate reassignment to comply with reference (b). If

qualified, rating conversion may be an additional option; see

MILPERSMAN 1440-010 for information on rating conversion.

(3) Per reference (e), Chapter 15, personnel in special

communities such as aviation duty, diving duty, special warfare,

or submarine duty who are diagnosed HIV positive also need a

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) waiver of medical

standards to continue in these programs.

(4) Service Members who are initially diagnosed with

chronic Hepatitis B or C are evaluated by either infectious

disease or gastroenterology specialty physicians at a local Navy

medical treatment facility (MTF). Treatment will follow

appropriate clinical guidelines. Service Members with chronic

Hepatitis B or C who have failed treatment, who are not

candidates for treatment, or who have complications from the

infection which impair their ability to perform the required

duties of rank and rate, are referred to the Integrated

Disability Evaluation System (IDES).

b. Service Members who have been identified as having a BBP

and are approaching their projected rotation date (PRD) shall

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (4)


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contact their detailer to negotiate appropriate orders.

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4) detailers will coordinate with NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-454) to ensure the healthcare at the receiving command is

capable of supporting the member. Privacy Act standards must be

adhered to in this process.

c. Per reference (b), the Secretary of the Navy shall be

advised 30 days in advance of the assignment of a Service Member

of each type of limitation in assignment or duties and the

specific reasons therefor.

d. Any questions regarding assignments should be referred


5. Procedures for Outside the Continental United States

(OCONUS) or Operational Orders. On a case-by-case basis, in

consultation with the treating HETU, NBIMC, and NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-454), certain personnel who are considered to have

controlled BBP infection, per reference (b), may be considered

for assignment to commands described in Exhibit 1. Personnel

with a BBP will not be considered for overseas Individual

Augmentee (IA) tours, given the austere environments and limited

medical facilities where they potentially could be placed. The

process for personnel with a BBP infection to request and

receive OCONUS or operational orders is outlined below.

a. In consultation with his or her infectious disease

physician, a member with a BBP desiring an OCONUS or operational

assignment shall:

(1) Submit a request (see Exhibit 2) to NAVPERSCOM


(a) The member will acknowledge in the request that

he or she understands that the process will require additional

personnel to know of their medical condition, and that he or she

will be prohibited from taking liberty, leave, or temporary duty

in countries that have entry restrictions applicable to persons

with BBP, such as HIV.

(b) The member should consult with Web site

www.hivtravel.org for the most current information on country

restrictions on entry, stay, and residence of HIV positive

persons to ensure he or she understands the scope of countries

that have restrictions that may be applicable to the OCONUS or

operational assignment desired.

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (5)


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(2) Follow normal procedures to determine potential

OCONUS or operational assignment to commands described in

Exhibit 1.

(a) Enlisted members will follow regular procedures

of MyNavy Assignment (MNA) entry.

(b) Officers will contact their detailers directly.

b. Upon receipt of Exhibit 2 and notification from the

member's detailer of a requested OCONUS or operational

assignment, NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) shall:

(1) Inform the CO of the proposed gaining command that

the member has requested assignment to his or her command, and

request a response per Exhibits 3 and 4 within 10 calendar days.

(2) Inform the senior medical officer (SMO) or senior

medical department representative (SMDR) of the proposed gaining

command, or who supports the proposed gaining command, that the

member has requested assignment to his or her command or a

supported command, and direct Exhibit 4 be provided to the CO of

the proposed gaining command within 5 calendar days.

c. The CO of the proposed gaining command shall, within 10

calendar days of notification, submit Exhibit 3 to NAVPERSCOM

(PERS-454) stating whether or not he or she will accept the

member at the command. The SMO/SMDR letter of recommendation

(Exhibit 4) shall be an enclosure to Exhibit 3. Letters signed

"By direction" will not be accepted. A negative response must

be thoroughly explained and notification made to the CO's

immediate supervisor in command.

(1) In determining if the assignment at his or her

command is appropriate, the CO must take into consideration the

legal restrictions on travel of HIV positive persons in various

countries and the impact such a restriction would have on

mission accomplishment. The CO must consult Web site

www.hivtravel.org for current information on a country's entry restrictions for HIV positive persons.

(2) Based on the CO's understanding of his or her

operational mission and the billet, he or she can determine the

likelihood that the member would be required to enter a country

prohibiting entry of HIV positive persons, due to TAD,

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (6)


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deployment, a port visit, etc. The fact that a member will be

unable to have liberty in a particular port(s) (if visited) will

normally not justify a negative response on its own because the

member is agreeing to forgo such liberty in order to obtain the

requested orders.

d. Upon receipt of the CO's decision on acceptance of the

member, NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) will:

(1) If the CO's response was positive, notify the

detailer that orders can be issued.

