Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

1 1 i 1 Denmark -Stamper 1f 'j 10-G I Oakland Tribune Sunday March 20, 1949 Panama Airmails" Honor Itoocovelt Panama has overprinted, in black, its 10-centesimos amber and 5 cen-teslmos beige Roosevelt airmail issues. "Overprinted on each are HIGHWAY. POSTOFFICE SERVICE SLATED TO START IN SOUTH jyiams nauaay. Denmark will Issued a new posU. ace stamp in connection with thai a 'N Government owned and operated Augusta, from Greenville to Highway Postoff ice Service will be Columbia, S.

from Savannah to inaugurated between the following grdgj, 4114 Savannah to points during the period of March Special first-trip cachets and can-28 to April 1, 1943, or shortly there-' cellation will be provided each of prepared with postage to the postmaster at terminal cities of each route from which first-trip cancellations are desired. A clear tween the first named and the last named eitjf will be designated as Trip 1 the initial trip between the last named and first named city will be designated "Trip 2." All covers should be in the hands of the postmasters not later than March centenary of the. Danish Constitu-' space not less than 2x2 inches tion'oniJune 5. The desia haf' not yet been, announced but thi denomination is expected to Bulgarian Set of Four Offered by Stamp Club to the left on the address side of all covers must be left for -application of the cachets. i "Lucha Contra El Cancer.

The ad- after; from Charlotte, N.C: to Flor-ithe above named routes. Collectors ditional value of. 1-centesimo will lence. S.C.I from Charlotte to Mar-1 desiring first-trip cancellations help Panama's fight against cancer, lion, N.C.;; from Greenville, 5.C to 'should send their covers -properly On each route the initial trip be 26, 1949. -4-1 HOY BOODY Pntir interesting and colorful un used postage stamps from Bulgaria constitute tms weexs sei iur mej bers of the Tribune stamp uuip.

Members may obtain this set for only 10 cents, either by caning person at the -Tribune omce in naVianrf or hv writing the Stamp Editor, Postoffica Box 609, Oakland 4. Calif. 1 Orders will be filled by mail when ((nmDanied with a 2-cent stamped 4 self addressed envelope for the mailing of your Stamps, Please re quest set No. 506. i i i I i j.

I ti yfa omI. VI -v 4 1 i i i LUXEMBURG LAUDS ROYAL BLACK SHEEP Russia Issues i is "The Appliances Host Women Want Wost" 15 i I -j. 'Ai r- i 1 GE HOME FREEZER HEW LOW PRICE GE REFRIGERATOR JEW LOW PRIG I $245 Ltrp! Ci. Ft. Family Slit 1 tpaei Maktr i i NVw Snar ATalcr triv: you up to one-third more re frige rated food storage in same floor space as old-style models.

Freezer compartment holds 4 ice trays (80 ice cubes). 14.4 square feet of shelf area. Extra big S4inch deep draw er for fruits and vegetables, Bottle space will hold 12 square, quart jiize milk bottles, also very tall bottles. i Porcelain-on-steel interior. 219' Adequate Storage for' 140 pounds of frozen food.

Equipped with convenient removable wire baskets. GE's thorough insulation and sturdy construction keep even freezing temperature from top to bottom. No warm spots. Automatic interior light. The minute the lid is raised the inside is floodlighted.

Counter-balanced lid. Sealed-in steel no oiling. Long lasting, quiet operation. Two Unique Set Soviet Russia has issued two unique sets of stamps. One set of two commemorates "twenty -five years without Pictured is the Lenin Mausoleum in Red Square, Moscow.

The dates 1924 1949 are prominent in the scroll border above the illustration. The values are 40 kopeks and 1 ruble. The other set of two honors the 300th anniversary of the discovery of the Dezhhev Strait and Cape. The promontory, sometimes called East is located at the eastern ex tremity of Siberia across the water from Alaska. The channel and cape were named in honor of the Cossak Dezhnev who crossed the strait before its exploration by Bering.

The values are also 40 kopeks and one ruble. i Poster Stamp Series Success The non postage poster stamp series put, forth by the Saratoga Springs Music Festival Committee has met with huge success through out the country so far, says it di rector, P. Charles Adler. The bi- colored stamps illustrate historic landmarks of Saratoga as well as famous music personalities. This series marks the first time that poster stamps have been utilized to finance a music festival.

