News-Pilot from San Pedro, California (2024)

1970. of money's worth Ways to avoid pickpocket theft By SYLVIA PORTER I know (I think) I had $50 or $60 in my pocketbook wallet when I went into the phone booth although when I opened the wallet to pay the lunch check, all it contained was 50 cents in the change purse. I know (I think) my mind couldn't have played that kind of trick on me. I know (I think) that somewhere I was robbed either when my back was turned in the phone booth or while I was sitting in the co*cktail lounge of the restaurant or maybe at the table or was it earlier in the day while I was on the subway. This fuzzy talk doesn't sound like me, I trust, but it is.

What's more, when I started checking on similar robberies, I found to my astonishment that I am close to a textbook case. Among the most loss-prone Americans are college-educated women and people in managerial jobs and the American Express Co. estimates that nearly 7 million of us age 21 and over lose $2 billion in a single 12-month period. The amount I lost more than $50 is reported by two out of five. A full 29 per cent lose money the way I did: from a handbag, wallet, pocket.

And, like me, a majority of 56 per cent don't recall how they were robbed or where! Substitute 'protected money' Enough what tips can I pass on to you to help you avoid my experience? In general, carry as little cash as can get by with. As you might expect, American Express suggests you substitute some you' form of "protected money" such as travelers' cheques, bank checks or a credit card but whether or not you follow that advice, do cut down the total of cash you carry. Also in general, if you're a woman, keep your hand on your purse when you're walking, shopping, relaxing, or, if you're a man, carry a flat wallet for cash and valuables in the inside pocket of your jacket, not in your pants hip pocket. Now, more specifically, when you are shopping Never carry your wallet or pocketbook in an open shopping bag and never set it down while you are examining merchandise. At the checkout counter, be particularly careful, for here is where thieves and pickpockets keep watch to see where you stash your wallet or cash.

Be on guard if you are carrying bundles, for when loaded with packages, it's almost impossible for you, an average person, to notice that light fingers are at your pockets or purse. In try-on rooms in clothing stores, take special care too, for your purse is very vulnerable while you are changing clothes or consulting a clerk. Pick 'em for safety features When you are in a co*cktail lounge, restaurant, bus, etc. Don't put your pocketbook down on an empty seat or on the floor. Do keep the handle of your handbag over your arm or on your lap or, better still, keep your hand over the opening of your bag.

When buying a purse, try to find one that's safe as well as fashionable. When you are in a hotel or motel Never leave cash or valuables in the room, for too many people have the right to go in and out while you are not there. Don't try to hide money in the room: experienced thieves know more about the nooks and crannies than you'll ever know. When you're in your car Don't leave cash or travelers' cheques in the glove compartment, as many people do for this is a favorite look for thieves. And in your home or office Don't keep a large amount of emergency cash in a drawer or hiding place at home, for this is a hazard.

Also inviting pilferage are wallets or pocketbooks left in office desk drawers or lockers whether locked or not. And, finally, keep only as much cash in the office petty cash box as you need to satisfy current needs. (P.S. Make a little quiz out of this list of safety tips; test: yourself and, by so doing, protect yourself.) (Copyright 1970 by Field Enterprises Inc.) PUBLIC NOTICE San Pedro News- Pilot 87122 ORDER NO. 4040 An Order of the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles, temporarily amending, effective for a period of ninety (90) days effective July 8, 1970, Port of Los Angeles Tariff No.

3, adopted and prescribed by Order No. 2365, adopted August 30, 1950, by the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles, as amended, by amending Items Nos. 420 and 530 thereof. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED by the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles, as follows: Section 1. That Port of Los Angeles Tariff No.

3, adopted and prescribed by Order No. 2365, adopted by the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles at its meeting held August 30, 1950, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by temporarily amending for a period of ninety (90) days, effeclive July 8, 1970, Item No. 420 of Section Four and Item No. 530 of Section Five thereof in the following manner: (a) By adding subsection (1) to Item No. 420, to read as follows: On cargo destined for Peruvian earthquake relief when carried freight-free by the ocean and By amending Item No.

530, so as to read as follows: "Item No. 530. WHEN EXEMPT FROM WHARF DEMURRAGE AND STORAGE CHARGES. Cargo destined for Peruvian earthquake relief, under Subsection (1) of Item No. 420, shall be exempt wharf demurrage or wharf Sec.

2. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Order by the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles, and shall cause the same to be published once in a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Los Angeles. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the foregoing Order was adopted by the Board of Harbor Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles at its meeting held July 8, 1970. ROBERT D. HUDSON, Secretary.

Pub. July 20, 1970. San Pedro News- Pilot T53222 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. SOP 16498 Superior Court of the State of California, for the County of Los PUBLIC NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN DRAGICH, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to creditors having claims against the said decedent to file said claims in the office of the clerk of the aforesaid court or to present them to the undersigned at the office of George M.

Stephenson, 413 West 7th Street, in the City of San Pedro, the aforesaid County, which latter office is the place of business of the undersigned in all matters pertaining to said estate. Such claims with the necessary vouchers must be filed or presented as aforesaid within four months after the first publication of this notice. Dated July 8, 1970. VIOLET DRAGICH, Administratrix of the Estate of said decedent. GEORGE M.

STEPHENSON, 413 West 7th Street, San Pedro, California Pub. July 20, 27, Aug. 997316, 1970 Licensed to wed LAS VEGAS, Nev. Marriage licenses issued here include: Curtis C. Dunn, 48, of San Pedro, and Verna F.

Shea, 51, of Wilmington. Dick F. Tomich, 41, and Mary Spain, 37, both of San Pedro. John J. Brangan, 27, of Palos Verdes and Karen Linda Burns, 26, of Venice.

Larry Dale Yost, 26, of Manhattan Beach, and Sharon Lynn Rosewell, 23, of Wilmington. Ralph Anthony Petruzzi, 35, of Lomita, and Marcella Margaret Wolfsteller, 26, of Salinas. Daniel Becerril, 27, of Torrance, and Rosemary Arias, 19, of San Pedro. Richard T. Smith, 53, of Wilmington, and Fannie Bridges, 47, of Hawthorne.

Philip G. Weber, 21, and Jennifer Lynn Hogg, 18, both of Wilmington. Floyd Agee, 53, of Hawthorne, and Penny Macchione, 26, of Palos Verdes. Carl A. Perry, 51, and Kathryn Harvey, 48, both of Wilmington.

Carl David Watkins, 39, and Lavelle Y. Miller, 31, both of Wilmington. David James Maynez, 26, and Susan Frances Estrada, 25, both of Wilmington. Andone Tridimas, 26, of Compton, and Margaret Taylor, 24, of Wilmington. Charles A.

Veal, 19, of Lubbock, Texas, and Delia Morrell, 20, of Wilmington. Raymond W. Wall, 21, of Albany, and Susan Gale Boardman, 21, of Palos Verdes Estates. Carl M. Johnson, 75, of Rolling Hills, and Mary E.

Caton, 68, of Long Beach. (Advertisem*nt) Doctors Report Way That Relieves Itching, Pain Of Swollen Hemorrhoidal Tissues First Applications Give Prompt, Temporary Relief in Many Cases There's a most effective flammation. The answer is medication that gives prompt doctor-tested Preparation relief for hours from such There's no other hemorhemorrhoidal discomfort rhoidal formula like Preparaand actually helps shrink tion and it needs no swelling of hemorrhoidal prescription. Ointment or tissues caused by the in- suppositories, PUBLIC NOTICE San Pedro News- Pilot NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER EXECUTION SHERIFF'S SALE SHERIFF 48870 COURT SO 20463 CHARLES T. WILDER, Plaintiff, VS.

LOUIS S. WILDER, Defendant. By virtue of an execution issued out of the SUPERIOR Court, the County of Los Angeles, State of California, wherein CHARLES T. WILDER. Judgment Creditor.

and LOUIS S. WILDER. Judgment Debtor, upon a judgment entered the 1st day of JULY. A.D., 1969, for the sum of THIRTY THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE ($33, 335.82) Dollars lawful money of the United States, besides costs and interest. I have levied upon all the right, title, claim and interest of said Judgment Debtor, LOUIS S.

