Fallen Soldier an SHS Alum (2025)


+ PLUS >> Feeling the pain a little deeper, Opinion/4A HEALTH TIGERS Crisis averted CHS falls a at Disney World spot in RPI See Page 6A See Page 1B


CCSO SAYS: VICTORY ON THE CAREER FRONT ARMY ACCIDENT Car he stole was Fallen stolen, so soldier he called the cops an SHS

By MICHAEL PHILIPS [emailprotected] alum

A mother’s love might be By TONY BRITT infinite, but her patience isn’t. [emailprotected] This is one of multiple les- LIVE OAK — A Suwannee sons one Lake City man may County High School graduate, want to take Photos by TONY BRITT/Lake City Reporter whose military career began three to heart. days after the Sept. 11, 2001, ter- Ernest rorist attacks, was one of three Wade Pearce, soldiers killed during a Sunday 37, of Lake morning military Post-grad planning training exercise City, called 911 Monday at Fort Stewart in Georgia. at 7 a.m. from Pearce Sgt. First Class 2178 N U.S. in spotlight at CHS Bryan Jenkins, 41, Hwy. 441. to report that his a 1996 Suwannee car had been “stolen” at gun- High School gradu- point by two black males. 60 vendors set up Jenkins ate, did two tours in According to the Columbia shop in gym Tues. Iraq following 911. County Sheriff’s Office report, He was killed when the Bradley Pearce said the two men were By TONY BRITT Fighting Vehicle he was riding in wielding an AK-47-style rifle [emailprotected] rolled off a bridge and submerged upside down in a creek. and a small handgun. Pearce Columbia High School would admit to the officer that Two other soldiers — PFC students looking to get a Antonio Dilbert Garcia, 21, Peoria, he was meeting the men in an jump on post-graduation Ariz., and Cpl. Thomas Cole Walker, attempt to purchase a synthet- job and college opportu- 22, Conneaut, Ohio — also died. ic cannabinoid. Because he nities were the school’s The soldiers were with the was intoxicated, the respond- gymnasium Tuesday Army’s 1st Armored Brigade of the ing officer declined to take a evening with a sense of Fort Stewart-based 3rd Infantry witness statement. purpose. Division. The responding officer Some students attend- Marty Hicks, a Suwannee County ed with their parents, would soon learn that Pearce resident, grew up with Jenkins. The some brought their wasn’t the owner of the two had been best friends since ele- instruments after leaving mentary school. car, a 2006 Mercury Milan. band practice and others mingled around with STOLEN continued on 3A their friends — but what SOLDIER continued on 2A they all had in common was that they were seek- ing information about life ABORTION Court nixes CHS continued on 3A suit on arrest for bullying Parental News Service of Florida consent bill Six years after a mid- dle-school student’s suicide drew national headlines, a headed to federal appeals court has rejected a civil-rights law- suit filed on behalf of a Polk Fla. House County girl who was arrested News Service of Florida and accused of bullying and harassment that allegedly led to the death. Setting up a potential test case The lawsuit was filed on for Florida’s recently revamped behalf of Katelyn Roman, Supreme Court, a House panel who was arrested by the on Tuesday approved a bill that Polk County Sheriff’s Office would require pregnant girls in 2013 after 12-year-old under age 18 to get consent from schoolmate Rebecca Sedwick their parents before obtaining jumped to her death from abortions. a tower at an abandoned Members of the House Health & cement plant. Roman was Human Services Committee spent arrested on a felony charge TOP: Renee Tillman, a licensed agent for Brannon Real more than two hours debating the of aggravated stalking --- Estate, talks to Columbia High School students during bill and hearing from dozens of which was related to alleged the school’s 2019 College and Career Fair Tuesday evening. members of the public before vot- harassment --- but prose- CENTER: Debra Caley, a recruiter for Big Bend Technical ing along party lines to pass the cutors later dismissed the College, stands next to a wheel of fortune display at the measure (HB 265). It was the only charge. school’s recruiting booth Tuesday. ABOVE: Jamecia Legree, Attorneys for Roman committee stop for the bill, meaning a Lake City Medical Center employee, gives a drawstring and her mother, Roseann it can be voted on by the full House bag to Columbus Bell, a Columbia High School freshman, Michelle Gill, sued Polk when the 2020 legislative session during the school’s annual college and career fair. County Sheriff Grady Judd begins in January. COURT continued on 3A BILL continued on 2A

Vol. 145, No. 159 Obituaries ...... 3A CALL US: TODAY’S WEATHER (386) 752-1293 Opinion ...... 4A Advice & Comics . . . . . 3B DEAR PHARMACIST SUBSCRIBE TO THE REPORTER: 74 56 Puzzles ...... 4B Peppermint a cool solution for IBS, 6A. Voice: 755-5445 Classified ...... 4-5B Fax: 752-9400 Mostly sunny, 2A 2A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2019 LOCAL LAKE CITY REPORTER

SCHOOL BOARD QUICK HITS Scripture of the Day Former students call teacher a bully “The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.” By MICHAEL PHILIPS class of ‘18, claimed the teacher read — Proverbs 16:4 (KJV) [emailprotected] aloud a racist comment directed at her during a sports banquet. It was an emotional scene during A third student, Amber O’Neil, Thought for Today the public comments portion of described at scene toward the end of Tuesday’s school board meeting, as last school year that included being There is nothing permanent except change. three former Columbia High School physically accosted by the teacher — Heraclitus, 544 BC-483 BC, Greek philosopher students accused a current teacher and badgered, provoking her until who is also a coach of harassment O’Neil snapped and cursed, resulting and bullying. They would go on to in her being suspended. O’Neil would claim that there are dozens more miss her final exams and failed most Winning Lottery Numbers students, both current and former, of her classes. Pick 3: (Monday p.m.) 1-1-1 who received or are receiving similar While none of the students iden- Pick 4: (Monday p.m.) 2-6-3-1 treatment but are afraid to speak up. tified the teacher in question by Fantasy 5: (Monday ) 5-14-18-26-33 Skyler Colley, a 2018 graduate, name, they said they had informed said that during his junior and senior the school of her behavior — which years, his teacher and coach made his included discussions of her personal See an error? life so miserable that he would “fall life — on several occasions, but noth- The Lake City Reporter corrects errors of fact in news asleep crying.” ing was done. items. If you have a concern, question or suggestion, Colley claimed that the teacher Members of the board assured please call the editor. Corrections and clarifications will would single him out for emotional them that an investigation will take run in this space. Thanks for reading. abuse both at practice and in the place. classroom, often yelling at him in “What you told us tonight didn’t fall front of fellow students. on deaf ears,” said Steve Nelson, board ROBERT BRIDGES/Lake City Reporter Another student, Sarah Calzada, member representing District 3. Skyler Colley addresses the board. Submissions The Lake City Reporter accepts photographs and caption information to run at the discretion of the editor. If you would like to see your organization in the newspaper, send the picture and information to Robert Bridges at rbridges@ Parental consent bill headed to House lakecityreporter.com. minors to have children. Quince stepped down in exemptions to cover girls Lake City Reporter BILL “If a parent doesn’t con- January because of a man- who have been raped or HOW TO REACH US BUSINESS ...... 754-0419 Continued From 1A sent and a child isn’t able to datory retirement age. Gov. who have been victims of Main number . . . . . (386) 752-1293 CIRCULATION go to court or isn’t able to Ron DeSantis appointed human trafficking. Fax number ...... 752-9400 Circulation ...... 755-5445 Home delivery of the Lake City Reporter Bill sponsor Erin Grall, R convince a judge, under this more-conservative justices But Rep. Shevrin Jones, Online . . . www lakecityreporter. com. should be completed by 6:30 a.m. Vero Beach, shrugged off bill, the child will be forced Barbara Lagoa, Robert D-West Park, said that The Lake City Reporter, an affiliate Tuesday through Friday, and by 7:30 criticism that the bill was to have a child,” Gross said. Luck and Carlos Muniz to wasn’t the case. of Community Newspapers Inc., is a.m. on Sunday. published Tuesday through Friday and being fast-tracked, telling “No child should be forced replace them. “Are we serious? you Please call 386-755-5445 to report any Sunday at 180 E. Duval St., Lake City, problems with your delivery service. members that the House to have a child against her Florida law already want to tell the parent about FL 32055. Periodical postage paid at Lake City, FL, Member Audit Bureau of In Columbia County, customers should last year debated a virtually will. There is no greater requires parents to be noti- human trafficking? What if Circulation and The Associated Press. call before 10:30 a.m. to report a identical bill for more than governmental intrusion.” fied if their daughters are the parent is the one traf- All material herein is property of the service error for same day re-delivery. 7 ½ hours. But Ingrid Delgado, with planning to have abortions. ficking the child?” Jones, Lake City Reporter. Reproduction in After 10:30 a.m., next day re-delivery whole or in part is forbidden without or service related credits will be issued. “The make-up of this the Florida Conference of The law also provides for said, also arguing that the the permission of the publisher. In all other counties where home delivery U.S. Postal Service No. 310-880. (House) body is substantial- Catholic Bishops said the a judicial waiver process Legislature should address is available, next day re-delivery or POSTMASTER: Send address changes service related credits will be issued. ly the same. The content of bill transcends abortion that allows pregnant teen- sex education and access to Lake City Reporter, P.O. Box 1709, the bill is identical. And so rights. agers to to birth control to prevent Lake City, FL 32056. Circulation ...... 755-5445 ([emailprotected]) I feel like we’ve had these “This bill Florida law already circumvent unintended pregnancies. Publisher Todd Wilson . . 754-0418 ([emailprotected]) conversations,” Grall said. shouldn’t the require- “Of course we are going Home delivery rates requires parents (Tuesday–Friday and Sunday) NEWS Senators have not con- be about to be notified if ment. to disagree on this issue,” 4 Weeks ...... $10.70 sidered the Senate version whether we According Jones said. “But I’m asking Editor Robert Bridges . . 754-0428 12 Weeks ...... $31.67 their daughters are ([emailprotected]) 24 Weeks ...... $54.14 . of the measure (SB 404), support or to a House that we change our conver- 52 Weeks ...... $88.81 . ADVERTISING which has been sent to oppose abor- planning to have staff anal- sation. And change the topic Rates include 7% sales tax. three committees. tion, but abortions. The law ysis, 224 and think about the unin- Ad . Dir . Chris Ratliff . . . 754-0417 ([emailprotected]) Mail rates If ultimately passed, the rather about also provides for petitions for tended consequences that 12 Weeks ...... $41.40 proposal would ban phy- the unique waiver of the will come along with this.” CLASSIFIED 24 Weeks ...... $82.80 . a judicial waiver To place a classified ad . . 755-5440 52 Weeks ...... $179.40. sicians from performing role of par- parental-no- abortions on minors unless ents in their process that allows tification the physicians receive nota- children’s pregnant teenagers requirement rized, written parental con- lives, partic- to circumvent the were filed THE WEATHER sent or court orders waiv- ularly when requirement. in 2017. The ing the parental consent the out- court grant- 23 Wed 24 Thu 25 Fri 26 Sat 27 Sun requirement. comes are ed 205 of The measure drew pas- permanent,” Delgado said. them. In 2018, minors filed Mostly Mostly Few Isolated Mostly sionate debate from people Supporters and oppo- 193 petitions of which 182 Sunny Cloudy Showers T-⁠storms Cloudy on both sides of the issue, nents of the legislation were granted. as speakers varied in age agreed that the bill could But the bill would go fur- from college students to be a test case for the recon- ther by requiring parental HI 74 LO 56 HI 80 LO 66 HI 82 LO 67 HI 81 LO 66 HI 79 LO 65 70-year-old preachers. stituted Florida Supreme consent, rather than notifi- American Civil Liberties Court, which struck down cation. Similar to the cur- REGIONAL FORECAST MAP for Wednesday, Oct. 23 Union of Florida legislative a parental-consent law in rent notification require- Wednesday's highs/Wednesday night's low director, Kara Gross testi- 1989. ment, the bill would allow Valdosta City Thursday Friday fied that the bill would put The court decidedly is exemptions for teens who 73/54 Jacksonville 83/76/sh 85/74/sh an undue burden on young more conservative than pre- already are parents or are in Tallahassee Lake City 74/64 Cape Canaveral 74/56 Daytona Beach 82/75/sh 83/73/sh women’s constitutional vious courts, after longtime medical emergencies. 74/55 Gainesville Daytona Beach Fort Myers 87/75/sh 89/73/sh rights. If passed, she said, justices Barbara Pariente, Grall said there was Pensacola 84/80/sh 86/78/t Panama City 76/62 77/71 Ft. Lauderdale the measure would force R. Fred Lewis and Peggy no need to expand those 71/56 Ocala Gainesville 82/69/mc 83/67/t 73/59 79/70/mc 83/71/t 78/64 Jacksonville Orlando Cape Canaveral Key West 87/80/t 89/78/t 80/71 80/74 Lake City 80/66/mc 82/67/sh 84/81/sh 86/79/t Facebook when he noticed own ways. But we still talk- Tampa Miami another close friend had ed here and there.” Naples 88/76/sh 87/74/sh SOLDIER 80/70 West Palm Beach 84/70/sh 85/68/sh posted that Jenkins had Hicks said their class- Ocala Continued From 1A 82/78 Orlando 84/73/sh 86/71/sh died. mates from the Suwannee Ft. Lauderdale Panama City 78/67/mc 80/65/sh “I didn’t want to believe County High School Ft. Myers Pensacola 73/67/sh 72/65/sh “We met each other in 85/80 it,” Hicks said, with his class of 1996 through 85/74 Naples Tallahassee 78/66/mc 79/65/t probably second grade, 86/74/sh 88/72/sh voice cracking with emo- their Facebook page are 87/75 Miami Tampa and we’ve known each Valdosta 77/65/mc 80/63/t tion. collecting donations and 85/80 other ever since,” he said. Key West W. Palm Beach 82/79/sh 84/78/t Hicks also served in the getting flowers for Jenkins 87/80 Jenkins “was just one of military. and his family. He did not those people that no matter “I joined the military know of a planned memo- how bad the mood was, he LAKE CITY ALMANAC UV INDEX first, and we kind of lost rial service for his fallen was always bright.” contact for a little while. I comrade. TEMPERATURES SUN Hick heard the news of think he got stationed over A carpenter by trade, High Tuesday 90 Sunrise today 7:37 a.m. the death just before going in Alaska, and I came back Hicks said he plans to use Low Tuesday 61 Sunset today 6:51 p.m. 7 to work. to the 269th in Live Oak for his skills in honoring his Normal high 79 Sunrise tom. 7:38 a.m. High He said he woke up ran- training and stuff,” he said, friend. Normal low 58 Sunset tom. 6:50 p.m. 35 mins to burn domly Sunday at about 3:30 Record highhi 92 in 2006 Today’s referring to the Florida “I’m going to try to make a.m. and started making Record low 39 in 1976 MOON ultra-violet National Guard’s 269th a really nice memorial box coffee. When he sat down Moonrise today 2:26 a.m. radiation risk Engineer Company. “After for his flag, pins and med- PRECIPITATION Moonset today 4:13 p.m. for the area on he happened to look at a scale from 0 we graduated, we went our als,” he said. Moonrise tom. 3:33 a.m. Tuesday 0.00" to 10+. Month total 1.99" Moonset tom. 4:54 p.m. Year total 36.47" Normal month-to-date 3.15" Normal year-to-date 46.70" Bingo set for Moose Lodge 624 Oct 27 Nov 4 Nov 12 Nov 19 New First Full Last Play bingo every Pull tabs, 80/20 and call Bruce Kemmerer at Wednesday and Friday at incentives offered. 386-205-2100 or 386-755- Moose Lodge 624 from Free gift for bingo play- 3730. WEATHER BY-THE-DAY WEATHER HISTORY SPONSORED BY 3-6:30 p.m. and 6:45-8:30 ers, birthdays and new The lodge is located at 90° 7a Actual 1p high 7p Average high 6a On Oct. 23, 1989, a p.m. players. Food and beverag- 624 NE Williams St (off storm moving out of the To play it’s $1 per paper, es available. Bascom Norris Drive). Actual low Average low Gulf of Alaska brought 100° rain and high winds to come and go as you like. For more information the central Pacific Coast 90° region. High winds in 80° Nevada gusted to 67 mph at Reno and 70° thunderstorms around Redding, Calif. produced The BEST partner 60° wind gusts to 66 mph. to yourvery morning coffee. 50° 40° Call to subscribe today! Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue 386-752-1293 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2019 LOCAL LAKE CITY REPORTER 3A

CHS COLLEGE/JOB FAIR Post-grad planning in the spotlight CHS Continued From 1A after high school. The students were attending the school’s 2019 College and Career Fair, where 60 registered ven- dors set up booths to give them information about colleges, technical schools, employers, employment agencies and the military. Jesse Braden, a CHS senior, was visiting the booths with his mother, Marcy Braden. They were checking out the education booths. “(The fair) is very useful for some of the students out here,” he said. “I’m looking, personally, for col- leges that I can go to after I graduate.” Marcy Braden said she and her son have attended several of the past events. “I think it’s a great idea because a lot of us may not know exactly what’s out there unless we come to something like this,” she said, noting past events have given her and her son ideas and options for next year. Brianna Lee, a CHS junior, attended with her mother, Bevan Lee. The two collected information until the event closed. Brianna Lee said she didn’t know yet what she TONY BRITT/Lake City Reporter wanted to do after earning Emily Howell, a Florida Gateway College employee, talks to Hayden Johnson, Briana Carmichael and her mom, Denise Carmichael, during her diploma but said the the college and career fair at Columbia High School Tuesday evening. event is helping her plan for her future. and I wanted to start get- she’s a senior next year,” ting as much information what kinds of admission need. It’s been really help- “She’s a junior this year, ting prepared for when her mother said. “And get- as I can about colleges and papers and things she’ll ful.”