(2) If the CO's response is negative, examine the

justification to determine if the command has a valid

operational or medical concern. If the concern is medical,

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) will work with the proposed gaining

command CO/SMO/SMDR to resolve the medical concern if possible.

(3) If the concerns of the proposed gaining command CO

cannot be resolved, then NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) will notify the

detailer that the member will not be given orders to the

requested billet and must continue to negotiate orders to other

potential billets. If the next requested billet is OCONUS or

operational, the detailer will again notify NAVPERSCOM (PERS-

454) of the requested billet, and the above process will be


e. Upon receipt of orders or letter of intent, the member

will initiate the overseas screening, sea duty screening process

immediately per references (f), MILPERSMAN 1300-300, 1300-302,

1300-304, 1300-800, and 1306-801 (as applicable).

6. Responsibilities. All personnel must ensure the medical

information of a member is protected per Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act and the Privacy Act (as

appropriate). Adherence to the process timelines for OCONUS and

operational orders is very important to the commands' manning

levels and prioritization of outstanding requisitions.

a. Member:

(1) Negotiate CONUS orders via MNA.

(2) Prior to negotiating OCONUS or operational orders

with detailer or requesting such an assignment via MNA, must

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (7)


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submit a request, per Exhibit 2, to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) and

receive confirmation of receipt.

b. NAVPERSCOM (Pers-454):

(1) Set BBP assignment policy;

(2) Track Exhibits 2 through 4 and apply appropriate

privacy safeguard measures to these documents;

(3) Coordinate assignment with detailers, gaining

command CO/SMO/SMDR, and Service Members;

(4) Upon notification from detailer of a request for

OCONUS or operational assignment, promptly advise proposed

gaining command CO and SMO/SMDR of member's request and the

required CO decision, with SMO/SMDR recommendation, within 10

calendar days of the notification.

c. Detailer:

(1) Coordinate with constituents and NAVPERSCOM (PERS-

454) for assignments.

(2) Obtain approval from NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) prior to

accepting constituent requests for OCONUS or operational


(3) (Enlisted detailers) shall notify NAVPERSCOM (PERS-

40) immediately, if the processing time for the exhibits exceed

the requisition take-up time (requisition ages out) which was

negotiated with the member.

(4) Shall immediately notify NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) if a

member who negotiated orders to an OCONUS or operational

assignment is subsequently found to be unsuitable.


(1) Code (M3/5) shall provide guidance to commands upon

initial detection of members who are positive for HIV or other


(2) Code (M8) shall provide travel for initial

evaluation and treatment of HIV positive members.

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (8)


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(1) Ensure the member has been approved through the

overseas screening or operational screening process (references

(f), MILPERSMAN 1300-300, 302, 304, 1300-800 and 1306-801 for

all conditions other than BBP.

(2) Upon notification by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454), SMO/SMDR

for the proposed gaining command must determine whether the

command is capable of treating the member with BBP and make

recommendations to the proposed gaining command CO regarding

acceptance of the member using Exhibit 4. Exhibit 4 must be

personally signed and submitted to the CO within 5 calendar days

of notification by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) of intent to assign a

Service Member with BBP to a command under his or her

cognizance. Signature authority may not be delegated. A

negative placement recommendation must be justified.

f. Proposed Gaining Command CO:

(1) Upon notification by NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) and

within 10 calendar days of notification, shall submit their

decision in the form of Exhibit 3 with Exhibit 4 enclosed, to

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) stating whether or not he or she will

accept the member at the command. “By direction” authority will

not be accepted. Negative placement decisions must be justified

and notification made to the CO's immediate supervisor in


(2) Utilize information contained in Web site

www.hivtravel.org on countries with entry prohibitions for

persons who are HIV positive in making decision provided to


(3) Acknowledge in decision (Exhibit 3) that if an HIV

positive member is given orders to his or her command, the CO

will ensure the member does not enter a country that prohibits

entry of persons who are HIV positive, whether on liberty,

leave, or in a duty status.

7. Navy Personnel Command Support and Reporting Requirements

a. NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) will establish and maintain

offline electronic records (as necessary) to administer the BBP

Program and respond to regular and ad hoc inquiries regarding

Service Members with BBP. Appropriate privacy safeguard

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (9)


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measures will be exercised per (DoD) directives. Any command

inquiries, regarding personnel with BBP, should be referred to

NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454) for coordination of the response.

b. NAVPERSCOM (PERS-3), Records/Data Maintenance Quality

Division will provide query support from existing military

personnel systems to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-4), as needed.