WILDER of, in and to the following described real estate, situate in SAN PEDRO, County of Los Angeles. State of California, and bounded and described as follows: That portion of lot 11 of Peck's Subdivision of lot and a portion of Lot "H't of Palos Verdes Rancho, as shown on recorder's Filed Map No. 141, on file in the office of the county recorder of Los Angeles, in city of Los Angeles, in the county of Los geles, state of California, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of said lot with the easterly line of Normandie Avenue, as described in the deed recorded in book 11581 page Official Records, of said county: thence along said avenue, South 25" West 416.17 feet and easterly along a tangent curve concave northerly having a redius of 50.00 feet through an are distance of 126.45 feet to the northwesterly line of Vermont Avenue. 100 feet wide, as described in the deed recorded in book 7191 page 297. Official Records, of said county; thence southeasterly along the prolongation, a radial line of said last mentioned curve 10.00 feet to the northwesterly line of Vermont Avenue, 80 feet wide, as described in said last mentioned deed; thence northeasterly along said Vermont Avenue to said northerly line of lot 11; thence westerly thereon to the point of beginning.

That the owners of said real property are the plaintiff above named and the defendant above named; the only address we have for the defendant is 89 follows: LOUIS S. WILDER, Post Office Box 445, Catalina Island, Avalon, California. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That I will, on MONDAY, the 17th day of AUGUST. A.D. 1970, at 12:00 NOON of that day, at the north Entrance to the Long Beach Courthouse Long Beach, County of Los Angeles, sell at public auction, for lawful money of the United States, all the right, title, claim and interest of said Judgment Debtor LOUIS S.

WILDER of, in and to the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to raise sufficient funds to satisfy said judgment, with interest and costs, to the highest and best bidder. Dated this 15th day of JULY. 1970. PETER J. PITCHESS.

Sheriff of Los Angeles County. By J. H. McEvoy, Lieut. Deputy Sheriff.

ROY S. FERKICH Plaintiff's Attorney 935 So. Pacific Avenue San Pedro, California 90731. Pub. July 20, 27, Aug.

3, 10, 1970. San Pedro News -Pilot 89185 CERTIFICATE OF TION FOR TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS UNDER OUS NAME 70-12653 THE UNDERSIGNED CORPORATION does hereby certify that it is conducting a business located at 9204 Signal Place, San Pedro, California, under the fictitious firm name of SEABORN PRODUCTS, and that said firm is composed of the following corporation, whose principal place of business is 88 follows: NAME OF CORPORATION: SEABORN BROKERAGE. PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: 2204 Signal Place, San Pedro, California 90731. WITNESS its hand this 2nd day of JULY, 1970. (Corporate Seal) NAME OF CORPORATION: SEABORN BROKERAGE, TASUO ATHARA, President.

STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, S8. On this 2nd day of July, A.D. 1970, before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally a appeared YASUO AIHARA, known to me to be the President of the corporation that executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same. (SEAL) ADA TOUSIGNANT, Notary California Principal Office in Los Angeles County, My Commission Expires July 31, 1971. Bodkin, Breslin Luddy, 255 W.

Fifth Street, Suite, 512 Attorneys San California 90731. Pub. July 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, 1970. San Pedro News-Pilot-T59381 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No.

SOP 16353 Superior Court of the State of California, for the County of Los Angeles. In the Matter of the Estate of BENJAMIN F. KARRON, aka BEN F. KARRON, BEN KARRON, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to creditors having claims against the said decedent to file said claims in the office of the clerk of the aforesaid court or to present them to the undersigned at the office of GROVER JOHNSON, 704 South Pacific in the City of San Pedro, in the aforesaid County, which latter office is the place of business of the undersigned in all matters pertaining to said estate.

Such claims with the necessary vouchers must be filed or presented as aforesaid within four months after the first publication of this notice. Dated June 18, 1970. FRANK KARRON and SADIE HOFFMAN, Executors of the will of said decedent. GROVER JOHNSON, Attorney-at-Law 704 So. Pacific Avenue San Pedro, Calif.

90731 Pub. June 29, July 6. 13, 20, 1970. San Pedro News-Pilot-T53223 NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. SOP 16537 Superior Court of the State of California, for the County of Los Angeles.

In the Matter of the Estate of BEATRICE S. STONER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to creditors having claims against the said decedent to file said claims in the office of the clerk of the aforesaid court or to present them to the undersigned at the office of UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK, in the City of San Pedro, in the aforesaid County, which latter office is the place of business of the undersigned in all matters pertaining to said estate. Such claims with the necessary vouchers must be filed or presented as aforesaid within four months after the first publication of this notice. Dated July 8, 1970.

UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK By: J. L. Neuman, Asst. Vice President Executor of the will of said decedent. BEN A.

HILL, Attorney-at- Law 413 W. Seventh St. 205 United Calif. Bank Bldg. San Pedro, Calif.

90731. Pub. July 20, 27, Aug. 3, 10, FUNERAL NOTICES AGUILAR- Frank age 27. of 14719 E.

Nelson La Puente, passed away July 20 in San Pedro. Survived by wife Marcella of La Puente; three ters Kim Andrea, Renee Lucille and Francine Annette, all of La Puente: mother Mrs. Lucille Aguilar of Nevada: father Frank Aguilar of San Pedro; brothers Steve of South Gate and Tony of Nevada: sister Mrs. Mickey Oritz of South Gate; maternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred Perea of San Pedro; paternal grandmother Micaela Aguilar of Norwalk. Rosary 8:30 p.m. Monday, July 20, at MeNERNEY'S COLONIAL CHAPEL. Wilmington. Requiem mass 9 a.m.

Tuesday at Holy Family Church, Wilmington. Interment All Souls Cemetery. BARRY Adah. See Green Hills listings. GAVARD- Sandra age 29, of 1221 W.

Chandler, Wilmington. A native of Arkansas, she passed away July 18, lived in Wilmington 29 years. Survived by husband Paul: sons Fred and Chris: daughter Robyn: parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Henry: brothers Robert Glover, James and Jack Henry, all of Wilmington.

Services 2 p.m. Tuesday at MeNERNEY'S MORTUARY CHAPEL. Cremation at Roosevelt Memorial Park. HINMAN Marshall Douglas, of 1434 W. 256th Harbor City, passed away Saturday, July 18.

Survived by wife Doris: daughter Debbie: son Russell! five brothers Jude, Paul, Jim, Fred and Dale: five sisters Hazel Butler. Edith Jones, Marceen Garhison. Marguerite McConnell and Nellie Moore. Funeral services 2 p.m. Tuesday at the A.

M. GAMBY CHAPEL. Lomita. Interment Green Hills Memorial Park. FOR NEWSPILOT CLASSIFIED ADS TE 2-0221 IS THE NUMBER TO CALL Printed Pattern 9347 8-18 by Marion Martin FALL FLASH! Newest cut of all is the cardigan coatdress to wear with or without the slide-in vestee.

Choose trans-season blends, knits. Printed Pattern 9347: New misses' sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 12 (bust 34) coatdress yards 35-inch. SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each pattern-add 25 cents for each pattern for Air Mail and Special Handling. Send to Marian Martin, San Pedro News-Pilot, Pattern 232 West 18th York, N.Y.

10011. Print NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. BIG, NEW SPRING SUMMER PATTERN CATALOG, 111 styles, free pattern coupon. 50c INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew today, wear tomorrow. $1.

INSTANT FASHION BOOK-What-to-wear answers, acessory, figure tips! Only $1. 9 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 024L A002 GREEN THILLS Mortuary and Memorial Chapel 27501 S. Western Ave Telephone 831-0311 Park Commital Services TUESDAY. JULY 21 -MARSHALL Interment BARRY Adah. Services pending at GREEN HILLS MORTUARY.

Halverson Leavell MORTUARY TE 2-4221 Funeral Insurance 576 W. Sixth St. Cleveland Funeral Home Mortuary Chapel Insurance 550 W. 4th St. 832-0265 McNerney's Mortuary Locally Owned and Operated 570 W.

Fifth St. TE 2-8351 McCormick Mortuary 140 N. Gaffey 547-4484 CEMETERIES 12 LAWN GRAVES MAUSOLEUM Sensible Prices Roosevelt Memorial Park DA 9-1166 BEAUTIFUL burial plots (9), Green Hills, any reasonable offer. 949-3113 or 923-8288. PLOTS, choice Ocean View section, Green Hills, price or offer.