Kilgore told the officer Monday that sided with Senior Judge R. Lanier pinned blame on Roman STOLEN that she had left her car COURT Judd and McKinney. Anderson III. “Students and another girl. Continued From 1A in her backyard when she Continued From 1A In part, the ruling said told McKinney that after Monday’s ruling by the left around midnight. She McKinney had enough K.C.R. had ended her appeals court described The vehicle belonged to informed the officer that and a deputy, Jonathan probable cause to arrest friendship with R.S., she the circumstances of the Pearce’s mother’s, Lillian Pearce did not have permis- McKinney, who arrested Roman, even though had bullied R.S. by calling death and the sheriff’s Kilgore. The officer con- sion to be on her property, her. The civil-rights law- the charge her names and office decision to pursue was later dis- intimidating a charge against Roman. tacted Kilgore, and she said let alone borrow her car. In suit, filed in 2015, raised a A federal dis- missed. her.” “The presumption of she was unaware the vehi- fact, she said Pearce must series of issues, including trict judge dis- that the sheriff’s office “Based on The ruling innocence proved apt in cle was missing, according have entered her home to McKinney’s missed parts used initials K.C.R’s case,” the ruling to the report. To be sure, get the keys. did not have probable cause to arrest Roman investigation, of the case and K.C.R. and said. “The aggravated Kilgore returned home and Based on Pearce’s admit- and that McKinney a reasonable ruled against R.S. for the stalking charge against confirmed that the Milan tance of operating the vehi- person in girls because her was eventually dis- improperly entered the Roman on other was in fact gone. cle, he was taken into cus- girl’s house to arrest her his position they were missed, but not before Kilgore informed the offi- tody. He was charged with without consent. would have issues, while a minors. But the sheriff released cer that she is currently the trespassing on property not A federal district judge concluded that jury backed the their names K.C.R.’s name and pho- respondent in a protection structure or conveyance, a dismissed parts of the K.C.R. willful- sheriff’s office have been tograph to the media and order against Pearce, issued first-degree misdemeanor, case and ruled against ly, maliciously, widely report- repeatedly and publicly and repeated- on the issue of ed in media blamed her for the death by the CCSO the previous and grand theft of a motor Roman on other issues, ly harassed entering the reports across of R.S. As one might day in reference to his caus- vehicle, a three-degree fel- while a jury backed the sheriff’s office on the her former house. the country, imagine, that had a dev- ing a disturbance on her ony. friend and as the death astating effect on K.C.R. property, on SE Myrtis Road The car remains miss- issue of entering the house. That prompted an classmate,” drew attention She filed a lawsuit … in Lake City — for trying to ing, and the investigation is appeal, but a three-judge said the ruling, written by because of the allega- naming as defendants the drive off in the very same ongoing, according to the panel of the 11th U.S. appeals-court Chief Judge tions of bullying and sheriff and a deputy who vehicle. report. Circuit Court of Appeals Ed Carnes and joined by harassment --- and public had entered her home issued a 48-page ruling Judge Beverly Martin and comments by Judd that and arrested her.” OBITUARIES Theresa Lee Dekle co and watermelons. She grad- man in our family wishes he had 3:00 in the morning. She loved heart for eternity, her best friends October 26, 2019 at Lake City February 20,1956 ~ October uated high school and received a wife like Theresa. She always seafood and fresh vegetables and for life, her sister and brother, Christian Church at 11:00 AM 17, 2019. her Cosmetology license from had a tremendous garden and ate she was a Michelin Star rated chef Gail Little (Mark) and Bill Lee located at 2400 SW State Road Theresa Lee Dekle finished her Lake City Community College from farm to table before farm to (according to family and friends). (Tricia), her brother and sister- 247, job on earth on October 17, 2019. in 1974. She was a barber and table was trendy. She loved pretty If you don’t have an InstaPot, in-law, Mack and Annette All Lake City, Florida 32024. She was 63 and passed at home hair stylist by trade for over 40 things and saw the potential for and NuWave Oven she would and their children Amy Moseley Arrangements have been entrust- surrounded years. We could never guess what great beauty in other people’s rub- highly recommend you get one. and Garrett All. Her sweetest ed to ICS CREMATION AND by her loving color her hair would be the next bish. She was known to pick-up Theresa had a huge heart and blessings loved their Aunt TC FUNERAL HOME. www.icsfu- family. Her time we saw her. She was also an furniture on the side of the road when she loved, it was uncondi- very much and she cherished neralservices.com fighting spir- amateur doctor, therapist, botanist and bring it back to life. She also tional. She loved her husband of them, her nieces and nephews, In lieu of flowers, the family it and deter- and MacGyver. She took care of shucked oysters like a boss, loved 21 years, Sherwood Dekle with Carrie Cooper (Robert), Matthew requests that you make a donation mined persona her clients as family, even styling to sit around a fire and reminisce her whole heart. It took too long Cummings (Ashley), Chris Lee, to, Theresa’s Favorite Charity, the lives on in all their hair in nursing homes, the with friends sometimes using col- for them to find each other, but Anna Hingson (Houston) and all Suwannee River Breast Cancer whose lives she VA Hospital and in their final orful language to emphasize her they made up for lost time. She of their babies, Dathan, Daelyn, Association.http://www.suwan- touched. She resting moments. She had many point. leaves three good, strong indepen- Darien, Wyatt, Mattilyn, Fallon neeawareness.com/donate_srb- taught us to live life to the fullest, long-time clients who became our She despised the yards to be dent daughters to carry on her leg- and Tucker. Also, her dearest caa.php to love unconditionally, to never extended family. unkempt, edges not trimmed and acy, Lesley Perrine (Jean-Marc), friends Libby Crawford and Terri give up and work in between. She was known for her love the azaleas to be un-cut. She abso- January Cribbs (Derriel), Calley Brown. Obituaries are paid advertise- She was born on February 20, of fishing in the Gulf of Mexico lutely loved Suwannee town. It Dekle (Tammy), and her favorite Respects can be paid to the ments. For details, call the Lake City Reporter’s classified depart- 1956, in Lake City, Florida. She where she was probably one the was her Heaven on earth. She kid, Biscuit Dog. She leaves family on Friday, October 25, ment at 752-1293. was the oldest daughter of the best. She could load and unload loved to eat and ate well until her her greatest blessings, her grand- 2019 at Lake City Christian late Thomas A. Lee (Buddy) and a boat better than most men. Her very last days. Oatmeal and White children, Jean-Phillipe Perrine, Church at 6:00 PM. Jeanne Larson Lee. She attend- husband, fishing partner and best Chocolate Macadamia cookies Jacques Perrine, Sebastian Perrine A Celebration of Theresa’s ed Lake City Christian Church. friend, Sherwood was the envy were in high demand, even at and Colton Cribbs. Also, In their Life will be held on Saturday, Growing up she worked in tobac- of every fisherman there. Every

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OUR OPINION Feeling the pain a little deeper t was terrible news when we heard Saturday that three soldiers had died in a training Iaccident at Fort Stewart, Georgia. It was even more painful when we learned that one of them, Sgt. 1st Class Bryan Andrew Jenkins, hailed from Live Oak. Jenkins, 41, was a 1996 graduate of Suwannee High. Words fail at a time like this and nothing you can say can make it any better for the family. All we can do is offer up our prayers to all who knew and loved Sgt. 1st Class Jenkins. God bless. Basketball’s just a prop in this play TODAY IN HISTORY On this date: It’s about us, not the NBA In 1707, the first Parliament of Great Britain, created by the Acts of Union between England and Scotland, atching grown men Besides, China won’t change held its first meeting. bounce an orange rubber course politically no matter how In 1915, tens of thousands of women paraded up Fifth Wball on a hardwood floor chummy we get or how close they Avenue in New York City, demanding the right to vote. and stuff it through a hoop while come to mimicking our behavior. In 1942, during World War II, Britain launched a major hollering has some folks so mes- Back in the 70s we thought cap- offensive against Axis forces at El Alamein in Egypt, merized that nothing else matters italism would do the trick for the resulting in an Allied victory. — certainly not the values that world’s biggest dictatorship. When In 1944, the World War II Battle of Leyte Gulf began, may have been betrayed in order to the Chinese government began to resulting in a major Allied victory against Japanese forc- ensure the show goes on. dabble in the free market, could es. But this flap with China is bigger free elections be far behind? In 1956, a student-sparked revolt against Hungary’s than LeBron James or the NBA. In Robert Bridges Not even close. Communist rule began; as the revolution spread, Soviet a new cold war that is still emerg- [emailprotected] The folks that run the show man- forces started entering the country, and the uprising was ing, America is threatened with aged to open their markets while put down within weeks. bank notes and bad trade deals — Silver misframed the debate on keeping just as tight a grip as ever on In 1958, Boris Pasternak was named winner of the weapons every bit as powerful as purpose. political expression by the people. Nobel Prize in literature. (However, Soviet authorities any we’ve been faced with in the The issue isn’t whether we That one sure made a lot of peo- pressured Pasternak into relinquishing the award.) past. should condemn China for what ple in the West look dumb. In 1973, President Richard Nixon agreed to turn There may even come a day they do within their own borders, The internet was the next great over White House tape recordings subpoenaed by the when China grows so bold as to but whether we should allow them hope for freedom in China, as the Watergate special prosecutor to Judge John J. Sirica. make demands, tacit or overt, on World Wide Web would make Radio In 1983, 241 U.S. service members, most of them Congress rather than just some Free Europe look like amateur Marines, were killed in a suicide truck-bombing at The idea that basketball sports league. will plant Western polit- hour. That’s not how it turned out. Beirut International Airport in Lebanon; a near-simulta- Don’t think it couldn’t happen. With a little help from their neous attack on French forces killed 58 paratroopers. And don’t think that sports can ical values in China and friends at Google, the tyrants man- In 1987, the U.S. Senate rejected, 58-42, the Supreme stave off such a nightmare should somehow pave the way aged to weather that storm, too, Court nomination of Robert H. Bork. it arise. The idea that basketball for American-style free- and have pretty well kept their In 1991, Cambodia’s warring factions and representa- will plant Western political values dom is laughable, and subjects from seeing anything tives of 18 other nations signed a peace treaty in Paris. in China and somehow pave the has pretty well been that might make them question In 1995, a jury in Houston convicted Yolanda Saldivar way for American-style freedom is Communist Party dogma. of murdering Tejano singing star Selena. (Saldivar is ludicrous, and has pretty well been proven so. Adam Silver can try all he wants serving a life prison sentence.) proven so. to frame this debate as one mired in In 2001, the nation’s anthrax scare hit the White Yet that almost seems what NBA to coerce us into compromising our cultural relativism, but that won’t fly House with the discovery of a small concentration of Commissioner Adam Silver was values here at home. here at home. spores at an offsite mail processing center. hinting at when he told the Wall This isn’t just some cultural mis- It is up to us how this story turns In 2006, former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling was sen- Street Journal on Monday that the cue. If the Chinese government out. The Chinese government can’t tenced by a federal judge in Houston to 24 years, four league had “no choice,” concerning wants to enslave and suppress its make us do anything we don’t want months for his role in the company’s collapse. Eventually China and other willing commercial own people, that’s one thing. For us to. 10 years was cut off Skilling’s prison sentence, and he partners, “but to engage and to to cave to massive economic pres- The question is, what do we real- was released to a halfway house in Aug. 2018. attempt to have better understand- sure just for expressing our views ly want? ing of other cultures and try to on the matter is something else, n Associated Press work through issues. What better and only we are to blame should it n Robert Bridges is editor of the Lake City Reporter way than through sports?” come to that. Lake City Reporter. Lake City Reporter Serving Columbia County Since 1874 TheServing Lake City Columbia Reporter Countyis published Since with 1874 pride Teen’s suicide speaks to sex trafficking for residents of Columbia and ­surrounding coun‑ hough the attribution is dis- trafficking: Our response must go were in Texas. tiesThe by Lake Community City Reporter Newspapers is published Inc. with pride for residents of Columbia and ­surrounding coun‑ puted, the writer C.S. Lewis further than laws and policies. The We don’t know what soul wounds We believe strong newspapers build strong T is said to have quipped: “You work doesn’t end with the physical were carried by Leticia Serrano tiescommunities by Community —‑“Newspapers Newspapers get Inc. things done!” do not have a soul. You are a soul. rescue. In fact, that’s really just the (“Letty” to her friends). Shame, WOure believe primary strong goal isnewspapers to publish ­distinguishedbuild strong and You have a body.” It may be closer beginning. anger, disgust, desperation, loss of communitiesprofitable community —‑“Newspapers-­oriented get newspapers. things done!” to the mark to say humans are pri- Progress has been made. self-respect, loss of empowerment, OurThis primary ­mission goal will isbe to accomplished publish ­distinguished through theand marily neither one nor the other. Organizations like New Friends loss of value of her own life: All of profitableteamwork community of professionals-­oriented dedicated newspapers. to truth, Each of us is a complex, intercon- New Life, Valiant Hearts, Free the these would have been possible, integrityThis ­mission and hard will bework. accomplished through the nected system of body, soul, mind, Captives, Elijah Rising and others even likely. teamwork of professionals dedicated to truth, will and spirit. That’s why, as the have changed how police recognize In January, when Valiant Hearts integrity and hard work. medical community has recognized executive director Rebekah Todd Wilson, Publisher for years, emotional trauma like Her trafficker used her and Charleston shared her own incred- Robert Bridges, Editor grief, neglect or PTSD can manifest then abandoned her in ible story in these pages, she said JimTodd Barr, Wilson, Associate Publisher Editor with physical symptoms like hyper- a local park like so much something that has stuck with us: SueRobert Brannon, Bridges, Controller Editor tension, sleeplessness or weight human litter. After that, “Honestly the hardest part to over- gain. The converse is also true: Serrano did her best to live come has been that voice in my DinkDink NeSmith,NeSmith, PresidentPresident physical trauma can have lasting like a normal teenager, but head. ... It wasn’t until I had been TomTom Wood, Wood, ChairmanChairman effects on a soul. the experience haunted out of it for a full two years that I Such seems to be the case with her. Her parents said she was finally able to get my trafficker’s a Houston teen named Leticia couldn’t live with the pain. voice out of my head.” Serrano, who was abducted two Long after Charleston’s body years ago and sold to sex traffickers. and resource trafficking victims. was rescued from harm, her soul LETTERS POLICY According to her parents, she was If the victims are receptive, these remained enslaved. This is the cost kidnapped, drugged and abused by groups provide assistance with crit- of human trafficking: not just the Letters to the Editor should be typed or neatly­ written multiple men. The ordeal lasted sev- ical services such as job training, abuse of a body, but the poisoning eral days, and then she was rescued. housing and counseling. of a soul. And when the souls of our and ­double spaced. Letters will be edited for length and Recycled is more like it. Her traffick- But the need is immense. A neighbors are mistreated in this libel. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s er used her and then abandoned her University of Texas study in 2016 way, the poison spreads through our name, address and ­telephone number for verification. in a local park like so much human estimated that there are 79,000 culture, to families like Serrano’s Letters and guest columns are the opinions of the ­writers litter. After that, Serrano did her minor and youth victims of sex traf- who grieve the loss of a loved one and not necessarily those of the Lake City Reporter. best to live like a normal teenager, ficking in Texas. According to SMU they knew, to new parents who have but the experience haunted her. Her law professor Cheryl Nelson-Butler’s to imagine the unthinkable in order parents said she couldn’t live with research, one-quarter of all traf- to protect their children from it, and BY MAIL: Letters, P.O. Box 1709, Lake City, FL the pain. Last week, she took her ficking victims in the United States would-be traffickers who learn how 32056; or drop off at 180 E. Duval St. downtown.­ own life. are found in our state. And just last to maximize the business model of BY FAX: (386) 752-9400. Serrano’s case highlights an week, the U.S. Justice Department oppressing others. BY EMAIL: [emailprotected] important truth in our state’s ongo- took down a global child pornog- ing fight against the scourge of sex raphy ring; several of those arrests n Dallas Morning News A5