Requests for; the stamps have been-received from 337 cities and towns in 45 states as' well as a number of foreign countries including France, Great Britain; Norway, Canada, and the Philippines. Cuban Sets Cuba has issued a double com memorative setof two stamps. Each stamp honors two occasions the bi-centenary of the Fortress 4 9 I t'i "Castillo Jaeua." and the rn- tenary of "Hoja Economica," a publication in the town of Cien Fueeos. The 1 centavos green and a 2 cen- tavos pink show the picturesque old fort. r- Richmond Meeting The Richmond Stamp Club will hold its regular- meeting Monday, March 28, at 8 pjru, at the Belding Recreation Hall, 17th Street and Lincoln Avenue, Richmond.

Sched uled for the, evening will be the showing of two colored sound films on Arabia and its adventure in oil. Visitors are cordially welcomed. Brazil Battle Brazil has issued two new stamns honoring the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Guararapes. The 60 cruzeiros blue shows a battle scene and the 1.20 cruzeiros pink depicts an old fort These large stamps are poorly printed and unattractive, Japan's Newest Japan most recent postage stamp addition is that of a blue 16 yen value showing a panoramic view of Mt. Hodaka.

The stamp is for, use ori foreign mail, according to the OPPORTUNITY KHQCKS. AUSTRIA Vienna Fair Beautiful mint set of complete. Catalog 50c, only 20c to serious applicants for my Better Approvals. H. Becker.

63 Albemarle PL, Yonkers 2. IJ.Y. 1948 U.S. NAM BO Now available: Karibo pages for all 194S U.S. Issues.

Section for singles or blocks on heavy-stock three-ring binder paper. Singles 60c, Blocks 60c iSTAMP COLLECTORS r0P 373 -17th Sf. TWinoaks 3-4046 most women want most It Is very seldom that a country pays postal tribute to its less re putable rulers, tbut the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg dragged an old family skeleton into 'the philate lie limelight, with; its 1937 annual set of semi-postaj charity stamps -This issue consists; of six values and the design features a full-length portrait of Wenceslas II, who, altogether different from his famous namesake in the Christmas carol, has come down in his- with the unflattering title of "Wenceslas the ood -r or-n otmn -Wenceslas began life with a dis play of precocity that is truly Born at Nuremburg in 1361, was crowned Kin? of Bohemia at the tender age of 18 months. At the age efjrhe married the daugn-: ter of a Bavarian and at 15 became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire! Upon the death of his uncle in 1383 he inherited the Grand Duchy of Xuxemburg, then one of the most prosperous and contented little countries of Europe. During his youth I Wenceslas made a visit to France I and found, the famous wines of that country so much to his liking that for the rest of his life he remained in a glorious alcoholic 'haze4 He maintained a sumptuous royal in Bohemia, 5 WnnMiHiiiiirninif where -his riotous excesses; and aurly temper made fnim extremely unpopular.

Twice hejwas dethroned by outraged nobles I and twice he succeeded in regaining power. He never once deigned to honor Lux emburg with his presence, but did not hestitatetto butdenl its hard working citizens with heavy taxes. and when these proved insufficient pay his enormous debts, he EJiallr mortagaged pit the entire tfuchy to one of his relatives! His Ceath in 1419: was greeted -with gighs of relief by all Europe. I During the following centuries the chroniclers of, Luxemburg passed over the reignf of Wenceslas II in eloquent silenc. Yet in 1937, like the proverbial bad penny, the fecape grace duke returned once gain, this time to She philatelic portrait gallery, on the postage atampsc of the countrjf he neglected and misused.

We seef his debonair nd "unrepentant figure, clad in -a tylish nunting costume and standing upon a pedestal jwhich he as-turedly never deserved. good morning; stamp collectors! This Is ParVer Haydon, "Old Stamp" to you (on KRS 9:30 Stmday tnornins. BROADCASTING: "AnOjitioua Globe Stamp Store printed th paces for the Junior. Brine your Part II Junior 1M8 up to December 1948, the U.S. pages only, fori only 75c postpaid.