Reply Box 67, News-Pilot. CHOICE Save money, Green Hills Memorial Park, Star-Lite Terrace, 767-7662. ANNOUNCEMENTS Masonic Activities SAN PEDRO LODGE 1640 W. 9th Street July 22, 7:30 P.M. Fellowcraft Degree, candibrother John Banks, brother Anthony English, S.D.

officiating. Refreshments following. Sojourners welcome. De Molay, meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Bert Chase, Master. 835-1587 PT.

FIRMIN LODGE 730 W. 10th St. July 22, 7:30 P.M. First Degree to be upon W. Walter Crouch.

Sojourners welcome. William O. Marron, Master. 833-6572 Meets Every Wednesday, 7:30 P.M. A.F.E.

IRWIN LODGE 730 W. 10th St. Thursday, July 23, 7:00 P.M. Officer's practice. All officers requested to be present.

Sojourners welcome. Delbert I. Michaels, Master 832-0406 Meets Every Thursday. LOST FOUND 15 FEMALE mixed Collie and Shepherd puppy, light brown with black markings around eyes, lost at scene of accident at Miraleste and Chandeleur. 833-9726.

LOST: Small Pomeranian male dog vicinity 251st St. and Belle Porte. Reward. 534-1457 after 6. NOT RESPONSIBLE 18 WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts other than my own on or after this date, July 18.

1970. Signed: Tomas A. Gutierrez 948 Battery St. San Pedro, Calif. PERSONALS 21 A CHILD NEEDS YOU Los Angeles County needs good foster homes in the Harbor Area for children of all ages.


Away from home means they are out of touch with friends and local events. The will keep them uD to date on a daily basis. Serviceman's rates are half the regular rate Simply call 832-0221 and ask tor cir culation RENT Woman's Club Meetings. receptions, banquets. dances Reasonable.

833-4488, 832-0668. WALT'S BAR- a cool place to meet warm friends. 201 Bea- con. NURSERY SUPPLIES 34 HY TOP SOIL WITH MULCH. DA 6-6996 JUST IN CASE you have forgotten it the News-Pilot Ad phone number is TE 2-0221 SCHOOLS 33 Instruction 435-8914 Approved for Veterans Computers PBX Receptionist Advanced Ind.

Drafting ABC Shorthand Medical Receptionist Clerk Typist LEARN NOW -PAY LATER New Classes July 27th MTI Business Schools 236. E. 3rd (Between Locust Long Beach Bivd.) Long Beach MATH INSTRUCTIONS Need help in senior high, junior high, civil service math? Call Mr. Bhatia. 831-6160.

PIANO LESSONS. beginning, intermediate, all ages, qualified teachers, $2.50 lesson. 547-5167. EMPLOYMENT 35 Women SKIPPER Immediate. opportunity to operate California State Dept.

off Fish and Game research vessel. Requires Master's License for uninspected vessels, RadioTelephone Third Class Operator's Permit, and 5 years deck experience, 3 years of which must involve fishing. $905 monthly to start. Contact Capt. Petridge (213) 435-7741, Ext.

253 Long Beach, Calif. LET AVON take you on a VACATION! A few hours each week selling AVON COSMETICS now could mean a holiday in style later on. Call now-FR 2-1137 or GA 7-0019 ext. C. GIRLS AND WOMEN with outgoing personalities to do hostessing and act as tour guides, $3 to $5 and hr.

Pat Quinlan Agency, 3679 Torrance Torrance. 542-5923. HOUSEKEEPER for convalescent hospital to work in private home 1 day a wk. 40-hour wk. total.

Del Amo Gardens Convalescent Hospital, 22419 Kent, Torrance. SALES- Sarah Coventry Jewelry, average $3 to $9 per hr. No investment, no collecting, no delivery. Call B. Monroe.

435- 8749. GIRL Friday for interesting job in an attorney's office. Must type. Long Beach area. 375-0556 Mrs.

Evans. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS and trimmers, volume pants. Raj. 1419 S. Pacific.

LIVE IN housekeeper, child care, 3 school children, new baby, $45 per week 377-2944. EXPERIENCED beauty operator. Castle. 832-9830 WAITRESS, FULL TIME APPLY WAFFLE SHOP 1033 S. PACIFIC PHOTOGENIC girls to model designers clothing.

P.J.N. Promotional design. 373-6368. EMPLOYMENT 35 Men CHAUFFEUR, handyman, maintenance, full time. Good fringe benefits.