n To submit your calendar item, stop by the Reporter office or email Michael Philips at COMMUNITY CALENDAR [emailprotected] Today anyone to dispose of unused pre- scription drugs anonymously. You Children’s ministry can take your unwanted, unneeded Wesley Memorial United prescription drugs to the LCPD Methodist Church cordially invites lobby at 225 NW Main Blvd. from children to their new “Wesley 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Warriors” Children’s Ministry each Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 7 CPR course p.m. There are classes for pre-K On Saturday, October 26, at the through fifth grade, with snacks Evangelistic Deliverance Miracles provided. The ministry is free to all, Revival Center, 256 NW Carol Place regardless of faith background. The in Lake City, there will be a free church is located in Lake City at community CPR course held by 1272 SW McFarlane Ave., adjacent Conrade Irving. Certification can be to Summers Elementary School. obtained for a $35 fee. For more information, call 386-752- 3513 any weekday morning. Pancake breakfast The Spirit of Christ Lutheran Food distribution Church, 145 SW Sweetbreeze Drive, Every Wednesday, Branford Lake City — take US-90 West past United Methodist Church, 405 Harvey’s Supermarket— is hold- NW Express Street in Bradford, ing a pancake breakfast, Saturday, distributes food baskets for $5 October 26, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. for those in need. Bring your own COURTESY large tote, box or laundry bas- Fish fry ket. (Round ones are not optimal CARC awards dinner The Corinth Cemetery for packing.) You don’t have to The Annual Membership Celebration of CARC-Advocates for Citizens with Disabilities, Inc., was Association annual fish fry will be choose between food, necessities held last month at Parkview Baptist Church. See story below. Pictured above, Executive Director held on October 26, from 4 p.m. for life or medical priorities. Stephen Bailey presents Daniel Oliver with the Group Home Achievement in Personal Goals award. to 6 p.m. Dinners are $8.00 each and include your choice of catfish Free soil pH tests or mullet, grits, coleslaw, baked The Columbia County Master with parental permission, weigh a Thursday at the Lake City Elks of fun at the Library’s Interactive beans, hush puppies, dessert and Gardeners conduct free soil pH minimum of 110 pounds and be in Club, 309 Hernando Street. The Family Movie Night on Friday at 6 tea. All proceeds go to maintain tests every Wednesday at the UF/ good health. social hour begins at 6:30 p.m., p.m., featuring a popular Halloween- the cemetery and church. The IFAS Agricultural Extension Office followed by the program at 7 p.m. themed movie. Everyone can address is 336 NW Corinth Drive, located at 971 W. Duval Street, Pumpkin Patch The program will be viewing the watch, play and sing along at the Lake City, off US Highway 441 Suite 170. First United Methodist Church’s DVD “Remembering Vietnam: The Main Library. The event is free and North. Pumpkin Patch is now open Wall at 25.” The meeting is open open to the public, but space is limit- ‘Terrific Twos’ Monday through Saturday from 9 to all active duty, retired and for- ed. Free tickets are required. Please Tuesday “Terrific Twos,” a library pro- a.m. until dusk, and Sundays from mer U.S. Armed Service commis- call the Library at 386-758-2101 to gram for toddlers, is offered on 12:30 p.m. until dusk. Elementary sioned officers and their spouses. reserve your tickets or inquire about Plant clinic Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. at the schools, pre-K and day care pro- For information and reservations the movie title or just ask at the Do you have questions about main branch of the Columbia grams are invited to join us for please contact Vernon Lloyd at 386- Main Library’s Circulation Desk. plants? Get an answer! The Plant County Public Library, 308 NW story time. Please call for reserva- 752-4885 or by email at vernmoe@ Clinic held by Master Gardeners Columbia Ave. in downtown Lake tions at 386-752-4488. comcast.net or Paul Wengert at Weekly dances volunteers at the UF IFAS City. For more information about 386-755-6897 or [emailprotected]. Every Friday in the multipurpose Extension Office are available the library’s children’s programs, Volunteers room of Wesley Memorial United Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 call 386-758-2101. Lake City Medical Center is in Bingo Methodist Church, there will be an a.m. to noon. The Extension Office need of volunteers who have a Bingo games are offered every evening of dancing, featuring music is located at 971 W Duval Street, Bingo heart to serve. We have chaplain, Sunday, Monday and Thursday at from the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, includ- Suite 170, in Lake City. For more Play bingo every Wednesday gift shop, patient care, and many 6:45 p.m. at the American Legion ing waltzes, country line dancing information, call 386-752-5384. and Friday at Moose Lodge other positions open. If you are Post 57, 2602 SW Main Blvd. in and rock ’n’ roll. Doors open at 6 624, 624 NE Williams Street, off interested in joining our team, you Lake City. There are three $250 jack- p.m., and the dancing begins at 7 Save the date Bascom Norris Drive, from 3 p.m. can pick up an application at the pots each night. Quarter games are p.m. and runs to 9 p.m. Bring a cov- to 6:30 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 front desk of the hospital or the played at 3 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays ered dish for the 6:30 p.m. dinner. Halloween Fest p.m. Cost is $1 per paper, and you volunteer office. For more info, and Sundays. Refreshments are at Sodas and snacks will be provided. The American Legion Auxiliary can come and go as you like. Pull call 386-719-7713. reasonable prices. Dress casual. There is a $7 admis- is hosting a Halloween Fest on tabs, 80/20 and incentives offered. sion charge. Wesley Memorial is Thursday, October 31, from 6 p.m. Free gift for bingo players, birth- Volunteers Friday located at 1272 SW McFarlane Ave. to 8 p.m. at the American Legion days and new players. Food and Shands Lakeshore Regional in Lake City. Post 57, 2602 SW Main Blvd in Lake beverages are available. For more Medical Center is seeking vol- Spooky Springs City. There will be tons of candy for information, call Bruce Kemmerer unteers for the gift shop and to On Friday and Saturday, from Theater kids 12 and under, prizes, games at 386-205-2100 or 386-755-3730. drive golf carts. Those interest- 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., join the fun The High Springs Playhouse’s and a cake walk. And kids eat free! ed, please come by the gift shop and spooky happenings during production of “A Party to This is a free event. Brewery blood drive and pick up an application. Our the Spooky Springs Event at Murder,” by Marcia Kash and LifeSouth Community Blood phone number is 386-292-8000. Ichetucknee Springs State Park, Douglas E. Hughes and directed Senior planning fair Centers is excited to announce the You must be 18 to apply. 12087 SW US 27, Fort White. For by Katy Lasiter, will run Fridays, On October 31 from 12:30 p.m. First Annual Beer Positive Brewery young children, there will be games Saturdays and Sundays through- to 2 p.m., the Lifestyle Enrichment Challenge. Some of the best local Thursday and a haunted house. Teens can out October. Go to highspring- Center is hosting the “Wealth of breweries in LifeSouth’s North play games and ride the terrify- splayhouse.com or call 386-454- Information Fair,” to help seniors Florida district are competing to see Food outreach ing Haunted Tram into the dark 3525 for ticket information. live their “third-third” of their lives. who can stir up the most blood dona- Catholic Charities Lake City will woods where anything might hap- Caregivers, seniors and soon-to- tions. Running through Saturday, be conducting a community food pen! Games, prizes and lots of fun! Bingo be seniors will learn how support you can donate at any of LifeSouth’s outreach at the Jasper Civic Center The event benefits the Friends of Every Friday evening, St. Mary’s groups, physical activity, financial, donor centers in Lake City, Alachua, parking lot, 1129 NW 4th Street in Ichetucknee Springs State Park. Call Catholic Church, 1143 W Macclenny long term health planning, social Gainesville or Valdosta and cast your Jasper, on Thursday at 9 a.m. First 386-497-4690 for more information. Ave. in Macclenny, holds bingo connection, mental stimulus, vote for your favorite brewery. At come, first served while supplies nights. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and and good nutrition will promote the end of the challenge, the brew- last. Only one person per house- Spaghetti dinner the fun kicks off at 6:30 p.m. “Independent Living for a Lifetime!” ery with the most donations will win hold may be eligible and must be a The Knights of Columbus will Attendees will be better prepared to a trophy and bragging rights. All resident of Hamilton County. Call hold a spaghetti and meatball din- Saturday overcome life’s challenges as they donors will receive a special Beer 754-9180 for more information. ner, with salad, dessert and drink for strive for continued independence. Positive T-shirt, a coupon for a free $8 on Friday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Drug take back The LEC is located at 628 SE Allison pint of beer and a chance to win a MOAA meeting at Parish Hall, 1905 SW Epiphany On Saturday, the Lake City Court in Lake City. For information, GrowlerWerks Pressurized Growler The Suwannee River Valley Court in Lake City. Police Department is participating contact Donna Bowen, development ukeg. LifeSouth’s donor center in Chapter of The Military Officer in the National Prescription Drug director, at 386-755-0235, ext. 108; or Lake City is located at 833 FL-47. Association of America (MOAA) Family movie night Take Back program. This collec- by email: development@ccseniors. Donors must be at least 17, or 16 will hold its monthly meeting on Bring the whole family for a night tion provides an opportunity for com. CARC–Advocates honors members at annual celebration From staff reports Bank of Florida. Special Sunshine Enterprises Goals – (male) Daniel thanks to our sponsors Most Positive Attitude – Oliver; (female) Crystal The Annual Membership Anderson Columbia, Baya Calvin Griffin Brown Celebration of CARC- Pharmacy, Columbia Bank, Sunshine Enterprises ADT Most Improved – Advocates for Citizens New Millennium Building Outstanding Employment Kevin Crawford with Disabilities, Inc., Systems, and Edward Jones, Achievement – Dennis ADT Team Player – was held last month at Financial Advisors (Steve Days Summer Williams Parkview Baptist Church. Jones, Robert Woodard, Sunshine Enterprises ADT Ability Award – Elected as officers for Steve Smith and David Cheerfulness Award – Jessica Queal the upcoming year were Flinchum). Executive Suzannah “Susie” Beavers Outstanding Employee David Brewer, president; Director Stephen Bailey dis- Sunshine Enterprises Awards: Michael Pate, Melinda Moses, vice pres- tributed the awards. COURTESY Independence Patrisa Thompson, Robin ident; Betsy Pottle, sec- Employees from the I-10/Baker County Rest Area Achievement – Arthur Benskin retary ;and Gigi Register, COMMUNITY receive the “Best Team Player” award from Executive Brooks Supervisor of the Year treasurer. Carolyn Baker, SUPPORT AWARDS Director, Stephen E. Bailey. Pictured, from left: Shane Friendliness Award – – Gary Free Jerry Cheesman, Calvin Beasley, Stephen E. Bailey, Emma Clarkson, Charles Kiki Harper Above & Beyond Griffin, Glenn Hunter, Outstanding Chambless, Barbara Stone, Wayne Streeter, Timothy Group Home Most Award – Dan Davis Sandy Kishton and Steven Community Support Cason and Anthony Watson. Improved – Mark Bridges Best Team Work Award Behrenwald will serve as Award – WEN-ONE of Group Home Out- – I-10 Baker Rest Area directors for the 2019-2020 Florida, Brian Tucker CLIENT/EMPLOYEE Fisher. standing Resident – Pam term. The Charles and Mil- AWARDS Sunshine Enterprises Shipp BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dinner was catered by dred Fite, Jr. Award for Outstanding Worker – Group Home Inde- Lawrence Rentz of Fenced Volunteerism – Leeann Back 5 Years of Service – Jamie Rhodes pendence Award – Board Member in BBQ and was served by CARC Family Support Matthew Beasley, Shane Sunshine Enterprises Josephine Williams Recognition for Years volunteers from Columbia Award – Reinhold & Phyllis Beasley, Aimee Cadle, Outstanding Work Group Home Served – Glenn Hunter for Bank and First Federal Bridges Cindy Creel and Nicolette Attitude – Darius Pollard Achievement in Personal 40 years of service A6

6A WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2019 HEALTH LAKE CITY REPORTER MEDICARE PRESCRIPTON PLANS TH TH ASK OUR OPEN ENROLLMENT OCT 15 -DEC 7 PHARMACIST CALL US! Mon–Fri 8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. • Sat 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. FOR HELP Baya East: 386-755-6677 • Baya West: 386-755-2233 Peppermint may be COOL solution for IBS any people have lost peppermint is actually a hybrid! DEAR PHARMACIST as well as an antispasmodic oil can irritate the stomach their joy in eating and It’s the hybrid baby of its par- herb. It is also known to help lining and make heartburn and Mthat’s because they have ents watermint and spearmint. with gas, bloating, and minor ulcers worse. The enteric coat- Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS Most people know that apply- cramping. ing protects the peppermint oil which includes many symptoms ing peppermint essential oil The latest study published so that it can get down lower including bloating, abdominal to your temples can help with in the August 27, 2019 issue of to your intestines (rather than pain, fatigue, sleep problems, a headache, and that pepper- Gastroenterology was conducted breaking down in your stom- and suppressed immunity. One mint gum and candies freshen in part, to evaluate the safety ach). hallmark symptom is that which your breath. Mint leaves can and efficacy for peppermint Avoid peppermint if you have affects your ability to eliminate. be infused into a pitcher of ice in people with IBS. They used GERD which is a disorder of I’m referring to diarrhea, or con- water for instant freshness, not two different formulations that the lower part of your esoph- stipation, or alternating between to mention antibacterial and would go to certain parts of the agus. My rationale is because the two. anti-fungal effects. I think that’s intestine. They got about 190 peppermint relaxes your esoph- An actual diagnosis of IBS where mint excels for people, people to agree to participate, ageal sphincter and will allow is based upon your duration it has been proven to help with across several hospitals in the acid to reflux upwards. That’s of symptoms which must be SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Netherlands. This trial ran from what you are trying to avoid! So six months or more. If you’re Overgrowth) and IBS. Suzy Cohen 2016 to 2018. antacids and peppermint supple- tired of the problem, and sad Peppermint is available at any [emailprotected] The enteric coated (small ments should not be combined. because you have to toilet-map health food store (soft gels and www.SuzyCohen.com intestine release) preparation There are other warnings, so every trip to the mall, then liquid extracts) and supermarket of peppermint did in fact prove please ask your doctor if this maybe peppermint is something (usually as a tea). You can also effective traditional holistic rem- to help reduce abdominal pain, type of herbal remedy is good you should try. buy it in the produce section edy. I’m not referring to essen- discomfort, and general IBS for you. Peppermint is a beautiful of some supermarkets as fresh tial oil, I’m referring to a dietary severity. n Suzy Cohen is a Colorado-based plant that has been medicinally whole leaf. The supplements of supplement of peppermint oil Here are a few words of cau- pharmacist who got her start in treasured for centuries. Known peppermint oil (enteric coated) which acts as a smooth muscle tion. The enteric coated form is Gainesville. The Lake City Reporter was botanically as Mentha piperita, are considered a relatively safe, relaxant inside your intestines, ideal because plain peppermint the first newspaper to carry her column. At Disney, child frantically seeks help for mom By GABRIELLE RUSSON, “We’re getting help to To date, Disney has not guests during their flight CAROLINE GLENN and MARK you,” the dispatcher says. disclosed the cause, with with Disney Skyliner,” SKONEKI “Get her out of here as a spokeswoman calling it according to a post on the Orlando Sentinel fast as you can, people!” the “unexpected downtime” official Disney parks blog on child says. “I am going to on the night it happened. Oct. 14, the day the gondo- ORLANDO — For about sue Disney for this!” The Skyliner had only been las reopened to the public. an hour, an 11-year-old At least one person was open seven days. Nor has The gondola line that mal- Lakeland child was on the taken to the hospital that Disney commented about functioned connects Disney’s phone with 911, pleading night and later released, but photos from social media Caribbean Beach Resort with for somebody to rescue the nothing about his or her con- showing crumpled cabins at Epcot. There’s another sta- child’s epileptic and anxious dition was revealed. A union one of the loading stations. tion along the line at Disney’s mother trapped on Disney spokesman for the Reedy “Following a complete Riviera Resort, scheduled to COURTESY World’s Skyliner gondola. Creek Fire Department said review with the manufactur- open in December. Other Disney Skyliner, Walt Disney World’s new gondola Reedy Creek, Disney’s the rescue required near- er, we’ve made adjustments lines connect to Disney’s transportation system, runs during a media preview quasi-government, which ly all its personnel, but a to our processes and train- Hollywood Studios, and on Friday, Sept. 27. handles the parks’ emergen- spokeswoman for Reedy ing, and we are improving the Pop Century and Art of cy responses, released the The child was on the way “It’s been 20 minutes Creek later disputed that. how we communicate with Animation resorts. 911 audio tapes Friday after to Epcot with his or her mom up here!” the child wails. a public records request when the gondola cabin, load- “Please. I’m begging you!” from the Orlando Sentinel. ed with six people, stopped The dispatcher tries to The tapes depict stranded over Disney’s Boardwalk. reassure the child, keeping riders crying, pleading for In some moments, the the conversation going. She help because of their health child is calm. asks the child if the family conditions and in one case “I don’t know if we’re is on vacation. She encour- a man who had passed out stuck or something,” the ages everyone to take deep when the gondolas broke child says early into the call. breaths. She warns the down Oct. 5. Some people But as the minutes tick child not to give the mother said they were stranded for by, the child sobs onto the any food or drink, in case almost three hours. phone, sounding panicked. she has a seizure. Researchers develop protocol for treating infection in dogs By SARAH CAREY UF Health