National Album (Green), Globe 1948 only i 1947 Supplement complete, American Album Clobe patres 1948 J. 50c feeott'a 1947 Supplement complete) All 12 Specialty Albums in stock. Try Globe Stamp Store. 2125 Center. Berkeley.

Calif. I thank you. PARKER HAYDON feuy or sell your stamps and covers through our Pricin CluS. Lots bar-satns. ROVSE OF STAMPS.

404 13th St. Opposite Tribune) Oakland. GENERAL COLLECTION Contain stamps in fire large albums. Be broken up. Price reasonable.

Also coins for sale. Open 10 to p.m. Phone BE 7-230S. i FRAI1K LOUIE 147S Telegraph Ave. Berkeley (Room 1 Upstairs) -1 PRESIDENTIAL, SET.

UNITED STATES. 803-834. Franklin '-aC thru $5. Coolidce. fine use complete 88c.

U.S. approvals accompany. MERRITT; BKUNJOIGE. Cambridge. N.Y.

FREE! Bi-colrr4 riea 149 West 21 SU New York 11. C0.0OO STAMP GRAB BAGS. 25e EACH. ANDERSON. 630 Binaamaa.

Reading. Pa. 0 DOT. FTNLAND 10e th ye. le approvals.

CARROLL'S, 43S7M Sv Hoover, Xoa Anxeles 37. California, 8000 VARIETIES At one and two cents each. McGoneKal 823 40th Oakland. Caiif. tTNMATCHABIX: SETS Cape Juby.

Ice- unci, inaoijci, unnea aiaies al ana S3, China Great Wall Airmails. Hungary I Christmas Set, Italy showing maps of I Italy and Poland. So. Rhodesia. Cona ana many otners.

Everytnin loe with approvals. EDWARD GRASTORP. f611 Orange St, Loa Angeles Sa. Calif. JUST OUT! Supplement to our Cata- lir.

450 new issue offers, Write for FREE Copy. NEW YORKI STAMP 639 5th New York 1 N.Y. ALBUMS AT BARGAIN PRICES Rernlar New Kibe Atlaa Albom l-0 Reeaevelt Albam Case 1 Governor Albam Case 17.64 Collector's Stock Book 15 sheets t.7S 0ett U.S. Albam Loose 10.00 World-wide Albam. 1840 to 194S S.M Laos Leaf Albam, 1840-194S f.00 Looie Leaf Par IL194i i 1948 S.00 15 Beldam semt-postat sets.

Including 1 famons Orval, 101 atmc. S4.M I -98 ea 14S 'mm MI .5 NOTE THESE NEW LOW PRICES ON GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES GE ELECTRIC "SPEEDSTER" RANGE JEW LOW PRICE LBW5' De Luxe Features at a Praciical Prico low Low Prictis Built-in, deep-well Thrift Cooker which can be converted to an addi tional surface unit at wilL New, hi-style control panel keeps witchea away from hands of small children are easy to see and to use. Automatic Oven Timer means you can go put for the day while your meal cooks itself. Huge Tripl-Oven three ovens in one. Tel A Cook switches tell you that's cooking at what speed.

() NB8F NB8E NC8E NF8E NBIOE NFIOE NH8E NHIOE NA4 NA8 CPIF CDIF DDIF3v "the appliances Refrigerators Home Freezers Ranges TAKE ADVANTAGE UP TO 21 $245.00 245.00 264.00 309.00 314.00 344.00 394.00 435.00 219.00 319.00 OF HEW LOW I.I0.ITHS TO PAY 1 tP r7: I If; 'L i. NOW has that raisablo Calrod unit: DD1FS In this advertisem*nt suggested retail prices. as standard equipment. AI1 prices quetsd rare manufacturers iiark i tee. See Tra Your: Nearest ELE6IQ8 Home Appliance Dealer rUtr)brt! fcy fPr Coryorrtloa (VTeIeI Distributer, enly) OaMjftY; I ZZ 1 1 CkA, Vo.

a htMVmZ irorfatefHiager. 4-afaabenhyCant OiQ OOO O-O. MenbcriAis. fa Opea a twrToae I 1 CENA STAMP STORE Arcade Floor, Phelaa Bnilding 760 MARKET ST. SAN" FRANCISCO -A.

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.