References. 831-4749 or 753-1214. EMPLOYMENT 35 Men Women BOOKKEEPER, convalescent hospital, experienced, registered accounts receivable, payable, billing and payroll. Call 832-6431. George Amey Employment Agency S.

Avalon, Carson. Dial 830-7677 INSURANCE agency bookkeeper. Salary open. Inglewood. 831- 4749 or 753-1214.

Men Women C- Men Women BOILER PLANT OPERATORS Must have minimum of 5 years experience or steam operator's license for operating steam boilers or steam plants. Permanent position Able to pass physical examination Willing to work weekly rotating shifts Must be high school graduate or have G.E.D. Excellent benefits Apply Union Oil L.A. Refinery 1660 W. Anaheim Wilmington, Calif.

An Equal Opportunity Employer EMPLOYMENT 35 Men DESIGNERS to work home on Worlen new fashon ideas. Top pay. P.J.N, promotion designs. 373-l 6368. INSURANCE agency auto and fire! writer.

Salary open. Inglewood. 831-4749 or 753-1214. INSURANCE agency claims. Salary open.

Inglewood. 831-4749 or 733-1214. BEAUTY OPERATORS WANTED CALL 832-9842 SHORT order cook. male or female. Danny's Coffee Shop, S.

Gaffey. Apply in person. GUARDS full and part time. Apply in person. 5343 Sunset Los Angeles.

SITUATIONS WANT'D 37 FULL CHARGE bookkeeper with all round office management experience. including control, wishes interesting new positon. Front office appearance. Late 30s, no small children. Write Box 66.

News-Pilot to range interview. JACK OF ALL TRADES Minor plumbing, electrical, carpentry, etc. Small jobs welcome Call TE 3-9893 HAULING-7 days, low, low rates. Anthing from A to Z. Free pick up, old stoves, washers.

832-4856. HANDYMAN. plumbing. cal. carpentry No job too small.

TE 3-8984. EXPERT FAST IRONING. 547-5837 LIGHT HAULING, ANYTHING ODD JOBS CALL 832-6534 CHILD CARE, MY HOME. PRE-SCHOOL, LICENSED. 831-4327 WILL DO BABY SITTING IN YOUR HOME 832-4933 GARAGE SALE 69 It's fun to clean house and clean up money too.

Clubs, neighborhoods and individuals all report garage sales 4 big success. GARAGE SALE! CLASSIFICATION 69 Sell No Longer Needed Items: Furniture Tools Toys Books Bikes Trikes Appliances Carpeting Drapes, etc. Call Today TE 2-0221 FURNITURE 7C Spanish or Modern Model Home Groups 3,4 and 5 Rooms Complete with Accessories From $299 to $799 Buy All or Part Terms to Suit, Free Delivery Long Beach Furniture HE 6-7231 SALE UNCLAIMED FURNITURE MOVING AND STORAGE CO. PACIFIC HOURS: 10-5 MON. TO SAT.

7 FT. SOFA, good condition SACRIFICE $175 547-5073 JUST IN CASE you have forgotten it the Want Ad phone number is TE 2-0221. 38 BUSINESS SERVICES 38 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY PAINTING CUSTOM PAINTING Specializing in residential and commercial paining at reasonable prices. Licensed, insured and bonded. References upon request.

Call 832-8655 or 835-4658. RAY'S PAINTING Interior, exterior specialist. quality work at fair prices. Free estimates. Licensed.

Call anytime, Mr. Ray, 833-7476. PAINTING in and out, prompt service, use top paints, spray equipment, lowest price. References. 549-1488.

PAINTING AND PAPERING Interior, exterior. Free estimates Bozulich Brothers. TE 3-3627 PAINTING. interior and exterior. good worker.

experienced. dependable, neat. TE 2-3178. PAINTING. interior and exterior.

surface preparation specialist. Free estimate. 832-1163. C. SOMMERS, painting, papering.

Free estimates. Licensed and bonded. 834-4067. PAINTING, repairs, driveway coating. window cleaning, fences, weeding.

832-5901. APPLIANCES REPAIR STANLEY'S appliance, refrigeration service. Phone 833-7239 days or everings. BRICK STONE WORK BLOCKS. BRICKS.

FOUNDATIONS. slabs. Reasonable. Guar. Call C.