While participating in a summer research proj- ect in Thailand in 2018, a University of Florida grad- uate student discovered a rarely diagnosed and often fatal infection, known as melioidosis, in a dog, and helped veterinarians devel- op a protocol to successful- ly treat the animal. One year later, the 11-year-old Pomeranian mixed-breed dog contin- ues to be doing well, said Pacharapong Khrongsee, D.V.M., a master’s student COURTESY PACHARAPONG KHRONGSEE who studies melioidosis This dog suffered from severe wounds caused by an with his mentor, tropical often-fatal infection known as canine melioidosis. disease expert Apichai Thanks to treatment developed by UF veterinary Tuanyok, Ph.D., an assistant researchers, the dog has recoved and all of its fur has professor in the UF College grown back. of Veterinary Medicine’s department of infectious dis- as the teaching hospital, governmental authorities, eases and immunology. and he learned of the case meaning that any treatment Their findings were when he was consulted by may only be undertaken reported in in the journal the laboratory that received with their permission. Veterinary Sciences. the dog’s test results. Because there is no known The dog had run away “The laboratory tests protocol for treating melioido- from home at night and was showed that this dog had sis in dogs, once the disease found by its owner a day later bacteremic melioidosis,” was diagnosed, vets at the with large wounds around its Khrongsee said. hospital gave the owner their neck and back. After unsuc- Melioidosis, a serious standard recommendation: cessful treatment at a local bacterial infection that humane euthanasia. animal clinic, the dog was affects humans and several “No one had ever report- referred to the veterinary species of animals, is caused ed how to treat the disease, teaching hospital at Prince by a soil bacterium. Roughly and the publications out of Songkla University for fur- 40% of the cases reported there recommend eutha- ther care and diagnostics. in people lead to death. In nizing the dog, as the dis- Khrongsee happened to Thailand, the disease is ease can affect humans,” work in the same building required to be reported to Tuanyok said. B1

Lake City Reporter On the web: Game 1 of World Series Story ideas?

Contact Zach Abolverdi or Jordan Kroeger 754-0420 SPORTS 754-0421 Follow @LCR_Sports on Twitter for local stories, score updates and more [emailprotected] [emailprotected] Wednesday, October 23, 2019 www.lakecityreporter.com Section B

PREP FOOTBALL Columbia slides in RPI Fort White moves 3-seeded Robert E. Lee if Gainesville. Daytona Beach Mainland regionals started today. The only hope the Tigers (.562, District 4 leader) into playoff picture But because the Tigers have of leaping back into — 6-seed Columbia (.628) following victory. lost to the Generals two the top four is if they win at 3-seed Lee (.607, District weeks ago, they drop out at district foe Middleburg 2 leader) By JORDAN KROEGER of the top four because on Friday and Lee loses — 7-seed St. Augustine [emailprotected] they don’t currently lead to Gainesville. That would (.570) at 2-seed Ponte Vedra District 2-6A. force a three-way tiebreak- (.626, District 3 leader) Last Friday’s loss to District winners are er between CHS, Lee and Escambia and Booker Atlantic dropped Columbia automatically awarded GHS, which would be bro- T. Washington are both a spot in the latest Region the top four seeds in the ken via the RPI. undefeated and will play 1-6A RPI rankings released playoffs. That’s benefit- Here’s the current pro- for the District 1 title this on Tuesday. ting the Generals at the jected field for Region 1-6A: Friday. Ponte Vedra and St. The Tigers are now pro- moment despite them — 8-seed Milton (.551) Augustine also play for the jected as a 6-seed in the having just the fifth high- at 1-seed Escambia (.688, District 3 championship playoffs despite having est RPI at .607. Lee can District 1 leader) this week. JEN CHASTEEN/Special to the Reporter the third highest RPI at clinch the district title this — 5-seed Booker T. Columbia receiver Marquez Bell yells from the sideline .628 and would travel to Friday with a win over Washington (.633) at 4-seed RPI continued on 6B during last Friday’s game against Atlantic.


From staff reports

Columbia’s girl golf team came up short at the Region 1-2A Tournament on Tuesday at Tiger Point Golf Club, finishing ninth with a 408. Payton Gainey led the Lady Tigers with a 93, the 21st lowest score of the day in conditions that saw wind gusts of over 30 miles per hour. Reece Chasteen carded a 95, Veona Osborne finished with a 117 and Kayla Hardy rounded out the scoring with a 113. Ponte Vedra won the regional title. Joining the Sharks at state will be Gulf Breeze (sec- ond) and Fort Walton Beach (third).

COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL Timberwolves sweep Eagles

CHRISTIAN FEAGIN/Special to the Reporter to end skid Fort White quarterback Tyler Jefferson takes off on the run against P.K. Yonge last Friday. From staff reports

Indians close in on playoff spot as season winds down Florida Gateway College swept Trinity By ZACH ABOLVERDI broken elbow. “Really didn’t have a big reaction,” Baptist College 25-8, 25-18, 25-9 Tuesday [emailprotected] The injury, and loss, appeared to bury coach Demetric Jackson said of the new night at the Howard Center to snap a three- the Indians’ postseason prospects, and RPI rankings. “Just kind of told our play- match losing streak. FORT WHITE — This time a month they found themselves on the outside ers, we just gotta win games with where Kaeley Kellar led the Timberwolves ago, the outlook of Fort White’s 2019 looking in when the first RPI rankings we’re at right now. If we take care of (8-24) with a team-high 14 kills to go along season was not promising. were released on Oct. 8. business, it will eventually play itself out.” with eight digs, while Claire Roberson and The Indians blew a two-touchdown Not anymore. The Indians were ranked No. 7 in Courtney Williamson each recorded seven lead at Taylor County and lost 42-27, Fort White (3-5) is now projected as the region last week, but moved up one kills against the Eagles (1-16). Karen Hill dropping their record to 2-3 and hurting one of the six playoff teams in Region spot following Union County’s loss to had a team-high 22 assists and 10 digs, with their playoff chances. That game also 3-1A, earning the No. 6 seed in the lat- Hawthorne. The Fightin’ Tigers’ last two Kaci Law finishing with a team-high 12 digs. cost them starting running back Leon est standings released Tuesday following Jaylin Roberts also had five kills and six Watkins, who sustained a season-ending Friday’s 24-14 win over P.K. Yonge. INDIANS continued on 6B digs.

IN THE PITS NFL France was right to bring playoffs to NASCAR Jaguars sign Super Bowl

By JENNA FRYER MVP Malcolm Smith Associated Press Linebacker won a re-signed championship with lineback- HARLOTTE, N.C. er Donald — Spoilers, tension, the 49ers in 2014. Payne on a sense of urgency. Tuesday. To C Associated Press Heroes, villains. make room The NASCAR playoffs for Smith are playing out with all JACKSONVILLE — The Smith and Payne, the drama Brian France Jacksonville Jaguars have Jacksonville envisioned for the elimina- signed former Super Bowl placed tight end Geoff tion-style playoff system he MVP Malcolm Smith to Swaim (concussion/ helped launch in 2004. After multiple tweaks help fill holes at linebacker. ankle) and linebacker D.J. and changes since then, the Smith played 12 games Alexander (foot) on injured NASCAR postseason now for San Francisco last sea- reserve. has what France liked to call son. He’s best known for The Jags also could be “Game 7 moments,” the kind his MVP performance without linebackers Najee of I-shouldn’t-miss-this attrac- in the 2014 Super Bowl, Goode (turf toe) and Leon tion for fans that comes with, when he had 10 tackles and Jacobs (hamstring) on say, the Final Four, the NFL returned an interception Sunday against the New playoffs or October baseball. TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE 69 yards for a touchdown York Jets (1-5). Rookie line- This year, this tension has An overview of the track during the 70th Annual running of the STP 500 in Seattle’s 43-8 win over backer Quincy Williams Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race on Mar. 24 at Martinsville Speedway, Denver. also is dealing with a ham- FRANCE continued on 2B in Martinsville, Va. The Jaguars (3-4) also string injury. 2B WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2019 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER