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (10)


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1. The following OCONUS medical facilities are capable of providing medical

services to members with identified bloodborne pathogens (BBP):








2. Members with BBP may request assignment to OCONUS/operational commands

supported by and within a 2 hour driving radius of the naval hospitals listed


3. Members with BBP may also request assignment to arduous sea duty aboard

CVNs, LHAs, or LHDs.

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (11)


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From: HM1 Navy A. Sailor, USN or USNR

To: Commander, Navy Personnel Command (PERS-454)


Ref: (a) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300

1. Per reference (a), I request an OCONUS/operational assignment.

2. As a Service Member with an identified bloodborne pathogen, I make this

request voluntarily, acknowledging and understanding the following:

a. I have read and understand reference (a).

b. Placement in an OCONUS/operational assignment will necessitate

disclosure of health information to additional personnel due to the screening

process for such an assignment. However, per the Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act and the Privacy Act, my medical

information will only be shared with those having a need to know to process

my request.

c. I must not donate blood to the blood programs/blood agencies within

CONUS and OCONUS, or participate in the “walking blood bank.”

d. There are countries that restrict or prohibit entry, stay, or

residence of persons who are HIV positive, and I can refer to

www.hivtravel.org for information on each country's HIV related travel

restrictions. These laws may impact whether or not I receive the

OCONUS/operational orders requested. I acknowledge that if I receive

OCONUS/operational orders and such a restriction or prohibition applies to

me, I will not be allowed to enter such a country on liberty, leave, or any

duty status.

e. I am under no obligation to request an OCONUS/operational assignment;

however, not serving in an operational assignment may have an impact on my

ability to be competitive for promotion. By submitting this request, I

understand that I may receive orders to an OCONUS/operational assignment and

be subject to the restrictions outlined above.

3. To further discuss assignments, I may be reached at (123)456-7890 or


N. A. Sailor

(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (12)


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From: Commanding Officer, [USS FUTURE SHIP/COMMAND]

To: Commander, Navy Personnel Command (PERS-454)


Ref: (a) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300

Encl: (1) [SMO/SMDR Recommendation]

1. I have been advised that [Rank/Rate Name, USN or USNR, designator for

officers] with an identified Bloodborne Pathogen has been selected for

assignment to my command.

2. I have read reference (a), and completely understand my obligation under

the Privacy Act to protect this member’s health information. Information

regarding this member will only be discussed on an as needed basis and only

with those possessing a need to know.

3. I have consulted my [senior medical officer/senior medical department

representative] regarding the ability to provide care for this member.

[His/Her] recommendation is provided as enclosure (1).

4. (Include this paragraph if BBP of member is HIV) In making this decision,

I have taken into consideration country restrictions on entry of HIV positive

persons found at www.hivtravel.org and the impact such restrictions would

have on mission accomplishment should this member be accepted into the

proposed billet. I understand that I must ensure an HIV positive member of

my command does not enter a country that prohibits entry of persons who are

HIV positive, whether on liberty, leave, or in a duty status.

5. I [am/am not] willing to accept placement of [Rank/Rate Name] at my

command. [Provide justification for a negative response.]

6. For further discussion of this matter, I may be reached at

[emailprotected] or (123)456-7890.



(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦· ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (13)


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From: [Senior Medical Officer/Senior Medical Department Representative],


To: Commanding Officer, [USS FUTURE SHIP/COMMAND]


Ref: (a) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300

1. I have been advised [Rank/Rate Name, USN or USNR, designator for

officers] with an identified Bloodborne Pathogen has been selected for

assignment to [USS FUTURE SHIP/Command Name].

2. I have read reference (a), and completely understand my obligation under

the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and Privacy Act to

protect this member’s health information. Information regarding this member

will only be discussed on an as needed basis and only with those possessing a

need to know.

3. As the [senior medical officer/senior medical department representative],

I understand the care requirements for this individual. I [am/am not]

capable of providing the medical resources necessary for this Sailor to

maintain his or her health. [If stating not capable, provide explanation.]

4. I [recommend/do not recommend] placement of [Rank/Rate Name] on board

[USS FUTURE SHIP/Command Name]. [Provide justification for a negative


5. For further discussion of this matter, I may be reached at

[emailprotected] or (123)456-7891.



(PDF) MILPERSMAN 1300-1300€¦ · ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL WITH BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS (BBP) Responsible Office NAVPERSCOM (PERS -454) Phone: DSN COM 882-3201 (901) 874 3201 MyNavy Career - PDFSLIDE.NET (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.