DiCarlo. TE 1-5548 eves. CARPENTRY CEMENT WORK PLASTERING PATCH PLASTERING ACOUSTIC CEILINGS 1-4460 20 years' experience CEMENT block work. class city work. sidewalk repaired.

1st Reasonable. 831-5052. MASONRY WOELCKEN MASONRY All types of brick, block, stone and concrete work. Custom design landscape masonry performed with greatest care. Licensed.

325-3055. ROOFING ROOFS FOR LESS All types, flat, tile, shingles, coating, rock- Free estimates. Terms. Applied or supplied. Harbor Roof.

TE 2-8585. Roofing New roofs 'or old roots repaired. Reasonable. Estimates. 831-0941.

HAULING BIG BILLS HAULING. We haul anything, stoves, washers picked up free. Reasonable rates. 833-4360. REFRIGERATION RECONDITIONED refrigs.

and freezers. $45 up, guaranteed refrigeration work. A TV. 275 W. 6th St.

TE 1-9865 ORNAMENTAL IRON CUSTOM MADE to order. cates. railings. balconies. room dividers.

Also portable welding Free estimate, Dial 835-4949. CARPET CLEAN Any Living Room and Hall Carpets Cleaned $15. 834-6669. FLOOR COVERING SOUTH BAY FLOOR COVERING DIAL 325-0650 2325 PAC CST LOMITA PLUMBING GUS OLGUIN Free Estimates Plumbing Repair, Drain Cleaning 24-Hour Service TE 3-7632 JUST IN CASE you have forgotten it the News-Pilot Want Ad phone number is TE 2-0221. ADDITIONS REMODELING REMODELING the kitchen? Come in and see our kitchen remodeling department.

Free estimates. Do-it-yourselfers and builders welcome. Discount prices. COOK'S, 402 W. 7th 832-2291 FINISHED JOB or any part.

Established 20 years. Licensed. bonded and insured. We will beat your lowest bid and give fast, quality work. Call us and see.

Financing available. Free estimate. 674-2993 or 320-7065. 20' 15' FAMILY ROOM Only $2965 Call for Free Estimates Phone 326-5024 Davenport Construction Corp. REMODELING Room additions, driveways, sidewalks, patio.

Fixing old houses our specialty. Free estimates. 835-5297. VAN DEVANDER TE 3-2300 CONSTRUCTION DAY OR CO. EVE ANYTHING in carpenter work We specialize in remodeling and finish.

831-1898 or 831-2797. ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL WORK, licensed, estimates, repair, remodel, room additions, residential, 24- hour service. TE 1-1342 or 534- 5683. LICENSED, all kinds of electrical wiring and repair; 24-hour service. Lowest prices.

Work guaranteed. 328-8629. GARDENING SAV-MOR General Clean-up and Hauling Tree trim--removal High Renovation--new weeds-ivy lawns. removal Cement work FREE ESTIMATES 831-3921 RESIDENTIAL and commercial, every week, every other week or once a month. Clean up and hauling.

Claude Simmons Gardening Service. 831-2206. Yard Clean-up LAWNS, PRUNING, HAULING IVY REMOVED. DA 5-6703 LAWN MAINTENANCE. monthly or bi-monthly Free estimates.

326-5322. GENERAL clean-up and hauling. Our weeding. vears experience, 327-1926 eves. BOB'S GARDENING-maintenance or' clean ups.

Monthly and bimonthly. 831-6973. GAITAN Lawn and clean-up service TE 4-5413 LAWN maintenance, garage and general clean-up. 830-5857. LAWN maintenance for vacationing.

by day, week or month. Free estimates. 326-6315. Japanese Gardener 833-2801 REPAIRS BUDGET-Household repairs and property maintenance, free estimates. Call 547-4095.

TELEVISION SERVICE HAPPY'S TV-RADIO SERVICE GUARANTEED WORK 358 W. 6th. TE 3-0951 TV DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Al's Radio TV. 2231 Pacific TE 3-2752 Eves. TE 3-6449 UPHOLSTERING Uncalled for furniture for sale reasonable.

Bolt ends and remnants $1 a vd. BankAmericard Upholstering Co. Draperies Carpeting 1932" Slip Covers 1705 S. GAFFEY TE 3-1444.

News-Pilot from San Pedro, California (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.