ident Steve Phelps tabbed NFL FRANCE president in charge of over- SCOREBOARD seeing day-to-day operations Continued From 1B of the merged companies. TV LISTINGS NFL MLB PLAYOFFS Brian France, who Willie been building since the play- stepped away as CEO of Today AMERICAN CONFERENCE WORLD SERIES offs began six weeks ago NASCAR following his COLLEGE SOCCER (WOMEN’S) East (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) and the elimination race at 11 p.m. W L T Pct PF PA Houston vs. Washington August 2018 drunken-driving Brown ESPNU — Pepperdine at Santa Clara New England 7 0 0 1.000 223 48 Tuesday: Washington at Houston, 8:08 p.m. Kansas Speedway over the arrest, is not named in the COLLEGE VOLLEYBALL (WOMEN’S) Buffalo 5 1 0 .833 121 91 Today: Washington at Houston, 8:07 p.m. weekend, with a wild finish new leadership structure. 6 p.m. N.Y. Jets 1 5 0 .167 63 156 Oct. 25: Houston at Washington, 8:07 p.m. that went into double over- Jim France has said very BTN — Rutgers at Ohio State Miami 0 6 0 .000 63 211 Oct. 26: Houston at Washington, 8:07 p.m. time, did not disappoint. dies at 7 p.m. South x-Oct. 27: Houston at Washington, 8:07 p.m. little publicly since replac- ESPNU — Kansas at Kansas State W L T Pct PF PA x-Oct. 29: Washington at Houston, 8:07 p.m. Chase Elliott basically ing his nephew nearly 15 8 p.m. Indianapolis 4 2 0 .667 143 138 x-Oct. 30: Washington at Houston, 8:08 p.m. had to win Sunday to months ago and he leaves BTN — Illinois at Penn State Houston 4 3 0 .571 185 164 keep his title hopes alive; it to Phelps to talk about age 78 SEC — Louisiana State at Kentucky Jacksonville 3 4 0 .429 144 148 COLLEGE FOOTBALL short of that, he needed a 9 p.m. Tennessee 3 4 0 .429 121 112 the future of NASCAR. But ESPNU — Mississippi at Georgia North total collapse from some- it is no coincidence that By JOSH DUBOW Thursday’s Top 25 Games GOLF W L T Pct PF PA one ahead of him in the Associated Press No. 16 SMU at Houston, 7:30 p.m. business has been rolling 11 p.m. Baltimore 5 2 0 .714 214 156 Saturday’s Top 25 Games standings. Well, he nearly since Brian France stepped GOLF — PGA Tour: The ZOZO Cleveland 2 4 0 .333 120 154 No. 1 Alabama vs. Arkansas, 7 p.m. won the race but finished Championship, first round, Tokyo Pittsburgh 2 4 0 .333 123 131 down and his uncle steadied Willie Brown established No. 2 LSU vs. No. 9 Auburn, 3:30 p.m. second to Denny Hamlin 3 a.m. (Thursday) Cincinnati 0 7 0 .000 114 186 a seemingly sinking ship. No. 3 Ohio St. vs. No. 13 Wisconsin, Noon the bump-and-run style of GOLF — PGA Tour: The ZOZO West and still advanced because Booming might be a stretch, No. 4 Clemson vs. Boston College, 7:30 p.m. defense the Raiders used Championship, first round, Tokyo W L T Pct PF PA Brad Keselowski fell apart. No. 5 Oklahoma at Kansas St., Noon but things are happening 6:30 a.m. (Thursday) Kansas City 5 2 0 .714 202 150 for decades, provided the No. 6 Penn State at Michigan St., 3:30 p.m. As Elliott was charging behind the scenes at a mark- GOLF — EPGA Tour: The Portugal Oakland 3 3 0 .500 127 165 No. 8 Notre Dame at No. 19 Michigan, 7:30 p.m. to the front of the field, iconic play in Oakland’s first Masters, first round, Quarteira, Denver 2 5 0 .286 112 136 edly improved pace that has No. 11 Oregon vs. Washington St., 10:30 p.m. Super Bowl title, and impact- Portugal L.A. Chargers 2 5 0 .286 140 141 Keselowski was literally fall- benefited the product. No. 12 Utah vs. California, 10 p.m. HORSE RACING NATIONAL CONFERENCE ing backward in a fascinat- ed nearly every player who No. 15 Texas at TCU, 3:30 p.m. A new rules package was 1 p.m. East suited up for the team over No. 17 Minnesota vs. Maryland, 3:30 p.m. ing split-screen showcase of rolled out this year designed FS2 — Belmont Park Live: From Elmont, W L T Pct PF PA No. 20 Iowa at Northwestern, Noon the drivers’ push for the final to make the racing better, the past half-century. N.Y. Dallas 4 3 0 .571 190 124 No. 21 Appalachian St. at South Alabama, Noon spot in the round of eight. MLB BASEBALL Philadelphia 3 4 0 .429 171 186 and although it has received Brown was the consum- No. 23 Iowa St. vs. Oklahoma St., 3:30 p.m. 8 p.m. N.Y. Giants 2 5 0 .286 132 187 Neither driver was predict- mixed reviews, the on-track mate Raider. No. 24 Arizona St. at UCLA, 7:30 p.m. FOX — World Series: Washington at Washington 1 6 0 .143 90 176 ed to be in that position — Saturday’s Other ACC Games action is better than it has The Hall of Fame corner- Houston, Game 2 South Miami at Pittsburgh, Noon both Keselowski and Elliott been the past several sea- NBA BASKETBALL W L T Pct PF PA back who helped fuel the Syracuse at Florida St., 3:30 p.m. went into the playoffs as legit- 7:30 p.m. New Orleans 6 1 0 .857 164 147 sons. Work continues to be Raiders’ success during 12 Virginia at Louisville, 3:30 p.m. ESPN — Boston at Philadelphia Carolina 4 2 0 .667 166 133 imate championship contend- done on the “Next Gen” car Duke at North Carolina, 4 p.m. years on the field before 10 p.m. Tampa Bay 2 4 0 .333 173 185 ers — but Kyle Larson and Saturday’s Other SEC Games scheduled to be introduced ESPN — Denver at Portland Atlanta 1 6 0 .143 145 223 becoming an integral part Mississippi St. at Texas A&M, Noon Ryan Blaney both grabbed in 2021; the car is intended NHL HOCKEY North of the franchise during his South Carolina at Tennessee, 4 p.m. slots in the next round with to reduce costs, in large 8 p.m. W L T Pct PF PA Missouri at Kentucky, 7:30 p.m. surprise victories. The win- post-playing career died NBCSN — Pittsburgh at Tampa Bay Green Bay 6 1 0 .857 184 139 part via common parts from SOCCER (MEN’S) Minnesota 5 2 0 .714 192 123 and-advance model rolled out approved vendors, which on Tuesday after a battle 12:55 p.m. Chicago 3 3 0 .500 112 105 NHL in 2014 has thrown Larson will shrink the required with cancer. He was 78. TNT — UEFA Champions League: Detroit 2 3 1 .417 149 160 and Blaney into the mix and workforce and tighten many “Willie Brown was a true Chelsea at Ajax, Group H West EASTERN CONFERENCE ended a potential title run for 3 p.m. W L T Pct PF PA Atlantic Division loopholes for creativity and Raider and one of the best TNT — UEFA Champions League: San Francisco 6 0 0 1.000 156 64 GP W L OT Pts one of the strongest teams innovation. cornerbacks that ever played Borussia Dortmund at Inter Milan, Seattle 5 2 0 .714 181 176 Buffalo 10 8 1 1 17 from the regular season. The hard work is in the game,” Hall of Fame Group H L.A. Rams 4 3 0 .571 190 164 Boston 9 6 1 2 14 This is everything France keeping older fans, attract- coach John Madden said. “It 7 p.m. Arizona 3 3 1 .500 161 192 Toronto 11 5 4 2 12 wanted when he first FS1 — MLS Playoffs: Toronto FC at NY Florida 9 4 2 3 11 ing new ones and market- was a comfort to a coach launched the Chase — what City FC, Eastern Conference Semifinal Thursday’s Games Montreal 9 4 3 2 10 ing NASCAR, particularly to be able to have Willie 10 p.m. Kansas City 30, Denver 6 Tampa Bay 8 4 3 1 9 the system was called in its playoffs, as can’t-miss- Brown in the defensive FS1 — MLS Playoffs: Real Salt Lake at Sunday’s Games Detroit 9 3 6 0 6 2004 — and he made major viewing. Seattle, Western Conference Semifinal San Francisco 9, Washington 0 Ottawa 8 1 6 1 3 changes four different times Those who have watched backfield. Willie was a good TENNIS Green Bay 42, Oakland 24 Metropolitan Division guy, a team captain, and a 7 a.m. trying to get it right even as through the first two rounds Buffalo 31, Miami 21 GP W L OT Pts true Raider from the day he TENNIS — ATP/WTA: The Swiss Indoors Arizona 27, N.Y. Giants 21 Washington 10 6 2 2 14 some longtime fans stopped have seen an intense and Basel, The Vienna Open & The Elite L.A. Rams 37, Atlanta 10 Carolina 9 6 3 0 12 watching. Critics called it a sometimes heated scramble joined our team in 1967, until Trophy Tournament, Early Rounds Indianapolis 30, Houston 23 Pittsburgh 10 6 4 0 12 gimmick and manufactured for points and positions as he passed away today. He 1:30 a.m. (Thursday) Minnesota 42, Detroit 30 N.Y. Islanders 8 5 3 0 10 drama, and grumbled the no driver has emerged as will be missed by me and the TENNIS — WTA: The Elite Trophy Jacksonville 27, Cincinnati 17 Columbus 9 4 3 2 10 Tournament, Early Rounds, Zhuai, Tennessee 23, L.A. Chargers 20 Philadelphia 7 3 3 1 7 old season-long title march the clear favorite. Joe Gibbs entire Raiders organization.” China Baltimore 30, Seattle 16 New Jersey 8 2 4 2 6 was the preferred method Racing, with three wins Al Davis acquired Brown New Orleans 36, Chicago 25 N.Y. Rangers 7 2 4 1 5 to crown a champion. through six playoff races, for the Raiders in a trade Dallas 37, Philadelphia 10 WESTERN CONFERENCE It has taken all those MEN’S COLLEGE has three drivers atop the from Denver in 1967 in one Open: Tampa Bay, Cleveland, Carolina, Central Division tweaks and years to settle standings but anything can BASKETBALL Pittsburgh GP W L OT Pts of the best moves he made in to show that France’s happen starting Sunday at Monday’s Games Colorado 9 7 1 1 15 during his Hall of Fame AP preseason All-America team New England 33, N.Y. Jets 0 Nashville 9 5 3 1 11 vision was the right one for Martinsville Speedway in — Cassius Winston, Michigan State, 6-1, Thursday, Oct. 24 St. Louis 9 4 2 3 11 NASCAR, with its relent- Virginia. Reigning series career running the Raiders. 185, senior, 65 of 65 votes (18.8 ppg, 3 Washington at Minnesota, 8:20 p.m. Winnipeg 11 5 6 0 10 Brown went on to have rpg, 5.2 apg, 84.0 ft pct, 1.0 steals) less, 10-month season and champion Joey Logano is Sunday, Oct. 27 Dallas 11 3 7 1 7 a brilliant career with — Markus Howard, Marquette, 5-11, 180, Arizona at New Orleans, 1 p.m. Minnesota 9 3 6 0 6 events that run three-plus the defending race winner, senior, 57 (25.0 ppg, 4.0 rpg, 3.9 apg, 40.3 Tampa Bay at Tennessee, 1 p.m. Chicago 6 2 3 1 5 hours, to remain relevant in and he staved off elimination Oakland, highlighted by 3-pt fg pct, 89.0 ft pct, 3.5 3-pt fg/game, N.Y. Giants at Detroit, 1 p.m. Pacific Division the fast-changing sports and himself at Kansas after a his 75-yard interception 1.1 steals) Cincinnati vs L.A. Rams at London, UK, 1 p.m. GP W L OT Pts — Jordan Nwora, Louisville, 6-7, 225, entertainment landscape. crash in the waning laps put return for a touchdown Denver at Indianapolis, 1 p.m. Edmonton 10 7 2 1 15 France was correct, even junior, 47 (17.0 ppg, 7.6 rpg, 1.3 apg) Philadelphia at Buffalo, 1 p.m. Vancouver 9 6 3 0 12 him on the bubble against against Minnesota that — Myles Powell, Seton Hall, 6-2, 195, N.Y. Jets at Jacksonville, 1 p.m. Vegas 10 6 4 0 12 if the system was contrived. teammate Keselowski. helped the Raiders win senior, 47 (23.1 ppg, 4.0 rpg, 2.9 apg, 36.0 Seattle at Atlanta, 1 p.m. Anaheim 10 6 4 0 12 The sport needed its version The title race has gone their first Super Bowl fol- minutes, 84.0 ft pct, 2.0 steals) L.A. Chargers at Chicago, 1 p.m. Arizona 8 5 2 1 11 of walk-off home runs or down to the finale in every — James Wiseman, Memphis, 7-1, 240, lowing the 1976 season. Carolina at San Francisco, 4:05 p.m. Calgary 10 5 4 1 11 last-second touchdown pass- year since Brian France freshman, 32 (Memphis East HS: 25.8 ppg, Oakland at Houston, 4:25 p.m. Los Angeles 9 4 5 0 8 “His legendary perfor- 14.8 rpg, 5.5 blocks, 1.3 steals) es to spice up the action. created this system, and the Cleveland at New England, 4:25 p.m. San Jose 9 3 5 1 7 mance on the field changed Green Bay at Kansas City, 8:20 p.m. France is now far removed champion has had to win at NBA OPENING NIGHT Open: Dallas, Baltimore Monday’s Late Games from this system and the Homestead-Miami Speedway the way the cornerback Monday, Oct. 28 St. Louis 3, Colorado 1 sport itself, his departure to cement the crown the last position was played and his Tuesday’s Games Miami at Pittsburgh, 8:15 p.m. Dallas 2, Ottawa 1 from the family business five years — every year of valued guidance as a coach, Toronto 130, New Orleans 122, OT Tuesday’s Games L.A. Lakers at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Acquired Arizona 3, N.Y. Rangers 2, OT becoming officially official the elimination format — mentor and administrator Today’s Games WR Mohamed Sanu from the Atlanta Buffalo 4, San Jose 3, OT Friday when NASCAR and just as Brian France wanted. permeated the organization Chicago at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Falcons for a second-round draft pick Boston 4, Toronto 2 sister company International Fans of the way things used and touched countless indi- Cleveland at Orlando, 7 p.m. in 2020. Florida 4, Pittsburgh 2 Speedway Corp. merged to be still turn their noses up Detroit at Indiana, 7 p.m. SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS — Acquired Vancouver 5, Detroit 2 viduals both on and off the Boston at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. WR Emmanuel Sanders and a fifth- Los Angeles 3, Winnipeg 2 into one organization with at a system they find phony field,” the team said in a state- Memphis at Miami, 7:30 p.m. round pick in next year’s draft from Minnesota 3, Edmonton 0 NASCAR chairman and or engineered all for the sake ment. “Willie’s loss will leave Minnesota at Brooklyn, 7:30 p.m. the Denver for third-and fourth-round Nashville 6, Anaheim 1 CEO Jim France continu- of excitement. a tremendous void, but his New York at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. picks in 2020. Vegas at Chicago, 8:30 p.m. ing in the same role. ISC But it is exciting, and Washington at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — Acquired LB Washington at Calgary, 9 p.m. chief executive Lesa France Brian France’s system leadership and presence will Oklahoma City at Utah, 9 p.m. Quandre Diggs from the Detroit Lions Today’s Games always be a major part of the Denver at Portland, 10 p.m. in exchange for a 2020 fifth-round Detroit at Ottawa, 7:30 p.m. Kennedy was named execu- works. He’s just not Sacramento at Phoenix, 10 p.m. pick. Pittsburgh at Tampa Bay, 8 p.m. tive chair and NASCAR pres- around for the vindication. fabric of the Raiders Family.” WEDNESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 23, 2019 Comcast Dish DirecTV 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 3-ABC 3 - - TV20 News ABC World News Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) The Goldbergs (N) Schooled (N) Modern Family Single Parents (N) Stumptown Å (DVS) News at 11 Jimmy Kimmel 4-IND 4 4 4 News4JAX at 6PM News4JAX Ent. Tonight Inside Edition (N) Last Man Standing Last Man Standing Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory The 10 O’Clock News (N) Å News4JAX (:35) DailyMailTV 5-PBS 5 - - DW News Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) Å Nature (N) Å (DVS) NOVA Exploring self-driving cars. (N) Life From Above “Moving Planet” BBC News Nightly Business 7-CBS 7 47 47 Action News Jax CBS Evening News Judge Judy (N) Family Feud (N) Survivor (N) Å SEAL Team “The Strength of the Wolf” S.W.A.T. “Immunity” (N) Å Action News Late Show-Colbert 9-CW 9 17 17 Mom Å Mom Å Big Bang Theory black-ish Å Riverdale (N) Å Nancy Drew (N) Å Dateline Å News4JAX Impractical Jokers 10-FOX 10 30 30 Action News Action News TMZ (N) Å MLB Pregame 2019 World Series Washington Nationals at TBA. MLB postseason action from Game 2 of the 2019 World Series. (N) Action News Jax- (:35) TMZ Live (N) 12-NBC 12 12 12 News NBC Nightly News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) Chicago Med “Got a Friend in Me” (N) Chicago Fire Kidd must prove herself. Chicago P.D. “Brother’s Keeper” (N) News Tonight Show WGN-A 16 239 307 Dog the Bounty Hunter A goodwill trip. Dog Bounty Hunter Dog Bounty Hunter Dog’s Most Wanted Å Dog’s Most Wanted (N) Å Dog’s Most Wanted (Part 1 of 2) Å Dog the Bounty Hunter “Wrong Turn” TVLAND 17 106 304 Andy Griffith Show Andy Griffith Show Andy Griffith Show Andy Griffith Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Two and Half Men Two and Half Men King of Queens KingofQueens OWN 18 189 279 Dateline on OWN “The Mystery Man” Dateline on OWN Å Greenleaf “Unwanted” Å Greenleaf “The Stranger” Å Greenleaf “Reunited” Å Greenleaf “Surprise!” A&E 19 118 265 The First 48 “Spree Killer” Å Ghost Hunters “Suicide Hotel” Å Ghost Hunters: Most Haunted (N) Ghost Hunters “You’ve Been Warned” (:01) Ghost Hunters (N) Å (:04) Ghost Hunters Å HALL 20 185 312 “Under the Autumn Moon” (2018) Lindy Booth, Wes Brown. Å “Love Struck Café” (2017) Sarah Jane Morris, Andrew Walker. Å The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls FX 22 136 248 (5:00) ››› “Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014) Chris Pratt. ››› “Thor” (2011) Chris Hemsworth. Cast out of Asgard, the Norse god lands on Earth. Å American Horror Story: 1984 (N) Å American Horror Story: 1984 Å CNN 24 200 202 The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Cuomo Prime Time (N) Å CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) TNT 25 138 245 (5:30) ››‡ “San Andreas” (2015) Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. Å (DVS) All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) Å The Misery Index The Misery Index ›› “Get Hard” (2015) Will Ferrell. NIK 26 170 299 Are You Afraid of the Dark? Å Double Dare (N) SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob ››› “Ice Age” (2002) Voices of Ray Romano. Å Friends Å Friends Å (:35) Friends Å PARMT 28 168 241 Two and Half Men Two and Half Men ››‡ “The Expendables 2” (2012, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li. Å ›› “The Expendables 3” (2014, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Antonio Banderas. Å MY-TV 29 32 - The Flintstones The Flintstones M*A*S*H “Dreams” M*A*S*H Å Dateline Å Dateline “Inside the Hunt for El Chapo” Hogan’s Heroes Hogan’s Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason Å DISN 31 172 290 Jessie Å Jessie Å Raven’s Home Just Roll With It Å Hall of Villains Jessie Å Jessie Å Coop & Cami Sydney to the Max Raven’s Home Just Roll With It LIFE 32 108 252 “A Very Merry Daughter of the Bride” (2008) Joanna Garcia, Luke Perry. Å “Christmas in the City” (2013, Drama) Ashley Williams, Ashanti. Å (:03) “Wish Upon a Christmas” (2015) Larisa Oleynik, Aaron Ashmore. Å USA 33 105 242 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WWE NXT (N) Å Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows BET 34 124 329 ››‡ “The Family That Preys” (2008, Drama) Kathy Bates. Greed and scandal test the mettle of two family matriarchs. Tyler Perry’s The Oval “The Pilot” Tyler Perry’s Sistas “The Pilot” Copwatch America “Copwatchers” ESPN 35 140 206 SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å NBA Countdown d NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Philadelphia 76ers. From Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. (N) d NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Portland Trail Blazers. (N) ESPN2 36 144 209 Daily Wager (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight NFL Live Å Saturdays In the South: A History of SEC Football (N) CFB 150: Greatest SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å SUNSP 37 - - Inside the HEAT Noles All Access Lights Florida: Mullen College Football Iowa State at Texas Tech. Noles All Access Lights DISCV 38 182 278 Expedition Unknown Å Expedition Unknown Å Expedition Unknown Å Building Off the Grid: Deconstructed Building Off the Grid (N) Å Building Off the Grid Å TBS 39 139 247 Family Guy Family Guy Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Full Frontal Conan (N) Å Full Frontal HLN 40 202 204 Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files FNC 41 205 360 Special Report With Bret Baier (N) The Story With Martha MacCallum (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Å Hannity (N) Å The Ingraham Angle (N) Å Fox News at Night With Shannon E! 45 114 236 Keeping Up With the Kardashians E! News (N) Å ›› “Enough” (2002) Jennifer Lopez. A woman takes her daughter and flees her abusive husband. ›‡ “Obsessed” (2009) Idris Elba, Beyoncé Knowles. Å TRAVEL 46 196 277 Beyond the Unknown Å Beyond the Unknown Å Beyond the Unknown Å Paranormal Caught on Camera An entity plays hide-and-seek. (N) Å American Mystery (N) Å HGTV 47 112 229 Property Brothers: Buying & Selling Property Brothers: Buying & Selling Property Brothers Å Property Brothers (N) Å House Hunters (N) Hunters Int’l Property Brothers Å TLC 48 183 280 Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes to the Dress Å My 600-Lb. Life “Maja’s Story” Maja counts on herself. Å Hoarding: Buried Alive Å Hoarding: Buried Alive Å HIST 49 120 269 Forged in Fire “Karabela” Forged in Fire “The Greek Kopis” Forged in Fire: Cutting Deeper Å Forged in Fire Smiths Frankenstein a hybrid knife. (N) Å (DVS) (:03) Forged in Fire “The Cane Sword” ANPL 50 184 282 (5:00) Extinct or Alive Å Extinct or Alive Å Extinct Or Alive: Uncovered Evidence Extinct or Alive “Episode 5” Å (:01) Little Giants (:31) Little Giants (:01) Little Giants (:31) Little Giants FOOD 51 110 231 Halloween Wars Å Halloween Wars Å Halloween Wars “Zombie Wedding” Guy’s Grocery Games (N) Å Guy’s Grocery Games Å Guy’s Grocery Games Å TBN 52 260 372 Graham Classic It’s Supernatural! John Gray World The Potter’s Touch Turning Point Gaither Gospel Music, Moments When-Light Comes Main Stage Å Gospel Worship Steven Furtick Daniah Greenberg FSN-FL 56 - - Magic Live! Pregame (N) (Live) Å d NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Orlando Magic. From Amway Center in Orlando, Fla. (N) Magic Postgame Inside the Magic Lights World Poker SYFY 58 122 244 ›› “Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters” (2013, Fantasy) Jeremy Renner. Å ›‡ “Texas Chainsaw 3D” (2013) Alexandra Daddario, Dan Yeager. Å “Leatherface” (2017, Horror) Sam Strike, Stephen Dorff, James Bloor. Å AMC 60 130 254 ›‡ “Ghost Ship” (2002, Horror) Julianna Margulies, Ron Eldard. Å ›‡ “Thirteen Ghosts” (2001, Horror) Tony Shalhoub, Embeth Davidtz. Å ››‡ “Final Destination 2” (2003, Horror) Ali Larter, A.J. Cook. Å COM 62 107 249 (:15) South Park “Pee” Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å South Park Å Crank Yankers The Daily Show Lights Out CMT 63 166 327 Last Man Standing Last Man Standing Last Man Standing ››› “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984) Eddie Murphy. A Detroit cop goes west to avenge his friend’s death. ››‡ “Beverly Hills Cop II” (1987) Eddie Murphy, Judge Reinhold. Å NGWILD 108 190 283 The Incredible Dr. Pol Å The Incredible Dr. Pol “I Love Moo!” Snake City: Bites Back (N) Å Snake City “The Dark Night” (N) Å Snake City Å Snake City: Bites Back Å NGEO 109 186 276 Wild Russia “The Hidden Kingdom” Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Å Life Below Zero “Hand-Made” Å Life Below Zero “Hard Knocks” Å Life Below Zero “Blood in the Water” Life Below Zero “Hand-Made” Å SCIENCE 110 193 284 Engineering Catastrophes Å Engineering Catastrophes Å Engineering Catastrophes Å Engineering Catastrophes (N) Å Deadly Engineering Å Mysteries of the Abandoned Å ID 111 192 285 Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda Å Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda Å Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda Å Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda (N) Shattered “No Way Out” (N) Å Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda Å SEC 743 408 611 (3:00) The Paul Finebaum Show (N) Marty & McGee (N) Women’s College Volleyball LSU at Kentucky. (N) Marty & McGee Marty & McGee HBO 302 300 501 Mary Queen (:40) Catherine the Great Å (:35) ››‡ “Bad Times at the El Royale” (2018, Suspense) Jeff Bridges, Cynthia Erivo. ‘R’ Å 24/7 College Football (N) Å Watchmen Å MAX 320 310 515 ››› “Deadpool 2” (2018, Action) Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin. ‘R’ Å ››‡ “Due Date” (2010) Robert Downey Jr. ‘R’ Å (:40) ››‡ “Ocean’s 8” (2018, Comedy) Sandra Bullock. ‘PG-13’ Å The Nice Guys ‘R’ SHOW 340 318 545 Apocalypse (:45) ››› “A League of Their Own” (1992, Comedy-Drama) Tom Hanks, Geena Davis. ‘PG’ Å On Becoming a God in Central Florida ›››› “When Harry Met Sally...” (1989) Billy Crystal. ‘R’ (:35) Kill Bill: Vol. 1 LAKE CITY REPORTER ADVICE & COMICS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2019 3B

DILBERT DEAR ABBY Long lost father is found, but he’s quickly lost again DEAR ABBY: I grew up but becomes really defensive not knowing who my biolog- when I compare them to ical father was. When I met what she watches. My room- him for the first time, I was mate is very fragile emotion- BABY BLUES 18. When we met, I felt I had ally and cries, withdraws and found a piece of who I was. I shuts down when I do this. loved him immediately, as if I The last time, she insinuated I had known him my whole life. was less of a person for liking We talked and hung out for Abigail Van Buren these things. Ultimately, I felt the next four months until I www.dearabby.com sorry for bringing it up, and moved in with him to escape she still refuses to acknowl- an abusive relationship. I tancing himself from you and edge that we are allowed to was pregnant at the time and his grandchild. It does appear like different things without spent half my pregnancy liv- that he is punishing you for being bad people. ing with him, my stepmother, something. Could he have I need to know how half-brother and stepbrother. been hurt or angry that you to bring up that how she BLONDIE I moved back in with my chose to live with your moth- responds to the things I like mom a few months later. er rather than stay with him hurts me, and communicate Since then, my father has and your stepmother? that I have nothing against cut me off. I have been trying Because it has been four what she watches, even if so hard to get him to talk to years, you may have to accept it’s not my taste. How can me. He hasn’t met my son yet, that this estrangement will be I communicate my feelings rarely responds to my texts and permanent and find a way to without feeling like I’m never answers my calls. I have cope with the loss. If you have being insensitive for asking invited him to every birthday a religious adviser, start there. her to stop berating me? — party, sent him cards for every DEAR ABBY: My room- JUST A MOVIE IN THE holiday, begged him to see me mate loves watching docu- MIDWEST and my son. It’s been four years mentaries about serial killers, DEAR JUST A MOVIE: now, and I’m heartbroken. psychopaths and other crimi- The most diplomatic solution BEETLE BAILEY I miss him so much. I feel nals. I don’t like them. To me would be for the two of you like a piece of my heart has it feels like a glorification of a to agree that certain subjects been ripped out. My grand- person who did evil. of conversation should be mother told me that because On the flip side, I watch avoided — this being one my older half-sister left with tons of spy movies, superhe- of them. And if you can’t her kids without saying ro movies and action films agree to respect each other’s goodbye to him, it broke his that depict violence. But the viewing habits without being heart, and he is afraid I will distinction lies in that what I judgmental, you should find do the same. What should I watch is fiction. Usually the other roommates as soon as do? — MISSING MY DAD good guys win, and if they your lease is up. IN NEW YORK don’t, it’s temporary. ■ DEAR MISSING: Not My roommate gets really Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or HAGAR THE HORRIBLE knowing your father, it’s hard mad when I watch or even P.O. Box 69440, to guess his reason for dis- talk about the movies I watch, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

HOROSCOPES | THE LAST WORD BY EUGENIA LAST ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t stop SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Rid your- until you reach your destination. If you let self of unnecessary baggage. Tidy up loose little things bother or distract you, it will ends, and declutter your space. It’s time for reflect weakness. Size up whatever situa- a new beginning. Stagnation will depre- tion or choice you are faced with, and do ciate any opportunity that comes your what’s best for you. Negotiate on your own way due to dead weight you are dragging behalf. ★★★ around. ★★ SNUFFY SMITH TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Embrace SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): change to make things happen. Look at Broaden your spectrum. Study, research your options, and start the ball rolling. and participate in events that will help Your decisiveness will attract people who you grow. Watching how others react and want to be a part of whatever it is you are respond will be a lesson that will help you doing. Stand tall, and express your desires. master the art of moderation. A subtle ★★★★★ change will improve your life. ★★★★★ GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Refuse to CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Travel let someone upset you. It’s essential to keep somewhere you’ve never been, and you a clear head and to take care of respon- will discover something that will lead to a sibilities, regardless of what others do. new adventure or endeavor. Someone from Someone will try to mislead you regarding your past will surface. Proceed with cau- a relationship. Go directly to the source. tion. Listen, learn and be moderate in your ZITS ★★ response. Don’t overspend. ★★★ CANCER (June 21-July 22): Make AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Connect time for pleasure. Getting together with a with people who share your sentiments. A friend, attending a social event or planning change someone makes shouldn’t end up a romantic evening will boost your morale costing you. Don’t buy into someone else’s and prompt you to make positive lifestyle fast-cash scheme. A bad deal can ruin a changes. Self-improvement will encour- good relationship. Joint ventures should be age emotional growth and better health. avoided. Focus on self-preservation. ★★★ ★★★★ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Get LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Don’t lose sight involved in projects that move you. The of your goal. If someone tries to slow you help you offer will put you in a good posi- down, make it clear you don’t have time. tion when you want something in return. Stay focused on what’s important, and Better health benefits will encourage you GARFIELD surround yourself with helpful people, not to take care of the physical issues you’ve hindrances. ★★★ neglected. ★★★ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Consider what’s working in your life and what isn’t, and find a solution that suits all CELEBRITY BIRTHDAYS your needs. It’s up to you to speak up and do what’s best for yourself for a change. Oct. 23: Singer Barbara Ann Hawkins of A change of heart will lead to a better The Dixie Cups is 76. Director Ang Lee future. ★★★ is 65. Country singer Dwight Yoakam is LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Trust in 63. Director-actor Sam Raimi is 60. Singer your ability to get things done. If you “Weird Al” Yankovic is 60. Actor John rely on others, they will take the credit Huertas is 50. Country singer Jimmy and potential offers that could have been Wayne is 47. “So You Think You Can B.C. yours. Be open, receptive and willing to Dance” host Cat Deeley is 43. Actor Ryan put in the legwork to reap the rewards. Reynolds is 43. “The View” host Meghan ★★★★ McCain is 35.



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y ) NOTICE OF APPLICATION S1/2 OF LOT 28 PINE NEE- 11:00 A.M. WITH THE UNPAID TAXES NOTICE OF APPLICATION 748-2170,784-1589,785-1930, FOR TAX DEED DLES ESTATES S/D. ORB P. DEWITT CASON WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC FOR TAX DEED WD 1093-635(1999), FJ 1093- Sec. 197.241.F.S. 340-635, 697-170, 697-291, CLERK OF COURTS AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, Sec. 197.241.F.S. 635. Notice is hereby given that 5T 934-868. WARNING 2019 AT 11:00 Notice is hereby given that 5T Name(s) in which assessed: WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- Name(s) in which assessed: THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- DTB INC PARTMENT 6200 the holder of JOHN & PINKEY G BRYANT ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- PARTMENT 6200 the holder of All of said property being in the the following certificate has All of said property being in the OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- the following certificate has County of Columbia, State of filed said certificate for a Tax County of Columbia, State of AN INTEREST IN OR THE TION, PLEASE CONTACT filed said certificate for a Tax Florida. Unless said certificate Deed to be issued thereon. The Florida. Unless said certificate PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- Deed to be issued thereon. The shall be redeemed according to certificate number and year of shall be redeemed according to TO YOUR PROPERTY FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO certificate number and year of law, the property described in issuance, the description of the law, the property described in (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL issuance, the description of the such certificate will be sold to property and name in which it such certificate will be sold to ERTY). THE PROPERTY 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. property and name in which it the highest bidder at the Court- was assessed is as follows: the highest bidder at the Court- WITH THE UNPAID TAXES was assessed is as follows: house on Monday the 18TH Certificate Number: 1140 house on Monday the 18TH WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC 535555 Certificate Number: 1923 day of November, 2019 at Year of Issuance: 2017 day of November, 2019 at AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, October 16, 23, 30, 2019 Year of Issuance: 2017 11:00 A.M. Description of Property: SEC 11:00 A.M. 2019 AT 11:00 November 6, 2019 Description of Property: SEC P. DEWITT CASON 15 TWN 5S RNG 16 PARCEL P. DEWITT CASON TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS 33 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL CLERK OF COURTS NUMBER 03626-140 CLERK OF COURTS FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- NOTICE OF APPLICATION NUMBER 06661-001 WARNING LOT 66 EX N 140 FT HI-DRI WARNING CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- FOR TAX DEED LOT 5 BLK L MELROSE PARK THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ACRES UNIT 2. ORB 527-757, THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES TION, PLEASE CONTACT Sec. 197.241.F.S. S/D. ORB 762-81. ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU 902-1986. ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- Notice is hereby given that 5T Name(s) in which assessed: OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE Name(s) in which assessed: OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- GLORIA W CALLOWAY UN- AN INTEREST IN OR THE ERICK K & CATHERINE L AN INTEREST IN OR THE AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL PARTMENT 6200 the holder of DERWOOD PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS WALKER PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. the following certificate has All of said property being in the TO YOUR PROPERTY All of said property being in the TO YOUR PROPERTY filed said certificate for a Tax County of Columbia, State of (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- County of Columbia, State of (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- 535515 Deed to be issued thereon. The Florida. Unless said certificate ERTY). THE PROPERTY Florida. Unless said certificate ERTY). THE PROPERTY October 16, 23, 30, 2019 certificate number and year of shall be redeemed according to WITH THE UNPAID TAXES shall be redeemed according to WITH THE UNPAID TAXES November 6, 2019 issuance, the description of the law, the property described in WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC law, the property described in WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC property and name in which it such certificate will be sold to AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, such certificate will be sold to AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, NOTICE OF APPLICATION was assessed is as follows: the highest bidder at the Court- 2019 AT 11:00 the highest bidder at the Court- 2019 AT 11:00 FOR TAX DEED Certificate Number: 1878 house on Monday the 18TH TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS house on Monday the 18TH TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS Sec. 197.241.F.S. Year of Issuance: 2017 day of November, 2019 at FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- day of November, 2019 at FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- Notice is hereby given that 5T Description of Property: SEC 11:00 A.M. CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- 11:00 A.M. CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- 33 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL P. DEWITT CASON TION, PLEASE CONTACT P. DEWITT CASON TION, PLEASE CONTACT PARTMENT 6200 the holder of NUMBER 06453-000 CLERK OF COURTS THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- CLERK OF COURTS THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- the following certificate has COMM NE COR OF NW1/4 OF WARNING FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO WARNING FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO filed said certificate for a Tax NW1/4, RUN E 245 FT TO E THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL Deed to be issued thereon. The R/W WALDRON ST FOR POB, ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. certificate number and year of CONT E 210 FT, S 8 DEG W OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE issuance, the description of the 210 FT, W 210 FT TO E R/W AN INTEREST IN OR THE 535571 AN INTEREST IN OR THE 535550 property and name in which it WALDRON ST, N 8 DEG E PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS October 16, 23, 30, 2019 PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS October 16, 23, 30, 2019 was assessed is as follows: ALONG R/W 210 FT TO POB. TO YOUR PROPERTY November 6, 2019 TO YOUR PROPERTY November 6, 2019 Certificate Number: 1823 ORB 594-570, 904-1513, 927- (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- Year of Issuance: 2017 2562, SWD 959-2141. ERTY). THE PROPERTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION ERTY). THE PROPERTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION Description of Property: SEC Name(s) in which assessed: WITH THE UNPAID TAXES FOR TAX DEED WITH THE UNPAID TAXES FOR TAX DEED 31 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL TYRONE BROWN WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC Sec. 197.241.F.S. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC Sec. 197.241.F.S. NUMBER 06057-002 All of said property being in the AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, Notice is hereby given that 5T AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, Notice is hereby given that 5T COMM INTERS S LINE OF County of Columbia, State of 2019 AT 11:00 WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- 2019 AT 11:00 WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- NW1/4 OF NW1/4 & C/L Florida. Unless said certificate TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS PARTMENT 6200 the holder of TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS PARTMENT 6200 the holder of RIDGEWOOD DR, RUN S 15 shall be redeemed according to FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- the following certificate has FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- the following certificate has FT, E 33 FT TO E R/W RIDGE- law, the property described in CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- filed said certificate for a Tax CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- filed said certificate for a Tax WOOD DR, RUN E'LY ALONG such certificate will be sold to TION, PLEASE CONTACT Deed to be issued thereon. The TION, PLEASE CONTACT Deed to be issued thereon. The C/L OF CREEK 332.81 FT the highest bidder at the Court- THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- certificate number and year of THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- certificate number and year of FOR POB, RUN N 154.73 FT house on Monday the 18TH FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO issuance, the description of the FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO issuance, the description of the TO S R/W DUVAL ST, E 80 FT, day of November, 2019 at AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL property and name in which it AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL property and name in which it S 150.94 FT, W 80.29 FT TO 11:00 A.M. 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. was assessed is as follows: 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. was assessed is as follows: POB. (AKA LOT 2 RIDGE P. DEWITT CASON Certificate Number: 1976 Certificate Number: 1734 HOLLOW S/D UNREC) ORB CLERK OF COURTS 535561 Year of Issuance: 2017 535543 Year of Issuance: 2017 720-464 THRU 466, 745-1051, WARNING October 16, 23, 30, 2019 Description of Property: SEC October 16, 23, 30, 2019 Description of Property: SEC 828-1290, 924-1893. THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES November 6, 2019 34 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL November 6, 2019 26 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL Name(s) in which assessed: ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU NUMBER 07052-000 NUMBER 05571-001 JERRY CANALE OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE NOTICE OF APPLICATION LOTS 2 & 9 BLOCK 2 AN- NOTICE OF APPLICATION BEG SW COR OF SE1/4 OF All of said property being in the AN INTEREST IN OR THE FOR TAX DEED DREWS PARK ADDITION NO FOR TAX DEED SW1/4, RUN N 210 FT, E 210 County of Columbia, State of PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS Sec. 197.241.F.S. 1. ORB 577-213, DC KIMI HA- Sec. 197.241.F.S. FT, S 210 FT, W 210 FT TO Florida. Unless said certificate TO YOUR PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that 5T GEN ORB 832-855, 832-856, Notice is hereby given that AF- POB. ORB 372-146, WD 820- shall be redeemed according to (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- WD 1183-373 (LIFE EST)DC FILIATED TAX CO LLC-17 the 315, WD 1071-1576, QC 1260- law, the property described in ERTY). THE PROPERTY PARTMENT 6200 the holder of JOHN HAGEN ORB 1187-1581 holder of the following certifi- 1220, QC 1264-2217. such certificate will be sold to WITH THE UNPAID TAXES the following certificate has & DC RUTH H HAGEN ORB cate has filed said certificate for Name(s) in which assessed: the highest bidder at the Court- WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC filed said certificate for a Tax 1187-1582, QCD 1187-2636, a Tax Deed to be issued there- MAXCILE & CALVIN MAN- house on Monday the 18TH AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, Deed to be issued thereon. The WD 1259-1222. on. The certificate number and NING day of November, 2019 at 2019 AT 11:00 certificate number and year of Name(s) in which assessed: year of issuance, the descrip- All of said property being in the 11:00 A.M. TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS issuance, the description of the MARGARET TALMAGE tion of the property and name in County of Columbia, State of P. DEWITT CASON FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- property and name in which it All of said property being in the which it was assessed is as fol- Florida. Unless said certificate CLERK OF COURTS CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- was assessed is as follows: County of Columbia, State of lows: shall be redeemed according to WARNING TION, PLEASE CONTACT Certificate Number: 1940 Florida. Unless said certificate Certificate Number: 1573 law, the property described in THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- Year of Issuance: 2017 shall be redeemed according to Year of Issuance: 2017 such certificate will be sold to ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO Description of Property: SEC law, the property described in Description of Property: SEC the highest bidder at the Court- OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL 33 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL such certificate will be sold to 31 TWN 2S RNG 17 PARCEL house on Monday the 18TH AN INTEREST IN OR THE 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. NUMBER 06763-003 the highest bidder at the Court- NUMBER 04814-004 day of November, 2019 at PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS ALL BLOCK 6, EX THE EAST house on Monday the 18TH THE E 467.61 FT OF W 966.10 11:00 A.M. TO YOUR PROPERTY 535564 436 FT & EX WEST 96 FT ON day of November, 2019 at FT OF S 466.70 FT OF NW1/4 P. DEWITT CASON (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- October 16, 23, 30, 2019 S SIDE & 153.75 FT ON N 11:00 A.M. OF SE1/4. ORB 827-485, WD CLERK OF COURTS ERTY). THE PROPERTY November 6, 2019 SIDE, ALL IN GOLF MANOR P. DEWITT CASON 1002-1850 LIFE ESTATE, WARNING WITH THE UNPAID TAXES S/D. TD 1161-1908. CLERK OF COURTS PROB#04-42-CP 1010-1411 THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION Name(s) in which assessed: WARNING THRU 1415. ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, FOR TAX DEED SAUTERNES V LLC THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES Name(s) in which assessed: OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE 2019 AT 11:00 Sec. 197.241.F.S. All of said property being in the ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU KRISTIE VAUGHN, TAMARA AN INTEREST IN OR THE TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS Notice is hereby given that 5T County of Columbia, State of OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE VAUGHN & MELISSA COX PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- Florida. Unless said certificate AN INTEREST IN OR THE All of said property being in the TO YOUR PROPERTY CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- PARTMENT 6200 the holder of shall be redeemed according to PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS County of Columbia, State of (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- TION, PLEASE CONTACT the following certificate has law, the property described in TO YOUR PROPERTY Florida. Unless said certificate ERTY). THE PROPERTY THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- filed said certificate for a Tax such certificate will be sold to (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- shall be redeemed according to WITH THE UNPAID TAXES FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO Deed to be issued thereon. The the highest bidder at the Court- ERTY). THE PROPERTY law, the property described in WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL certificate number and year of house on Monday the 18TH WITH THE UNPAID TAXES such certificate will be sold to AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. issuance, the description of the day of November, 2019 at WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC the highest bidder at the Court- 2019 AT 11:00 property and name in which it 11:00 A.M. AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, house on Monday the 18TH TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS 535541 was assessed is as follows: P. DEWITT CASON 2019 AT 11:00 day of November, 2019 at FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- October 16, 23, 30, 2019 Certificate Number: 1906 CLERK OF COURTS TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS 11:00 A.M. CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- November 6, 2019 Year of Issuance: 2017 WARNING FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- P. DEWITT CASON TION, PLEASE CONTACT Description of Property: SEC THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- CLERK OF COURTS THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- NOTICE OF APPLICATION 33 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU TION, PLEASE CONTACT WARNING FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO FOR TAX DEED NUMBER 06617-000 OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL Sec. 197.241.F.S. LOT 11 BLOCK B MELROSE AN INTEREST IN OR THE FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. Notice is hereby given that 5T PARK S/D. ORB 202-462, 203- PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- 208, 731-224, 754-2270, 789- TO YOUR PROPERTY 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. AN INTEREST IN OR THE 535544 PARTMENT 6200 the holder of 1991 802 589. (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS October 16, 23, 30, 2019 the following certificate has Name(s) in which assessed: ERTY). THE PROPERTY 535557 TO YOUR PROPERTY November 6, 2019 filed said certificate for a Tax FOUR NINE PARTNERS LLC WITH THE UNPAID TAXES October 16, 23, 30, 2019 (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- Deed to be issued thereon. The All of said property being in the WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC November 6, 2019 ERTY). THE PROPERTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION certificate number and year of County of Columbia, State of AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, WITH THE UNPAID TAXES FOR TAX DEED issuance, the description of the Florida. Unless said certificate 2019 AT 11:00 NOTICE OF APPLICATION WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC Sec. 197.241.F.S. property and name in which it shall be redeemed according to TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR TAX DEED AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, Notice is hereby given that 5T was assessed is as follows: law, the property described in FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- Sec. 197.241.F.S. 2019 AT 11:00 WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- Certificate Number: 1838 such certificate will be sold to CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- Notice is hereby given that 5T TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS PARTMENT 6200 the holder of Year of Issuance: 2017 the highest bidder at the Court- TION, PLEASE CONTACT WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- the following certificate has Description of Property: SEC house on Monday the 18TH THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- PARTMENT 6200 the holder of CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- filed said certificate for a Tax 33 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL day of November, 2019 at FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO the following certificate has TION, PLEASE CONTACT Deed to be issued thereon. The NUMBER 06285-000 11:00 A.M. AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL filed said certificate for a Tax THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- certificate number and year of LOTS 5 & 6 S OF GSF RR P. DEWITT CASON 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. Deed to be issued thereon. The FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO issuance, the description of the REESE S/D. ORB 372-752, CLERK OF COURTS certificate number and year of AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL property and name in which it 630-231, 796-2389, 798-328. WARNING 535560 issuance, the description of the 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. was assessed is as follows: Name(s) in which assessed: THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES October 16, 23, 30, 2019 property and name in which it Certificate Number: 1752 PATRICIA M & LORAN PAD- ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU November 6, 2019 was assessed is as follows: 535497 Year of Issuance: 2017 GETT OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE Certificate Number: 2024 October 16, 23, 30, 2019 Description of Property: SEC All of said property being in the AN INTEREST IN OR THE NOTICE OF APPLICATION Year of Issuance: 2017 November 6, 2019 28 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL County of Columbia, State of PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS FOR TAX DEED Description of Property: SEC NUMBER 05665-000 Florida. Unless said certificate TO YOUR PROPERTY Sec. 197.241.F.S. 36 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL NOTICE OF APPLICATION COMM NE COR OF SE1/4 OF shall be redeemed according to (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- Notice is hereby given that 5T NUMBER 07434-000 FOR TAX DEED SW1/4, RUN W 665-92 FT, S law, the property described in ERTY). THE PROPERTY WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- LOT 21 BLOCK B COLLEGE Sec. 197.241.F.S. 416.3 FT FOR POB, RUN S such certificate will be sold to WITH THE UNPAID TAXES PARTMENT 6200 the holder of MANOR S/D UNIT 1. ORB 533- Notice is hereby given that 5T 135 FT, W 128.79 FT, N 135 the highest bidder at the Court- WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC the following certificate has 322, 897-545, WD 1190-367. WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- FT, E 106.16 FT TO POB. ORB house on Monday the 18TH AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, filed said certificate for a Tax Name(s) in which assessed: PARTMENT 6200 the holder of 789-1579, 834-2235, WD 1182- day of November, 2019 at 2019 AT 11:00 Deed to be issued thereon. The DOROTHY A ROBINSON the following certificate has 279. 11:00 A.M. TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS certificate number and year of All of said property being in the filed said certificate for a Tax Name(s) in which assessed: P. DEWITT CASON FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- issuance, the description of the County of Columbia, State of Deed to be issued thereon. The MAZELLE PATTERSON CLERK OF COURTS CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- property and name in which it Florida. Unless said certificate certificate number and year of All of said property being in the WARNING TION, PLEASE CONTACT was assessed is as follows: shall be redeemed according to issuance, the description of the County of Columbia, State of THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- Certificate Number: 1944 law, the property described in property and name in which it Florida. Unless said certificate ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO Year of Issuance: 2017 such certificate will be sold to was assessed is as follows: shall be redeemed according to OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL Description of Property: SEC the highest bidder at the Court- Certificate Number: 1690 law, the property described in AN INTEREST IN OR THE 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. 33 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL house on Monday the 18TH Year of Issuance: 2017 such certificate will be sold to PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS NUMBER 06793-000 day of November, 2019 at Description of Property: SEC the highest bidder at the Court- TO YOUR PROPERTY 535574 LOT 6 BLOCK 5 GOLF 11:00 A.M. 20 TWN 3S RNG 17 PARCEL house on Monday the 18TH (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- October 16, 23, 30, 2019 MANOR S/D. ORB 486-25, P. DEWITT CASON NUMBER 05270-000 day of November, 2019 at ERTY). THE PROPERTY November 6, 2019 639-288, 705-023, 718-647, CLERK OF COURTS Classifi ed Department 755-5440 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2019 CLASSIFIED LAKE CITY REPORTER 5B WARNING THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE EMPLOYMENT Timed Online Auction 1331 E Duval, Hwy 90 frontage. Poole Realty Katy Yanossy PUBLISHER'S NOTE AN INTEREST IN OR THE OPPORTUNITY NEW Womans Brand Name 4BR/2BA $70,000/OBO. Needs 386-688-0654 MLS105192 All real estate advertising in this PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS COLUMBIA COUNTY Clothing work. 386-755-6030. Lve Msg. $155,000 Live Oak. 2/2 Down- newspaper is subject to the fair Bidding ends: Tues, October town. Spacious rooms, 2car housing act which makes it ille- TO YOUR PROPERTY Coldwell Banker-Bishop Elaine (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- Columbia County Board of 29th at 11AM gar. Bay window, screened BP. gal to advertise "any prefer- Large inventory of NEW vari- Tolar 386-365-1548 ML- ence, limitation, or discrimina- ERTY). THE PROPERTY County Commissioners Job S101204 4/3 fam rm w/FP, Remax, Missy Zecher 386-623- WITH THE UNPAID TAXES Vacancy: ous womens apparel including: tion based on race, color, reli- Dresses, Jackets, Pants, breakfast nook, formal living & 0237 MLS105200 3/2 brick, gion, sex, disability, familial sta- WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC Wash Rack Operator/Service dining rooms, $229,900 Spcs kit, Lg FR, Sep LR wd AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, Technician - Full Time Posi- Shorts, Skorts, Tunics, Polos tus or national origin; or any in- and Briefs in assorted colors, burning stove. 2 car gr, dog tention to make such prefer- 2019 AT 11:00 tion, $10.98 per hour. Position Daniel Crapps Agency 755- knls, shed & more. $199,900. TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS Description and Application patterns and sizes XS to XXL! 5110 MLS102311 $279,900 ence, limitation or discrimina- FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- may be obtained at the Human Inventory is located in Jack- Lake City, 3/2 home in Planta- Daniel Crapps Agency 386- tion." Familial status includes CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- Resources Office, Board of sonville, FL. Catalog and pho- tions. 2,087 sq ft., lg master 755-5110 MLS105222 $75,000. children under the age of 18 liv- TION, PLEASE CONTACT County Commissioners, 135 tos available at www.moecker- suite w/massive walk-in closet. Lake City. INVESTORS or ing with parents or legal custo- NE Hernando Ave, Suite 203, auctions.com or call (800) 840- looking to down size. 2/1, .5 ac, dians, pregnant women and THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- Country Rivers Realty, LLC FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO Lake City, FL. 32055, (386) BIDS for info. newer carpet. Built in 2000. people securing custody of chil- 719-2025, TDD (386)758- Preview: By appointment only. 497-3305 MLS104098 1.8 Ac dren under the age of 18. This AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL on Santa Fe! Great rm opens to 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. 2139, or online at www.- Beach Music Clothing Compa- Remax, Missy Zecher 386-623- newspaper will not knowingly columbiacountyfla.com. An ny, LLC. d/b/a Katherine Way huge deck, 2/2, Lg priv suite, 0237 MLS105224 3/2 brick accept any advertising for real country style kitchen. $385,000 535513 AA/EEO/ADA/VP Employer. Assignment for the Benefit of home in Woodcrest s/d. Lg estate which is in violation of October 16, 23, 30, 2019 Deadline for applications: Creditors Case No. 16-2019- Poole Realty Amanda Senea GRRM, granite ct, wood plank the law. Our readers are here- November 6, 2019 11/5/2019. CA-006723 386-249-1640 MLS104116 flooring. Spc master Suite. by informed that all dwellings To register: $100 refundable $132,000 Live Oak 3/2.5. Lots Screened porch. $179,000. advertised in this newspaper NOTICE OF APPLICATION c/c deposit to bid. 15% BP. are available on an equal op- FOR TAX DEED Front Desk, customer service & of room for kids to run and play! Country Rivers Realty, LLC AB-1098 AU-3219, Eric Rubin Stone FPL, Lg den & more! portunity basis. To complain of Sec. 197.241.F.S. basic clerical experience a 497-3305 MLS105280 4 acres, discrimination call HUD toll free Notice is hereby given that 5T plus, will train. Good pay. Indi- Poole Realty Kellie Shirah 386- 2,200 sf. 4/3, sunroom, FP, Is- at 1-800-669-9777, the toll free WEALTH PARTNERS LP DE- vidual must be responsible with 280-3847 MLS104302 land Kit, Lg metal shop, fenced telephone number to the hear- PARTMENT 6200 the holder of good work history. 24 hrs/week. $357,950 O'Brien 2/2 overlooks yard. $189,000. ing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Apply in person. NO CALLS. the following certificate has Suwannee River & Little Amen Poole Realty Kellie Shirah 386- filed said certificate for a Tax America's Best Value Inn of Gas GE Stove, white, works Spring on 8 ac. Gas FPL+More. Lake City 3835 W US Hwy 90. 280-3847 MLS105331 Deed to be issued thereon. The great $100.00. 386-792-0942 or $159,900 Live Oak 3/2 Maple certificate number and year of 678-617-5560. United Country, Dicks Realty 386-365-3307 Susanna Dicks. Cabinets in kit, freestanding tub issuance, the description of the + Walk-in shower and more! property and name in which it WE BUY TIMBER: Pine and MLS104359. 5/3 custom built was assessed is as follows: hardwood. 3-4 semi load mini- brick, 34 ac, sm pond, great rm, Daniel Crapps Agency 386- Poole Realty Mindy Wilkison Certificate Number: 2786 mum. Call 386-288-6875. vaulted ceilings. $445,000. 755-5110 MLS105351 386-209-7658 MLS100422 Year of Issuance: 2015 MAKE EXTRA $285,000. Wellborn GOR- $24,500 Jennings, FL 5 acre Description of Property: SEC 8 $$ MONEY $$ United Country, Dicks Realty lot. Blue Springs State Park. 386-365-3301. Brad Dicks GEOUS 30+ Acres conv to Live TWN 7S RNG 17 PARCEL Oak, Lake City, I-75 & I-10. MH allowed. Not in flood zone. NUMBER 09953-003 MS104586 Beautiful 2/2, 20 The Lake City Reporter, a acres, new metal roof, oaks, COMM SE COR OF SE1/4 OF daily newspaper, seeks Remax, Missy Zecher 386-623- Poole Realty Mindy Wilkison NE1/4, OF SE1/4, RUN N 105 Cows for Sale, 10 head, all outbuilding. $195,000. 0237 MLS105353 3/2 open 386-209-7658 MLS100422 Independent Contractor bred, some with calves, $8,500 floor plan, wood burning FP in $24,500 Jennings, FL 5 acre FT FOR POB, CONT N 250 FT, Newspaper Carriers for Hallmark Real Estate Koby W 150 FT, S 250 FT, E 150 FT for all. Can delv. 352-575-7498. Adams 386-623-7840 ML- GrRM, open kit, lg island, spa- lot. Blue Springs State Park. TO POB. ORB 812-2211, DC several motor routes in S104634 3,300 SF home, cious DR/GRRM. $159,000 MH allowed. Not in flood zone. 986-1904. the city and county. You 7.95ac, small lake. Paved/Gat- Coldwell Banker-Bishop Becky Remax, Missy Zecher 386-623- Name(s) in which assessed: must be motivated by Help us support the LAKE ed, Pool, Cookhouse and more. Summers 813-763-1180 ML- NICY MAE JAMES 0237 MLS104536 $230,000. earning extra money, be CITY HUMANE SOCIETY by Hallmark Real Estate Vic S105380 Want Space? Re- Approx 8+/- ac with private well All of said property being in the an early riser and have sponsoring some pet photos! duced to sell 3/2, 2 Barns, County of Columbia, State of Lantroop 386-623-6401 ML- located in Airpark comm close reliable transportation. Once a month the Lake City S104764 $349,900 Palatial Riv- Horse Stall & more! $289,500. to Live Oak. $99,000. Florida. Unless said certificate Reporter prints photos of shall be redeemed according to Apply in person during er Estate on the Suwannee! Poole Realty Katy Yanossy adoptable pets. With your 3/2, 2 AC. 2,100 sf. United Country, Dicks Realty law, the property described in normal business hours. sponsorship we can publish 386-688-0654 MLS105393 such certificate will be sold to Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm $57,500 Live Oak. 3/1 needs 386-397-5205. Gator Levings more photos! For as little as Country Rivers Realty, LLC MS105240 Immaculate home, the highest bidder at the Court- NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE $25.31/mo you get a 2” space 497-3305 MLS104767 2.48 some TLC, possible rental or fix house on Monday the 18TH up to live in. In town 4.25 acres. 3/2. Updated for your business or personal acres pristine woodlands. 4/2 throughout. $185,000. day of November, 2019 at Skip's Deli is now accepting ap- message. Help find them forev- (2009 Destiny) Walk to Santa 11:00 A.M. Hallmark Real Estate Koby plications, approx. 35 hrs per er homes today! Call or email Fe River. $109,995. Coldwell Banker-Bishop Becky P. DEWITT CASON wk $8.50/hr. Apply in person. Adams 386-623-7840 ML- for more information. S105449 $125,000 Fabulous Summers 813-763-1180 ML- CLERK OF COURTS 1452 SW Main Blvd. Lake City. 386-754-0401 Remax, Missy Zecher 386-623- WARNING 0237 MLS104985 Branford City Starter Home! 3/1, Covered S105274 10.51 Ac, near Madi- classifieds@lakecityreporter. back patio, fenced yd. FR son Blue Spring St Pk! Build to THERE ARE UNPAID TAXES com Limits $119,000. 2/1 home ON PROPERTY WHICH YOU w/addt'l 1/1 residence currently suit or MH Allowed. $45,000. OWN; IN WHICH YOU HAVE PUBLISHER'S NOTE rented. Large Corner lot. AN INTEREST IN OR THE Florida Law 828.29 requires PROPERTY IS CONTIGUOUS Moving sale 10/25, 10/26, dogs and cats being sold to be Coldwell Banker-Bishop Elaine TO YOUR PROPERTY 10/27. 165 NW Ian Court, LC, at least 8 weeks old and have a Tolar 386-365-1548 ML- (NEIGHBORING YOUR PROP- Fl. Everything must go, no rea- health certificate from a li- S105137 3/2 Baths w/granite ERTY). THE PROPERTY sonable offer will be refused. censed veterinarian document- tops, GR RM, Fenced back, se- ing they have mandatory shots curity syst. & more! $189,900. Daniel Crapps Agency 386- WITH THE UNPAID TAXES New bedroom set, antique 755-5110 MLS105369 WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC desk, 42" flat screen TV with and are free from intestinal and Daniel Crapps Agency 386- external parasites. Many $120,000. Lake City, GREAT AUCTION ON NOVEMBER 18, wall mount, shop tools, work 755-5110 MLS105166 DOWNTOWN LOCATION. 2019 AT 11:00 benches, awn mower, house- species of wildlife must be li- $134,900. Lake City. Great Po- censed by Florida Fish and 2,400 sq ft metal bldg with CI TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS hold goods, clothing and more. tential! 3BR, could be 4! 4.17 zoning. Great for Auto shop. FOR PAYMENT, OR TO RE- 2 miles north of Falling Creek Wildlife. If you are unsure, con- ac LgLR, Form DR, Fenced yd. CEIVE FURTHER INFORMA- Park. tact the local office for informa- TION, PLEASE CONTACT tion. Daniel Crapps Agency 386- THE TAX COLLECTORS OF- PUBLISHER'S NOTE 755-5110 MLS105170 FICE, 135 NE HERNANDO All Yard Sale Ads $139,900. Lake City. 3/2 w/sun AVE., STE 125, LAKE CITY, FL Must be Pre-Paid. room, eatin kit, DR, Lg LR w FP 32055. PHONE (386)758-1075. & detached garage/workshop. Remax, Missy Zecher 386-623- 535508 Want to buy cattle. All kinds 352-339-3018 0237 MLS105185 $109,000. October 16, 23, 30, 2019 Cozy 3/2 close to town. Nice In Print & Online November 6, 2019 Wanted to lease pasture for size kit, gas stove, eat in abr, lg cattle. 352-339-3018 DR area. Screened back porch. www.lakecityreporter.com Lung Cancer? Asbestos expo- sure may be the cause. $30 bil- 3/1 CH/A, & appliances w/at- Donate A Boat lion set aside for asbestos vic- tached 1BR apt, 1st+ last+sec tims. Call 1-619-485-4372 or 439 NE Double Run Rd call or Car Today! email cancerFL@breakingin- 386-697-8893 or 305-962-2666 jurynews.com. “2-Night Free Vacation!” Five Ash Forest, Lake City's PT Worship Leader for contem- premier 55 plus manuf. home porary music and hymns. Call community. 386-752-7207 Lot 800-700- BOAT Old Providence Baptist Church lease includes water, sewer, (2628)(2628) at 386-758-3973 for more info. garbage & lawn maintenance. www.boatangel.com sponsored by boat angel outreach centers STOP CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN LUNG CANCER? Call Now


THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Unscramble these Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.

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- Lake City Reporter (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: AGENT SOUPY WRITER ENGAGE Classifieds Yesterday’s Answer: The window company was struggling and experiencing — GROWING “PANES” 6B WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2019 SPORTS LAKE CITY REPORTER MLB INDIANS Astros executive apologizes Continued From 1B opponents (Jordan Christian Prep and Associated Press Keystone Heights) are both 6-1. If one of those teams beat Union HOUSTON — The assis- County, it would help Fort White’s chanc- tant general manager of the es of getting in. But Jackson doesn’t want Houston Astros apologized his players paying attention to the pro- Tuesday for using “inap- jections. propriate language” after a “We can’t worry about the RPI rank- Sports Illustrated report said ings or what other teams are doing,” he repeatedly yelled toward Jackson said. “If we win the games in a group of female reporters front of us, we’ll be in the playoffs. Right about closer Roberto Osuna now, 100 percent of our attention is on during a clubhouse celebra- Newberry. That’s really our focus this tion. week.” Brandon Taubman released Making the postseason looked like a statement through the Astros a shot in the dark for the Indians a few hours before they played Game weeks ago, but now there’s light at the 1 of the World Series against end of the tunnel and a playoff spot is Washington. Major League in their sights. The insertion of fresh- Baseball said it will interview man quarterback Tyler Jefferson into those involved before further the starting lineup has certainly made a commenting. difference. Taubman’s remarks after the “Tyler adds another dimension to our Astros clinched the AL pen- offense,” Jackson said. “We’ve been rely- nant reportedly referenced ing so much on our defense to win games Osuna, who was suspended for and maybe get a play here or there on DIRK SHADD/Tampa Bay Times/TNS 75 games last year for violating Houston Astros relief pitcher Roberto Osuna (54) and other Houston players celebrate after offense to spark us. But now, teams can’t MLB’s domestic violence pol- the final out in a series-clinching 6-1 win against the Tampa Bay Rays in Game 5 of the just crowd the line of scrimmage any- icy before being traded from American League Division Series on Oct. 10 at Minute Maid Park, in Houston. more and try to stop our rushing attack. Toronto to the Astros. Teams have to account for him different- According to SI, Taubman a player has been misinter- “I’m very disappointed for Osuna was charged with ly because of the fact that he can throw shouted “Thank God we got preted as a demonstration of a lot of reasons,” he said. “It’s assault in May 2018. The Blue the ball and make plays with his legs.” Osuna!” and made similar a regressive attitude about unfortunate, it’s uncalled for. Jays traded him to Houston After showcasing a strong arm in his remarks several times, punc- an important social issue,” For me as a leader in this two months later. first two starts, Jefferson had a break- tuating them with an expletive. he said. organization down here in the Astros owner Jim Crane, out performance on the ground against SI said one of the report- MLB said in a statement that clubhouse, on the field, I take in a statement, said the team the Blue Wave. He led the team with ers was wearing a domestic “everyone in baseball must everything that happens in the has mandatory training for 119 yards rushing on 19 carries, and violence awareness bracelet. use care to not engage in any clubhouse to heart.” its employees and “we fully also threw a touchdown pass to Derrick The incident occurred after behavior — whether intention- “No one, it doesn’t matter if support MLB and baseball’s Roberson for the third consecutive game. the Astros beat the New York al or not — that could be con- it’s a player, a coach, a manag- stance and values regarding Jackson plans to keep leaning on Yankees at Minute Maid Park strued as minimizing the egre- er, any of you members of the domestic violence.” Jefferson as Fort White fights for one of on Saturday night in Game 6 of giousness of an act of domestic media, should ever feel like Also Tuesday, the Baseball the six playoff seeds. the AL Championship Series. violence.” when you come into our club- Writers Association of America “Tyler is a threat to run,” Jackson said. On Monday night, after the “The Astros have disputed house that you’re going to be denounced the incident and “We didn’t want to throw the ball against SI story was published, the Sports Illustrated’s character- uncomfortable or disrespect- the team’s handling of it and P.K. because of the rain, but Tyler is such Astros called it “misleading and ization of the incident. MLB ed,” he continued. called for multiple members of a big, physical presence. Even with them completely irresponsible.” The will interview those involved Canadian prosecutors the Astros front office to issue putting eight or nine the box, he was team said SI had tried to “fab- before commenting further,” dropped a domestic assault a public apology to the media running through some arm tackles and ricate a story where one does it said. charge in September 2018 outlets involved in the story. created big plays for us, which allowed not exist” and said Taubman’s Astros manager AJ Hinch against Osuna, who agreed The BBWAA’s statement us to have some extended drives. comments weren’t directed at said Tuesday that he wasn’t to stay away from a woman said it was “alarmed and dis- “We’ve had some major injuries on the reporters. aware of the incident until the identified by authorities as the mayed by the actions” of the the offensive line and at running back. Taubman, on Tuesday, said story came out and that he mother of his child for one year team and its public relations That depleted us a little bit early on, but he was “deeply sorry and hadn’t spoken to everyone and continue counseling. The department and said the we finally got some guys back. It has embarrassed.” involved in it but that “we all prosecution said the woman, team’s denial of the incident given us an opportunity to have a little “In retrospect, I realize that need to be better across the who lived in Mexico, had made was “an unethical and inten- more continuity on offense, but definitely my comments were unprofes- board, in the industry” when it clear she would not travel tional fabrication, designed to having a signal caller like Tyler that can sional and inappropriate. My it comes to matters such as to Toronto to testify against discredit our members and all run and throw gives us a huge advantage overexuberance in support of these. Osuna. journalists.” compared to what we’ve had in the past.” LIVE MUSIC!



JEN CHASTEEN/Special to the Reporter Columbia running back Kylen Callum swings out on a route as quarterback Jordan Smith drops back to pass against Atlantic on Friday. — 5-seed Hilliard (.498) at 4-seed JUKEBOX OLDIES RICKY VALIDO RPI Branford (.511) Continued From 1B NOVEMBER 1, 2019 NOVEMBER 2, 2019 CHS DROPS 4 SPOTS IN STATE POLL Columbia fell to No. 7 in this week’s AP THURSDAY state football poll for Class 6A. The Tigers UPCOMING EVENTS FRIDAY INDIANS MOVE UP are tied with Lake Gibson. Saturday Fort White’s win over P.K. Yonge, Here’s the entire poll: Thanksgiving Weekend HOURS combined with Union County’s loss to 1. Palmetto (4) 8-0 SOS Cafe Hawthorne, caused the teams to flip spots 2. Miami Central (5) 7-2 Opens 8 am breakfast in the Region 3-1A standings. 3. Naples 8-0 lunch The Indians are now projected as the 4. Escambia 7-0 dinner 6-seed with an RPI of .452, just head of the 5. Gaithe 8-0 Music hall Tigers’ number of .439 for the region’s final 6. Dillard 9-0 opens @ 6 pm playoff spot. T-7. Columbia 6-2 November 29-30, 2019 ENTERTAINMENT @ 8 pm Here’s the projected field for Region 3-1A: T-7. Lake Gibson 8-0 —Bye week: 1-seed Madison County 9. Ponte Vedra 6-1 (.661), 2-seed Lafayette (.647) 10. Pensacola Washington 8-0 386-364-1683 — 6-seed Fort White (.452) at 3-seed Others receiving votes: R.E. Lee 3, Port 3076 95th Drive, Live Oak, FL 32060 Dixie County (.641) Charlotte 2, Springstead 2, Fort Myers 2. www.MusicLivesHere.com

Fallen Soldier an SHS Alum (2025)


What steel was used in the Twin Towers? ›

In the lower levels, the thickness was most frequently around 4 inches (10 centimeters), while at higher floors, it could be as thin as 0.25 inch (0.64 centimeter) [source: FEMA]. In the construction of the floors themselves, a mix of A36 and ASTM A 242 steel was used.

What is the melting point of steel I beam? ›

Steel melting temperatures are between 1370°C and 1530°C (2500°F to 2800°F).

What happened to all the metal from the Twin Towers? ›

It is estimated that some 200,000 tons of steel collapsed into the ground when the twin towers collapsed. According to an article in the journal Places, by spring of 2002 most of the structural steel had been transported to New Jersey. New York City sold about 175,000 tons of the scrap.

How thick were the steel beams in the Twin Towers? ›

In areas, the thickness ranged from . 25 inches at the very top of the building to 4 inches at the base. Part of the revolutionary design created by Yamasaki and his engineers was the idea of the two hollow tubes, which were mostly supported by closely spaced steel columns encased in aluminum.

How hot is steel when it glows? ›

Description. Iron or steel, when heated to above 460 °C (900 °F), glows with a red color. The color of heated iron changes predictably (due to black-body radiation) from dull red through orange and yellow to white, and can be a useful indicator of its temperature.

How heavy is an AI beam? ›

The size ranges are as follows: Weight per foot: 4.4 to 121 pounds per foot. Web thickness: 0.114 to 0.800.

What happens to steel at 1500 degrees? ›

A sudden increase in temperature of 1500/2000°F may cause tool steels to crack. Second, tool steels undergo a change in density or volume when they transform from the as-supplied annealed microstructure to the high temperature structure, austenite.

What materials were used to make the Twin Towers? ›

The major structural material employed in the towers was A36 structural steel, although higher strength steel was used in the lower elevations of the structure. Except for some selected floors, for which normal strength concrete was employed, the composite slabs were made of a 21MPa (3ksi) lightweight concrete.

What kind of steel is used in skyscrapers? ›

Carbon Steel

This makes it much stronger and a bit more ideal for heavy construction, and buildings requiring this nature. Carbon Steel is classified broadly in three grades, these being – mild, medium and high carbon steel.

Is the Freedom Tower made of steel? ›

The design of One WTC is very different from that of the twin towers. While they were held up by external steel columns, it has a hybrid concrete-and-steel structure. The key to its strength is a massive, extremely strong concrete core.

What temperature does A36 steel melt? ›

A36 carbon steel has a melting point in the range of 2,590–2,670 °F. It also has a specific heat capacity of 0.11 Btu/lb Fahrenheit and a thermal conductivity of 348 Btu-in/hr-ft2 F.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.